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IsReaL E Summers Dec 2014
Hahah Really!?
Just because we err  doesn't mean we dumb.
Or that we don't hear
It just means we fail
And lie.
Still victorious conquerors, more or less.
Some heir to dress.
You big G
Talk a walk with me
Follow or staulk it thats up your tree
But error is that flawfasee?
known one as religiously
Scaled eyes your puck stuckin suckin cant
see and im iceman ****
your deviliceofsee ....devise of demons indructreent but still I don't fluctypueight or punctuate till I say best the rest is your jokers test
Freewill defines who a joke and whos left right?
Im sorry. But judges get, not so nice. Cause
Old is light tenned frend bend matters it does to you jedi and saint tho too gamer and player show view. I switch from me and then back to you. But what order is up  2 you.

Good game yo ^-^ hope I showed love more than judgement...
I just dislike over implications. ... take a second and learn about me before you pretend to know the mo bhind my intentions. I have a relationship.not a religon.

— The End —