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JV Beaupre Feb 2021
In the beginning there was procrastination,
and I can't wait to start putting that off.

To begin or not to begin that divides us all.

Deferring action never increases entropy,
and lengthens the life of the universe.

Completion happens once, but delay has no limit.

I'm not dithering, just exploring all the options.

This "beginning" poem has just been hijacked by hesitation,
and dragged down the rat hole of reluctance.

Oh well, there is always tomorrow.
One can always say, my muse took a snooze.
K Balachandran Apr 2014
Educated cat,
debonair toe to tip,
mustache and whiskers
trimmed to suit
the current style,
demands in a fine
clipped accent,
to the chief
of the rat hole
to surrender
peacefully, his army
cache of weapons
secret Swiss bank
account details,
gold and diamonds
stashed away in
vaults underground,
and the database on
high net worth
within 24 hours,

without much ado
to avoid bloodshed.

— The End —