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Snizzlefish Jan 2016
People are like houses sometimes-dwellings.
You never find them completed.
Some are foreclosed; deprived & discouraged,.
Some are declared condemned; no hope of becoming anything remotely beautiful or something anyone would want.
Halfway finished, they come only with a foundation & you're left with a choice.
Are you gonna build them up?
Or tear them down?
I wrote this a long time ago (obviously) but I think it helps to go back to older projects, to see if you still have the same views, if you're still the same person or if you've changed. And I'm glad to say I still am These last couple weeks I've been working with patients for my clinical rotation. These old war vets are so broken (physically & mentally). They've seen things I can't imagine. They say all the wrong things and they don't listen sometimes. It's much easier to see people as their imposed circumstances. I vote we stop doing this and remember they are people. Other struggling souls. And sometimes, if you look hard enough, and listen quietly, they'll give you a glimpse of their true selves. And we have opportunities every day to enrich the people's lives around us. The world needs more compassion and a little less judgement. Is it really so hard to be compassionate to others around us who are fighting battles we cannot see?
NeroameeAlucard Sep 2015
The sounds of sadness
The cacophony of a disorganized mind.
The pulsing heartbeat of the anxious
These are the echoes of the mind

The tears of depression
Bouncing against hard unforgiving concrete
The silently searing scars on the subconscious
A pain that cannot be beat.

These sounds echo all around us
Yet it seems we turn an unlistening ear
Just because you cannot see the scars
Doesn't mean somebody isn't fighting a battle my dear

— The End —