The cannibal in me has finally been released,
no one is bound to be left relieved.
I feed on humans souls rather than on their flesh,
Its not easy though since it creates a lot of mess.
How you may ask?
Its because my job is to dig and eat what lies behind ones mask.
Still confused?
I am too, sometimes your confusion is my only muse
Don't try too hard to hide away from me,
I can sense your fear almost instantly.
Although you should know one thing,
I only feed on those who feel they're suffocating
Those with no love to bring,
those who just cut of the strings
those with a different behavior
they come to me sometimes thinking i'm their savior.
I pity them to the point they disgust me now
but for them to hide their fear of me i won't allow
so i got used to the habit of threatening
but their ways of leaving me to history seems unending.
This shall continue ...