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Lexi Nov 2017
You will never be good enough
Everything you do or try will never lead to anything
but failure and disappointment.
Go ahead give it your best shot
Then slowly watch
fall apart crumbling from your hands
pouring out onto the ground.
Your heart aching.
With no cure.
With no love.
Your lost.
Pauline Morris Jun 2016
We are the broken
We just want you to see through our eyes
What can happen when angry harsh words are spoken
We just wish to show the reason for our mournful cry

We want you to know that every single solitary day
We live a life full of grief and remorse
There is no healing words, nothing to say
Just watch as our life's have been shoved off course

There isn't a day we are not broken
Like the physically handicapped we must endure
On all that's been done to us we are  left choking
We have searched everywhere there is no cure

On this earth we will remain broken, there is no doubt
In public we suffer silently, in our holes we cry and we wail
Only sweet wonderful death offers a way out
We are as fragile as that shattered egg shell
Jared Steele Mar 2015
Depression is like a stage crew
It's there but no one else likes to recognize it
"It'll pass", they assure
But it doesn't
It has no cure

No pills can silence the voices in my head
No one's words can make me feel better
No therapy can assure me it will be okay

So I sit and have a one-way chat
With the demons that lie within
And curse the ones who started this whole charade
But I must realize that they'll never win
The only one who knows how to deal with your depression is yourself. Learn to overcome the negative with the positive, and NEVER let the demons win...

— The End —