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The whale is a fish and a mammal in one
As white has all colors and also has none
               The grandest of creatures
               With paradox features
Unknown and untouched by the light of the sun
Shaking my head as I shuffle through Nod
     And wander through darkness on scabrous old feet
     Where the fruits are forbidden, and might I add strictly
     But the knowledge is ever so sweet

     I’m Under the Influence of sir Malcolm L
     And M. L. von Franz has me under her spell
     Seeking the change that I wish I could be
     While my dear inner Ahab I struggle to quell

     To search by escaping through tropics and trenches
     Determined to make every ocean my home
     My singular purpose: the potion that quenches
     Still I drink that I could theme alone

     In this watering hole will I bury my hatchets
     A sickness that’s cured is an ailment forgotten
     So choke every sorrow and drown your regrets
     A soul that remembers is cursed to go rotten

     With penalties and interest forever compounded
     I’m astounded to watch how my recollection grows
     The proverbial wisdom that’s also called madness
     Is purchased on credit and paid for with woes

     Drifting asea to steer clear of collectors
     Engulfed instead by tempests my own
     Echoing voices demanding comeuppance
     From the depth comes a cry that disturbs every bone

     These howling reminders are issued below
     From under the surface by more than a beast
     My pirates on deck keep me bound to the mast
     Always in earshot and never released

     Mostly a head but with hardly a face
     My nemesis, massive, can scarcely be seen
     Not to be measured through time or in space
     From his cousins’ cadavers our data we glean

     Less than a man, I stomp on my stump
     And promise to silence the primitive brute
     Guided by starlight, unable to sleep
     Harpoon at the ready and eager to shoot

     **** the torpedoes and to hell with the crew
     Set sail at once for the wide open blue
     Don’t be seduced by this monster in white
     His message is wicked, no less than it’s true

     He feeds on your anger, you’re never too old
     To listen instead of exerting your tongue
     Or shaking the hinges of Davy Jones’ locker
     On the floor of the ocean where Melville met Jung
I S A A C Oct 2021
to be frank, I never cared for fall
not enamoured by the warm-hued leaves riding the winds as they fall
to the ground where they crunch
too cold for my old mimosa littered brunch
the rain also won’t stop
who could claim this season and for what reason?
I miss the sunlight and the warm embrace of the wind
I miss the stressless summer bliss
instead, here I am racking my head, studying for exams
hoping I can just get back again
to kayaking in the blue, wearing my swim trunks like a tattoo
instead, here I am racking my head, swimming in the deep end
will I drown who knows, thank god I love to idle and float
or else I would be meeting Moby **** when the depression hits
Johnny Mar 2021
The sea sounds as I try to think
Anger and vengeance
turn my blood into ink
One day we'll come face to face
This letter is for the ultimate debt-collector
Please, deliver
to the white disgrace

Behind the horizon
Nature's clock sets
Waking up sleep

Behind the waves, you better hide
I'll let the anchor of work
Drag me to the deep

Granting you another night.
Captain Ahab's determination is something I can admire.
Abi Apr 2020
The walls adorned with ashy white and blue
A wet lick would bring the icy fronts to my tongue.
Like a seachant a sailor sang
As the ships lay to waste in the clutches of the grainy lands,
The aquatic waters dancing on by the visitor
Here to stay but a bit or forever.
The corridors of the throat as dry as a canyon,
Lost and beaming under a blasphemous sun.
The separation of the naturals
One to have the other and the other to not
Woe - Doom I say.
The whaling whalers whale swept ashore
The blubber of greed choking the lantern,
Waves dousing the fire in a firefly.
The featherless birds over head sing their Ode,
Elergy unbrandished before Salt and Colt.
Whaling of those years
Je m'échoue
Au tréfonds de tes entrailles
Je plonge
Je remonte à la surface
Je respire
Je plonge
Je remonte à la surface
Je respire
Je plonge
Je remonte à la surface
Je respire
Je suis Moby ****
The Whale, dit Migaloo dit Galon de Leche
La baleine à bosse albinos, ton ombre dans les ténèbres
Et chaque fois que tu vois léviter
Dans l'air ma queue de cétacé
Tu jettes au large ta pudeur
Tu largues tes amarres :
Tu te confesses, nue et sincère,
Tu m'avoues tes faiblesses,
Tes rêves et tes envies
Et tu pars en une jouissance infinie
Pendant que je te bénis de ma semence
Et que je t'offre l'entière rémission des péchés,
La gloire et la vie éternelle.
Je suis Moby ****,
Je suis Migaloo,
Je suis Galon de Leche,

Je suis ta Sainte Trinité
Ton triple humpback whale,
Ton ombre trois fois portée .
Écoute mon chant, c'est le fruit de tes entrailles :
Il se nomme Désir
C'est un chant qui absout, qui assouvit
Qui transforme les vagues de ma bosse
En élixir d'immortalité.
Il vogue sans radar et sans boussole
Vers les isthmes immergés et les détroits éternels
De ton Atlantide intime
Dernière frontière où gît ton Triangle des Bermudes

Ecoute le chant divin de ta baleine à bosse,
Ton cétacé, ton albinos
Et joins ta voix à sa voix et fonds-toi
En valses et galipettes
Dans la toison obscure et attirante
De l'ombre de son ombre.

— The End —