Sometimes I feel like an upturned umbrella,
Serving no purpose in the heavy rains .
Filling up with water,
Like emotions I can't let go of.
I feel bad for myself,
As I see the other umbrellas being embraced.
Why do I lie on the ground,
My insides drenched with pain?
Do I have holes
That I am thrown away?
And then someone picked me up
And I felt an immense joy.
My insides were dried and my holes fixed
And someone held me up again.
That moment realization,
Like lightning struck.
I just needed someone to see the good in me
I needed someone, to be me.
And spreading colours another
Umbrella popped into place.
Saving my saviour,
with my grace.
Finally being what I was meant to be,
As I looked up at the sky.
And the thanked the bright lightning,
For giving meaning to an umbrella's life.