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Kiran NivedhS Jun 2015
Dear mother,
You held the breathe and brought me to earth
On this day before twice the ten years without dearth

Today with all my love,
I stand before you
   With rolling tears of gratitude rife
   With the fragrance of unforgotten times spent with you
   Remain as sweet center of my life

I pray, you live long
And long me bless

Kiran Nivedh
natal's day letter
Aditi May 2014
She gives you all of her,
asks for naught,
the only relationship
that requires no words,
this one's for you, mum

putting all our want before your needs,
shielding me from any and every bad thing
Ma'lady if only my mouth worked as fast as my pen,
I'd Tell you how grateful i am

her eyes so proud, yet so secretive.
no one is allowed to see the tears they cry
they look forlorn and so weary
from all the impossible fights
you fought and lost.

tragedies follow you
everywhere you go
but nothing could shake
your faith in Him
every day you wake and bow
Thanking him for.. Idk what :p

bouquet of flowers spring where her feet touches the ground,
she embraces sadness just the way she embraces good news
she is my mom, my love
my cloudless sky when rest of world is raining allegations and hurt.
somehow you bring light to me on a sunless day
Or, send a firefly to guide me on a starless night

*Every time i think of writing about beauty, i think of you.
Should i give this to my mum? i know i'm late but happy mother's day :') :*

— The End —