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FreyaXO Feb 2019
Walk with confidence.
Keep your head held high.
The hate in your heart
Is all based on a lie.

You’re not like them, my love.
One day you will see.
The pain in your past is a gift.
It will set you free.

Use it to speak your truth unapologetically.
To those who manipulate you.
Use your intuition.
You know what to do.

Teach them how to treat you.
Don’t take their crap.
They will learn the hard way.
When they poke the beast
They are sure to snap the trap.

Bite them with your words.
Bring them to their knees.
Make them beg for forgiveness.
Do it for yourself.
And walk away with ease.

Leave them speechless,
Their jaws on the floor.
Spit the truth like daggers.
Cut them to the core.

Watch them stare in disbelief,
As your inner goddess shines through.
This is your awakening.
You are born anew.

Leave them in your dust.
No apologies, no regrets.
Start living for you.
And see how good your life gets.

No one can tell who you are.
But one thing is for sure.
You are a beautiful goddess.
A warrior to the core.

You have overcome so much;
More than you know.
Those who once doubted you are your haters now.
Shake that ***** as you go.

They love to hate you.
Hate to love.
Let them talk mess.
Spread your wings and rise above.

Achieve your goals and dreams.
Let nothing hold you back.
Where you once were a follower,
You are now the leader of the pack.

The world is yours,
The moon and stars too.
When you can’t see the light,
Remember, I believe in you.

— The End —