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Miriam Jul 2021
All I thought I knew before
Comes crashing down to the floor
Everything about you that kept me awake Doesn’t even matter now I know your fake
All the feelings I felt for you
Have melted away if only you knew
Was it all for nothing you kept on bluffing
left me with questions and distrust
Oh you Shut me out without a doubt
Now I just want to scream and shout
Left me numb and you played dumb
But I ain’t dumb I know who u really are
Think you can carry on leaving scars
When will it all come to an end
How many more people will have to mend
You think it’s all harmless fun baby
Well don’t think you can ever harm me
But you play a dangerous sick game
And how many will take the blame
For something that only you did
Called you out but then you hid
What a coward that covered
Up everything in lies  
Another of your efforts dies
So don’t you ever think you can come back
Whoever you pretend to be I ain’t talking.fact
You make me sick and I’m sick of feeling this
So glad I walked away when you wanted me to stay
Just know we know the secrets you kept
So be careful where you once stepped
we ain’t gonna stop fighting for justice yet
Don’t think you deserve this song for you
But people deserve to know what you do
Sometimes in life we meet toxic people and let them trick us with lies but you have got to push through and once you are out the other side you now have a story to tell to help others so they don’t have to go through the same
Miriam Jul 2021
Cause sometimes in life
You gain it all when get one chance
Then lose it all on a fake romance
Go through all of the pain
Only to learn all loves the same
Sometimes we waste our life chasing after a fake romance or someone we don’t deserve and lose sight on what we really want so remember you deserve better you deserve to build a life for yourself not for others
Sonia Ettyang Sep 2018
His talk so smooth
His swag so fine
His smile so charming
Something about the way he moves
With one look, he gets all the girls hooked
You'll fall under his spell
But his in love with himself
He believes his magic mike
With a magic stick, and his wish is your command
To him your just a one time thing
He gets his thrills from his casual dates
Tomorrow he'll be out and about
Looking to lure his next victim
So stay away from his serial seductions
This one is a killer
This one is a genie
©Sonia Ettyang

— The End —