My name is ___ and I'm _ years old. My favourite subject is ___ and I like to ____ in my spare time. I believe in __ and from time to time I also go ___.
My family is pretty cool, I've got siblings and I really enjoy my time with my family. My father however is currently ___ and my mom is trying to cope with that.
My school is very ___, but I enjoy being there anyway. My friends are very ___ and I enjoy my time at school, it's a nice time to enjoy my own existence in a building.
But you don't want to live my life. It's too ____. Underneath this skin lies the ___ I try to hide. I'm constantly ___ and ___.
Why am I just so ___ with this?!
You don't know how much I go through. You barely know me. There is always information lost in translation. You shouldn't feel bad that you don't know me. How could you? You're missing something. I can tell you what it is.
You-- are missing ____.
There are too many things that we didn't say until it really was too late.