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brandon nagley Jan 2016

Cometh hither darling, passeth through the enlightened pergola, seeith how ourn moniker's, art carved into the archway thither ourn bower; A chivalrous Noble tower.


No worrying mine dear, a buckler shalt be close to mine grab, for the attacker's shalt tryeth to invade, steal, and get all in a duetimes hand; though the circlet I shalt place upon thine top, shalt giveth thee shielding, from the Creation's that mock.


Artista, mine chosen of coëval; chalcedony balconies shalt giveth us visibility, up close we shalt toast, in thine calligraphist theory, in intimacy we'll float.


The eaves of ourn citadel, shalt be engineered by thine geniusness, none better to build ourn protection, as thou art a stalwart of the age, a queen aloft all name's, an angel upon a seraph's stage, as I wilt espy thee from the window inside thine midst.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( Filipino rose)
Pergola means- an archway in a garden or park consisting of a framework covered with trained climbing or trailing plants.
Moniker means - our name. Or names .
Thither means - to or toward that place. Or towards a place.
Bower usually means- a woman's bedroom. Or could mean our bedroom.
A buckler is a small handheld shield.
Circlet is- thin band of precious metal, worn on the head.
Eaves means - the fringe of a forest (from the resemblance of the overhanging forest canopy to the eaves of a house); also used figuratively for the edges of a mountain range.
Citadel means- noun: citadel; plural noun: citadels
a fortress, typically on high ground, protecting or dominating a city.
Stalwart means- someone who is reliable, loyal and hard working.
Espy means- catch sight of.
coëval means- having the same age or date of origin;

— The End —