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Jenny Gordon Feb 2019
Ha.  I've too much stacked up on all accounts for your feeble dispute, if any, to be heard.


He led me on a wild goose chase, to thence
Look was't half sheepish, 'fessing in betrayl
Twas all a ruse.  No kisses either, pale
Night bitter, though alive and listning hence
Mair keenly than I cared t'acknowledge, sense
Upon its honour as a watchman they'll
Arraign for sleeping on his post, t'avail
I had a ball despite was't ill intents?
What DOES "I love you" signify as twere?
Folk never knew what was afoot 'til to
Effect twas:  over.  He's most chummy fer
Good show now my heart's lost.  The weeks we two
Spent in a whirlwind romance are gone, poor
As his late overtures who can not woo.

Dontcha jist LOVE the stinking reality of that title?!
Jenny Gordon Feb 2019
[Thank You, O LORD, for Thy great mercies.]


Say we girls walked three miles from parking, whence
The brisk temps gave us rosy cheeks t'avail,
My former beau is quite the **** in pale
Excuse, but that's how some men are fr'intents,
Nor am I sorry we are histry, thence
Too happy with a Friday night's detail,
From jazz to poets struttin' stuff to scale:
Just dandy, with the note of gay pretense.
No modern slang, however.  Sought in tour
By some dude for mair shows on her debut,
O how my friend and I had quite as twere
A ball tonight!  More in the wings now too,
What could top that fine news?! No coffee, poor
As saying, cept weak joe, but e'en that will do.

L's 3-4: when one lady is short of breath for walking, what's with being the **** and not offering to get her car for her?????  No, instead just be all cozy with her friend and then bewildered when the same friend won't kiss you. O, there's MORE to my assessment than just that incident; let that suffice, however.
Jenny Gordon Feb 2019
"...behind him--" is't? No.  "..AFTER him." (Ecc 7:14b)


Whenas magnolia petals fluttered, dense
In satin white 'non blushing pink, th'exhale
Of April breezes whispring through, I'd hail
The soft chartreuse of Maple leaves for sense,
To notice that romance for all intents
With half an eye while sipping coffee's tale.
And now the naked branches don't avail
Our souls of colour, coffee's black, and whence?
I listen to the Scriptures, wondring fer
All that oer how those empty boughs I knew
Once clothed in bridal trappings are left poor
Without a trace.  Months pass, the seasons too.
Nor is the coffee strong.  It's fine black.  We're
Stripped down to almost nothing is't? skies blue.

*NOTE:  and this is the final sonnet I read aloud for the live poetry reading at the 2019 Elgin Literary Festival, the night of January 25th.
Jenny Gordon Feb 2019
Notice my play on words?!


Roll Soren Kierkegaard (nor dare exhale
As if the mention culls a sheer suspense)
Across your tongue, and spell "philospher" thence
Out slowly, to learn we were taught lies they'll
Assure us was for good, to countervail
His wisdom, whiles you're piqued for aught intents
Upon that note:  "they" would acknowledge, sense
Demanded it?  But hide what might avail.
I know "they" swore that Shelley was in poor
Scuse mad.  And now find Kierkegaard was too?!
Yet Bysshe had keener sense than all as twere,
Which I learn Soren did as well?  and who
"They" classed as what, eh, for all that?!  Go stir
The burning coals, for ashes whisper 'new.

P.S. I read this aloud January 25th at the 2019 Elgin Literary Festival.

— The End —