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SøułSurvivør Mar 2015
ThePoet's challenge**
easy lose/hard gain

A part of your heart surely dies
When a loved one tells a lie
Trust is easily debased
And is not easily replaced!
Another one I considered...
... one's FIGURE!
Simpleton Jan 2015
Little by little
She earns and watches it crumble away
Quicker than she could blink
Faster than she could save
To laugh and cry at the same time
Desperation and relief all rolled into one
All is well until the next utility bill comes along
And so mundane hours begin once again
Double shift
Still never enough
Hand to mouth
That's all she's ever known
A little bump and she falls off the treadmill
Challenge by ThePoet.
Jeffrey Pua Jan 2015
It only presents her self, as a soul,
Peering through your window,
Sharing sympathies with the wind.
But your so busy in dreaming,
Reliving forgettable mirages,
Illusions into fruition.

How many meteors or stars,
Have passed you by?

How many hearts?

How many Why-s do you
Have to burn?

And so your prayers worked,
But your faith didn't.*

© 2015 J.S.P.
Challenge Accepted. It was hard. Really. This is all I came up with.
Chuck Jan 2015
It was innate
My ability to resonate
Thoughts upon my birth

When I was a child
My mind ran wild
Over Heaven and Earth

As a teen
You best mind, I was mean
Not much, my thoughts were worth

As a married man
My mind did span
Until my first child's birth

Then it started to slip
My mind did rip
And began to spill upon the Earth

Now that I'm old
Thoughts I can't hold
What are memories worth

Where are my car keys?
I accepted the poetry challenge from ThePoet. It is something that's easy to lose but hard to gain.

— The End —