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Phoolmatee Dubay Jul 2015
She stands tall even in difficult times
A? champion to us
A champion to all who know off her
A lady, a woman, and a friend to me
One person I've come to know
One person I've come to care for

She stands by you in difficult moments
As well as in difficult times
A winner at all times
Never a quitter
for a woman's day flowering bouquets
are selled and bought frequently

for a woman's day many innocent flowers
are picked up to cherish a genuine smile on your beloved's lips curving

as she wraps her gentle arms around your shoulders
kissing you - you - attentionate - gentle man

how she loves you !
how you - her man - are deserving all her womanly love

to see a celebration of joy upon her lovely figure curving -
to see your woman exuberantly happy jumping

in the dinning room
eternally humbled and in love with you
for a woman's day flowering bouquets
are selled and bought frequently

(   yet not very often since this ******* economical crisis emerged globally as a thunderous virus
so: dear man, husband, lover etc - if you bought:
- especcially expensive bouquet and she was relly ******* ... be informed she just wanted that fabulous new purse and that particular blouse instead - you *****, why don't you ever listen to her?

and if you didn't bought the flowers: you could at least bring her one rose and gave her the flower with a tear in your eyes ... endlessly enchanted
by her feminine grace and/or with a deep passion!
wild flowers are beautiful as a gift. . . aren't they!?!

- Her friends all got beautiful flowers - didn't you know that!?!  )

for a woman's day many innocent flowers
are picked up to cherish a genuine smile on your beloved's lips curving

(  but you did't thought - I know - You just forgot! - that she picks up only herbs and flowers for bio organic healing teas and brews;
why did you had to bring her flowers ... doomed to sadly die decaying in a vase - do you want to tell her she is . . . decaying!?!
There are flower pots who last longer as love does! didn't you know that!?!
You poor, miserable man - how can you not be ashamed - killing the innocent flowers!?!  )  

as she wraps her gentle arms around your shoulders
kissing you, you - attentionate - gentle man

(  her sulking in a corner;
her ... days and days not forgiving !
telling all her friends what a creep you are ... she should break up - doesn't she?  )

how she loves you
how you - her man - are deserving all her womanly love

(  and if your charming woman was pleased with flowers or without them, you looked suspicious and insencere, cause you said with a strange uncommon stiffness and discomfort the most spontaneous of three words -'I love You' - or did you said that to the other *****
more genuinely ... is there someone else!?! )  

to see a celebration of joy upon her whole figure curving
to see your woman exuberantly happy jumping

in the dinning room
eternally humbled in love with you*

— The End —