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 Mar 2017 Swasti Jain
 Mar 2017 Swasti Jain
I can be free again.

The clock is teasing,
Life's like freezing

All the things you used to say
Now the price I need to pay

My feelings, tonight, are shivering
The coldness of your heart is blistering

You may not even realize
And I've already paid the price

But No, I cry not of confusion
For I know, Your love's a delusion

With my intuition now I agree
Drain out all the love, set my heart free !!
pyjamas from the line, rain rinsed. complimented. not mine really.

left by his estate, three quarters of an acre, where the washing dries.

on a good day or tumbled in bad weather. often it is milder here when

it rains. you can smell that too. most things have a scent, not always

nice. though.

particularly like early grey and burned toast, although there are now

warnings on the latter.                                                             with butter.

ashes of roses.

Simple things
to say bonding
two people.
two beings
two letters
H and I
to their eyes
©August 7th, 2014 by Timothy Brown.
Names are funny.

Have you ever wondered what your name would be if your parents didn't name you?

I'm one of the lucky few
that know.

If my parents didn't name me,
my name would be

You see, apparently,
when two people love each other,
Mommy cheats on Donny
with daddy and all three
demonize the baby.

abortion isn't an option.
Poor Donny believes
his little Johnson
made a tiny Willie
but really
it's Mike's Rick.
The trick wasn't revealed
Donny signed the birth certificate.

Obviously, Karen's husband abandoned their family.
Mike ripped his love from her and gave it to Dominique.

decides a shelter isn't suitable for a nameless infant.

At this point, it's a little too late for abortion.
Nowhere to go,
knowing she can't stay,
Adoption became the practical option.

The noxious auction caused a nauseous reaction to her conscious. Karen picked the option, least pompus, with the most promise. An intuitively honest Christian was brought to her room so she could sign the synopsis.

As she's reviewing the terms of this blood oath, she glances at both of the parents cradling her second baby boy. They turn and ask

"What is his name?"

"I don't know. I thought he was going to be a she so I had the name Sade."

"That's ok, we have a perfect name in mind. Timothy."
She never signed the adoption papers but she kept the name.
©February 26, 2017 by Timothy Brown.
 Mar 2017 Swasti Jain
A little twinkle of light
so deep now in her eyes
In her own little world
just staring toward the sky

Not knowing you are there
or worrying because you left
Slipping in and out of slumber
a tiny whisp, on a padded bed

Holding out her hand
towards a spirit from the past
Although I cannot see it
she confirms it within her laugh

Someone is there to watch her
offering comfort and love
People she has known
that left this world so long ago

They lift her towards heaven
for some respite from this place
Not taking her for too long
always keeping her safe

When He decides it is time
she'll go to the place she's already seen
leaving behind the tiny whisp of her
and I'll know she's been set free
My mum passed away on Tuesday 28 February 2017 finally letting go after being bedridden for 18 months with Dementia.  It was very quick and peaceful.
Some call it bi-polar
I prefer manic-depression
It fits us better with adequate expression
We live our life in swooping loops
We strive at our peak then it droops
And the doleful drudge is destitute
Until all progress stops and stoops
To a halt, face down in mud and roots

And then we rise
Called back to life by a guiding light held deep inside
Sorely self-aware, we work until we burst
Droll desperation, at our best when at our worst
"Wow you got your **** together you lost and soulless ruffian."
Then we hit our peak and it all starts back up again
Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I’ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.
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