building in the distance toppling over one another growing and stretching rolling and tumbling washing away and towards crash burying me tossing me around like a fly in the wind reaching and flailing with all my might sinking.
You were broken and I tried to fix you and for a while there, I honestly thought I had. But here we are and now I’m the broken one and maybe it’s time to let it pass me by. But baby, we swing so good together and baby, your kisses are so addictive.
I've read all my readings and I'm watching an episode of Skins and I'm trying to settle the copious amounts of vino I've consumed over the last 5 hours while I lie in bed waiting for you to reply with an answer of whether I should leave my bed to meet you so that I can be in your bed or if I should just keep lying here watching this episode of Skins and consume a little bit more vino before I fall nervously into a lonely slumber