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May 2015 · 594
I am Still Going
Sue K Connally May 2015
Ha! Here I am

Reflecting upon my efforts to contend
Mending broken pieces
in my very own fence

Finding myself
with hope
even after all of those bends

I am still Going
Where(?) I shall discover all in due time

Now, realizing
this is Prime

I mustn't race

I am still surely Going
Mar 2014 · 386
Where I Lived
Sue K Connally Mar 2014
Where I lived was a dead end street

At the end there was a stream

It ran quietly into the River of Hudson

There were floods that would bring the river to my door step

Mud and litter  would float and settle

In the winter we would climb across the stream

We would climb the cliffs looking over the river

Drinking and smoking, trespassing on land that wasn't ours

but it was

it is still mine
Mar 2014 · 754
Your Disapproval Isn't
Sue K Connally Mar 2014
You can shake me

Knock me around

Make your sour faces at me

Throw your hatred and your doubt at me

But I won't budge

I won't stop what I'm doing to acknowledge

your disapproval

isn't mine
Mar 2014 · 393
Sleep when I'm Dead
Sue K Connally Mar 2014
What can I do to change this?
I'm going to bed.. to peaceful dreaming
Not needing answers
Receiving funny puzzles of people and scenario

I wake up to a blaring stereo

An Alarm

Increasingly louder

Oh! It was only a dream that I found all of my missing pieces
and was
forever ..


Okay,..I'm going to bed

I'm waking up

I'm going back to bed

I'm staying up this time!!

Why can't I wake up with all of these puzzles solved

Is this a never ending cycle.. do we even get to rest when we're dead?
Do we just circle the afterlife looking for more answers...

I'm staying up.. I'll sleep when I'm dead
Mar 2014 · 1.2k
Manipulation at Recess
Sue K Connally Mar 2014
What I tell you is a lie
I tell you things to get a rise
When I see the way you sway
I smile and just walk away

I start a fight to watch you boil
you steam and flinch and shake with toil

I don't know what else I could possibly do
that'd be as fun as
picking on you
Mar 2014 · 596
Double Sided Mirror
Sue K Connally Mar 2014
She gazed, staring into her own pupils..
fixing her brows

smoothing those lines beside her widening closed grin
Fixating heavily on skin disregarding what lie beneath  

A facade of certainty in worth or power

False knowledge of what the importance weighed

A mirror showing to her an image
Familiarity in shapes & shades
A contentment enrobed her shoulders
As she twitched and straightened her posture

The women glared

..The men looked on
Watching her pull hair behind one ear and then free it again

Discomforted Ticks unraveling

A soft glimmer in her eye pinning back all tell
This is what I see, and this is what I'll show..

In a moment she perceived to be alone
She was safe with her own reflection
In her own head space but still seen

Onlookers peering, counting the moments of doubt

Clocking the paces and plotting the course in directions

A two sided mirror ..with many reflections
Feb 2014 · 392
Sing Me Back
Sue K Connally Feb 2014
I want to be alone in that song
You carry my heart back home
A small piece of eternal happiness
that keeps pace with that beat
Fleeting memories of a time when all was well
Nothing ached, or echoed
every breeze bringing a smile to my heart and a kick to my step
I danced freely with lightness, twirling
my hips like a tornado of heavy cream stirred into your coffee
sing me back with your sweet sweet lips
Feb 2014 · 527
Forcing this Image
Sue K Connally Feb 2014
Is it just me or does everything feel a little forced lately

.. as if the person writing it is thinking..
What will this post say about me?
What will this perspective say...?

How will people think of me after this sentence..
this post..
this update..
this picture..

Will I seem cooler to them..

How do I project the image I would like reflected back onto me
This reflection only I am seeing

To brand myself before I am Branded
Feb 2014 · 345
Art is Calling
Sue K Connally Feb 2014
It is very very late

I am awake

Wanting .. only

-To Create

.. My wrists hurt from typing and pushing, scrolling and tapping

When it’s not drawing it’s painting.. If not that I am working digitally, my hands, wrists and fingers ache and burn and still.. I never want to stop

I had no idea that what began as a life of crayons and markers would escalate into an obsession with all medium(s)

Wanting to turn on every light and collect every tool of creation I have in possession .. To explore every avenue of accumulated knowledge and expression

It’s a craving for sure..

But not tonight.
Feb 2014 · 420
The Inner Net
Sue K Connally Feb 2014
Who do I speak to when I throw my words out into the abyss
This public wall of "communication"

Often leaving me waiting in contemplation of self
Of worth and impact

**Alone in this web of inner nets
Feb 2014 · 275
My Page
Sue K Connally Feb 2014
What could get me
more likes
more love
more faves

what can I do for more attention and Views today..?
I know..

Watch me create
look at this
I made this overnight

Look at this funny post
I found it.. I poured over the images and stories to find this
to return it to
My Page

watch me real-time pour my soul out on your screen
I will complain and throw verbal tantrums of

crying out
for love
for views
for likes
or just sympathy

Look at all of these images of me and all of the people
in my
see there, ..
that's when I was happiest
Isn't that amazingly great?..
like it

Support my life
with your attention
Confirm to me
you see
You see the persona I am sculpting through my Feed

I am the Best

I am just beautiful

I am so inspiring and desirable
to study
and to affirm

And when we meet in person
you will know
that I know
That you like the image I have projected
and I

We will sit together side by side
with phones and

crafting our online identities
-possibly going to rework this or continue a series from this topic
Feb 2014 · 439
Sue K Connally Feb 2014
I* fall so hard

I see it instantly
the light switched on

My heart races as my mind runs to catch up
And when it does

I am alive
Every atom of me charged and jolting with excess

It is muse

and cannot be kept
like a lightning bug
not jarred or enslaved

It flies from keeper to keep

in it's truest Sense

The best part of all(?)

When we possess it
We can Create more

so.. Please *share
Feb 2014 · 1.6k
The Math of Reflection
Sue K Connally Feb 2014
Here I am thinking

What have I become?

Is this me, Was it me before?

I'm exhausted by the constant adding up

-multiplying the times I have had to reassess

Where am I in this maze..

I feel the certainty chip away as the people I love wilt and disappear

The knowledge I once held close I lay down next to their once comforting words

Nothing is definite
Fact is a state of Illusion
Am I alright with this?

I once declared..  "I thrive on chaos"
I now search for comfort within it, and hold on tight to my own prospects

Is this really who I have become?
What do I fear? .. Measurement(?)

Those who are adding up their own multiples(?)

As I look myself over in the mirror
judging.. assessing the weight of each insult

Who cares?
Do I? How can I find contentment in all of these flaws
My lack of effort
My lack of effort to conform to ideals .. is this part of me, a rebellion of sort

Will it pay off in the long run or will I fall flat on my face in the abyss of conformity

I am lucky I am loved. I think

oh so lucky .. luck is temporary, it's all temporary
that's the good part(!) We don't have to dwell but(!) might we have to Answer

To Pay.. for all decisions and outcomes.
Is this why(?)

..I know I am not the only one thinking..
Jan 2014 · 735
Internet Hermet
Sue K Connally Jan 2014
Cold Feet
Brain chasing sounds from the neighbors Loud tunes
Sun stretching into a sprawled out body laying over covers
Typing, searching for connections online
Through the Wires of the spine

Keeping pace with time
Should I look up the bus schedule or just race out to meet it
when it arrives(?)

Gathering possessions in my mind
Mental Lists
Drawing Board
Sketch Book
Drawing Utensils
Charcoal.. maybe

Leave at 4pm
(Upstairs neighbor Dog races back and forth above my head)
-Remember to remember everything my head exclaims
Hands growing colder
Warming on the heat of the keyboard

It should be warmer when I finally greet the heat of the sun
Nearly 3pm and I haven't smelled fresh air once today
Shutting into my apartment
prolonging the time I should leave to greet the bus
Not wanting to leave my computer and it's False
A little disconjointed.. any notes?
Jan 2014 · 481
The Artist Consumes
Sue K Connally Jan 2014
He said he wasn't like Mindless Consumers

..That he Had to Create to feel Whole
I laughed, smirking..

What do you think you're doing All the Time..(?)
All of those moments of your day when you're visiting your own face
your own Artwork online...

"What do you mean?"

You're consuming yourself.

Your Ego
it's a form of consumption, don't you think(?)
He didn't quite buy it.
Jan 2014 · 418
What is of What must Be
Sue K Connally Jan 2014
Wanting to believe that goodness will win
I don't
Seeing it ****** from it's core and strangled in the dark

Wanting to believe that love will last
I don't
Seeing it exploited and smeared then ripped and destroyed

Wanting to know that All will be well
I don't
Knowing the outcome could be bleak
It's devastation could be crippling

and still,

I throw myself in

Chaos is where I thrive

where I spread my far cast

Creativity flourishes
Spanning out to make beauty where there is none

Hatred surrounding me
I dream up ways to counter balance

with art
with words
with empathy

a simple smile

to be real
to all without ulterior motivation
Giving freely the heart feltedness
that I so
and so

.. Expect
I don't quite get how to format w/ the italic and bold.. I'm a bit rusty on this site :)
Jan 2014 · 538
Gut Reactions
Sue K Connally Jan 2014
watching glances through my periphery

reading the scene and scheme
A language between bodies

A glance that means a paragraph.

*Wink, wink

Reading intentions and Guts

Fight or Flee Instincts put to work

A line
and intuition.
This is kind of rough, any suggestions would be greatfully appreciated and considered.
Jan 2014 · 460
Into the Heart
Sue K Connally Jan 2014
Do you go to the places I go?
     Deep in the mind
Into the Heart
Throughout the Soul

It is there
There is a River
leading to a Youthful Hope
Where we play without fear
without care
without expectation

A Joyful bliss of only Creation
of enlightenment
of glee
of learning everything true

It is there that you will meet your heart

If you go too often..
you could end up
Young Forever

— The End —