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 Jul 2017 Styles 12
 Jul 2017 Styles 12
Would you trust me?
Dance with me? Dance with me.
Lets dance to music only we can hear
We moved our feet to the tune of a harp so delicate
That it didn’t even feel like dancing
It felt like floating so high up
We could’ve French kissed the heavens
Leaving our bodies behind
Soaking in our surroundings
Soul on soul
And that’s when I fell so hard in love
I was drawn right back into my body.
At that moment I knew
I knew that the hanging gardens of Babylon were hidden in the plums of your cheeks
The lighthouse of Alexandria was dug deep into your iris
That who ever built the temple of Artemisia was inspired by the wonders of your mind.
I was never good at dancing,
You didn’t mind at first
But I stepped on your toes one too many times,
And with every apology I blurted,
I watched the light in your eyes grow brighter
That’s when I knew,
That’s when I knew that all that radiating light wasn’t the lighthouse of Alexandria
It was just reflections off all the exit signs
All the stop signs
Turn back signs
Dead end signs
You’ve always had one foot out the ******* door,
You were a runner and you were always ready
Ready to sprint so far across the country at the slightest scent of commitment
And so you ran and I followed
Until my legs felt like twigs that can no longer support me
Until my heart couldn’t beat any harder
I chased after your trail of dust until there was no trail left to follow
You’ve always had such a light step to you,
I used to love it when we’d dance
I used to love it before it had me chasing ghosts across a dessert so empty that it starts to look like the grains of sand were shards of my heart.

“I water my plants until they drown & this is the only way i know how to love”
 Jun 2017 Styles 12
A good spiritual connection
Through the silence
When the initial lust is gone
And someone who wants
To walk you home
Just to be sure you will be okay
I like stimulation
Through speculation
Of the world around
And a little taste of adventure
Even in going to the shop
In the rain. I want to feel
Like I'm safe with that person
I might be a little intense
But I've come to the conclusion
I'd be turned on by someone
That wants to see my intensity
And I want to feel they appreciate
What turns me on
Enough to make them try figure it out
And think a little more
Than they usually do
 May 2017 Styles 12
 May 2017 Styles 12

    oOOo           oOO      OOo     oOo                         
oOOOOo      OOo     Ooo      OO       oOo         
OoOoO                                               Oo          
ooO            •naked feet tread                
  with nonchalance•unafraid
    of what receding tides might
       bring•hardened heels soften
         to sunlit reverence•children
                   frolick accompanied by
                              unguarded peals
                                 that ring•towa-
                                     rd the ocean
                                      vast we halt
                                     to face•we
                                  look to the
                             horizon and
                         dream of un-
                   seen lands•we
          lift one foot with
   the other in place•
is this all we are...  
just impressions    
in the sand?•      

 May 2017 Styles 12
 May 2017 Styles 12
You* *are in every pulse of her heartbeat and the
*rhythm of the murmurs in between.
 May 2017 Styles 12
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