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The Sequence Killer
Shooklyn NY,USA   
Christos Rigakos
No degrees, no pedigree, no special honors. Greek-German-American part-time scribbler and over-thinker. Co-creator of the largest repository of Villanelle poems on planet Earth:
Thalia Lopez
My Mind    Livin'
The Girl Who Loves You
Within My Heart    Just writing what I think, what I feel and everything inbetween. As Poe said "All that we see or seem, is but a dream within …
TheBrokenHourglass    Depressed. Alone. Poetess. Loves the scent of rain.
Ever thinking is ever being
Reese Mauro
Missouri    lol I'm lame
Lockhart, Tx, Earth    Just a homo sapien hanging out on the third planet from the sun, from Texas, and just a simple cowgirl, nurse, healer, mother, daughter, wife, …
Black Star
England    "Words are our most inexhaustible source of magic."
Ember Evanescent
I live In books + my mind    They say you can tell a lot about a person from their biography So I hope mine proves useful in that regard I was born …
A writer and an artist. A musician as well. In need of a Savior, I was just a shell. I was a heavy drinker. Alcoholic, …
Cayla frazier
alabama    26 yr old country girl who loves to wear camo and drive my jeep. Im an EMT/firefighter and love helping others. I know im not …
Matloob Bokhari
Quirky Comedian, Writer, Poet, Reflector & a Child at heart. I am by virtue the heavenly master of poetry and my gifts come from the …
Md Aleef
someday things may get better, but that day does not exist in this life
Ponnie fidencia
Kampala    Swimmer Great eater Fan girl Great humour Loveable Kind and generous Booh
Ferdinand Sabidor Panerio
38/M/Pob.Maragusan Philippines    "If it can't be penned, then it can't be understand." -F. Panerio ALL POEMS WRITTEN IS MY PERSONAL VIEWS, THOUGHTS, AND IDEAS. WRITTEN TO INSPIRED …
Trader Tim
Michigan    There are no wrong interpretations... This is Country, Northern style...
calgary    I miss you
ig: ohmyink
Amy Waters
I am a #1 Mahomie, Belieber, Directioner, TFIOS, Divergent, Hunger Games, X-Men Fan.
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