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He wants to say I love you
But keeps it to good night
Because love will mean falling
And she's afraid of heights.
Some things are better left unsaid.
you painted the moon on my hips drew constellations with
your eyes on my arms and whispered the word pandemonium in
my ear as asteroids exploded and as orbits formed
i drew the color blue on your fingertips and orange in the
corner of your smile and spelled the word requiem onto your
lips because i knew this wasn't going to last
we lived our love in the sky and memorized the names of
stars that were bound to die and last words we used to live
she spoke the language of the sun and i didn't understand
you spoke the language of wrecked love and made our
masterpiece a work of forbidden art

"Milky Way's "Methuselah" --The Oldest Known Star of Our Galaxy"
and the best i could do
is stare from afar,
gaze at those obsidian eyes
and get lost inside it.

i want to push myself onto you
and spout a few words,
but my rusty tongue will never work
whenever i face a beauty like you

so i'll go back to staring at perfection
a beauty in its purest form
that it burns my very soul
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