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148 · Jul 2019
Karma kiss
Let hate in swallow the poison destory
Life after life.
Cause as much pain as you dare tell lies make people cry.
While happiness is found and you watch as the world passes you by.
You'll be sitting alone unwanted and unloved.
Someday karma will bring you a kiss.
I do believe in karma I believe what you do comes back to you three times worse
#karma #kiss #happiness #cry
148 · Nov 2017
Tear fillers eyes.
Heavy hearted.
Holding on to memorise.
Remembering happy days
Hoping that you found heaven.
I wrote this for my mum who died five years ago today. I saw a rainbow she loved them it inspired this poem
147 · Nov 2017
untold truth
Truth told but never believed.
Underestimated because of lies told.
Unheard words lies still winning.
Couldn't trust anyone.
Now you see the lies.
Now its happening to you.
You see the truth now.
Better seen.
Than never seen at all.
This was inspired by something that happen to me and now everyone sees the truth.
147 · Nov 2017
Autumn tears
Falling leafs and bare tree.
Long nights and tormented dreams.
Frost bitten tears.
The days come and go.
But the pain still hurts.
Death has no sound.
No scent or face.
Saying nothing.
Taking everything.
Death left me Autumn tears
147 · Oct 2018
The woman I use to know
I watched her mind break and her heart shatter.
A woman who always smiled.
Who did everything brought up seven kids alone.
Who beating everyday.
Her smile was always there no matter what.
So warm so kind so gentle.
Her heart was full of love for everyone.
Nothing was ever to much too ask her.
As the years came and gone things changed.
Her body become weak.
Her home become a prison without bars.
Illness took everything from her.
Her only dream was to live by the sea.
A dream she never got.
I wrote this poem about my mum she was so strong and so important in my life she was always happy no matter what happen now I live by the sea living her dream.
146 · Sep 2018
Say it and mean it
Do it so you don't look bad.
Do it so it gets it out the way.
Do it so it keeps everyone happy.
Do it so it shuts everyone up

A smile to hide how forced you feel.
Some were you don't want to be.
Eyes on the door wanting to get away.
Stuck listening to mindless talk.

Counting to ten never does work.
You tell your self its only for awhile.
Everyone talking to you all at once.
Wishing you could have some peace.

Asking yourself why didn't you say no.
How hard is it to just use your mouth.
Feeling the anger build and build.
Sitting in a place worse than hell.

Can't listen to this small talk anymore.
Can't bear anymore news either.
Can't take the pointless conversations
Thats going no where.

Not saying no leaves you worse off.
Not saying no leaves you bored.
Not saying no leaves you stuck in hell.
Not saying no comes with a price to pay.

Say no fast mean it when you say it.
This came from when I found my self having to sit someone I didn't like this was wrote in the moment
146 · Aug 2019
A poetry block
I've been trying for hours to write
But i am not feeling it.
My mind is full of words images and colours but nothing fits together.
I can't turn words into a poem even
My heart is empty.
My inner ink has become dry and
I have no feelings to search.
Nothing in my poetry journal jumps
Out at me.
Maybe my pen and my emotions need
A rest today because i can't write.
Today i am just not feeling it i love to write
Poetry everday if i can but it is just not
Coming today.
#today #poetry #jumps #emotions
145 · Sep 2020
Teach me to forget him
Teach me to forget beauty such as his.
Let not these eyes gaze upon his warm smile
It's no lie nor a secret, the recalls
of his tender torso still feeds my desire.
When he and I meet on the edge of dreams,
We live in moments I won't remember.
If you must sigh and roll your eyes at me.
Show me another love as fair as him.
The thought of life without him tortures me.
Would one kiss be such an illicit deed?
Do you recall butterflies' cheering wings?.
Mock me if you must, by showing me it is
nothing other than unrequited love.
I've seen people waiting for empty hope.
He fires me to dream of him, does this make
me a fool?, or just a woman in love
145 · Jun 2019
A fond memory
I am hopeless in love with a memory
Of how you use to make me
#hopeless #smile #memory
145 · Jun 2019
Time can be a healer and a killer
Either way nothing will
Ever be the same
#time #killer #ever
145 · May 2019
A hug
Do you think I wanted to be
This broken?.
Spend everyday fighting the same
Tried old battle.

Trying to keep myself away from
That dark place in my mind.
Trying to keep the smile on my lips.
Trying to being strong.

I can't sugar Coat my feelings
So you don't need to deal with it.
Come sit in the darkness of my mind with me but I know you won't.

I never wanted attention I just
Wanted you to hug me.
#broken #never #wanted #hug
145 · Nov 2017
Brick by brick he pulled my wall down.
Mending a broken heart.
Breathing life into a lifeless body.
Sitting on the dark side with me when no one else would.
On borrowed time now it has run out.
As the night fades you left.
No good byes.
No kiss before you left.
Leaving only a rose behind.
You left me alone.
Now I am left waiting on you to come back.
144 · Jun 2019
She wears her heart on her sleeve.
Hides behind her smile.
Wondering if she has a place in this world.
She doesn't mind if they underestimate her.
She has heard it all before.
#hear #heart #wondering
144 · Sep 2019
A letter to my heart
Dear heart...
Did you really need to choose him?. Why flood my mind, with thoughts of him.
Dreams of being wrapped in his arms falling asleep, to the sound of his beating heart.
Why did you show me a look that would rekindle a love, that  Should have Staid sleeping.
#why #sleep #rekindle
144 · Aug 2019
Words can twist minds lifes
Get lost and ruined.
And the world becomes more
Darker and twisted.
143 · Jul 2019
Lost in wonder.
I stand by the window and wonder will the anxious thoughts stop?.
Trying to get through the day without using survival mode.
Tierd of fighting with my own mind everyday.
Feeling a depression thats crushs you.
Its easier to say i'm fine when all
You really want is a hand to hold.
Crying in the night so no one sees your tears writing the pain away.
I stand at the window hoping for a better and happier tomorrow.
This just a passing thought and its a poem from my mental health collection i am working on i hope this helps someone
142 · Jul 2019
Here and now.
Yesterday has gone and we
Can't control tomorrow.
Not everything will be in our control
Live in the here and now.
Because whatever happens it
Will happen.
I sometimes I feel that it easy to hold on to what happen yesterday or try to control everything and plan for tomorrow that we forget about the here and now
140 · May 2018
you'll never know
You can...
Send in the clowns and it wouldn't
Make me laugh.

You can...
Show me a beautiful sunset but
It doesn't stop my heart from aching.

You can...
Say it gets better with time when it
Never does get any easier.

You can...
Give me comforting words and the
Pain will still hurt.

You can...
Never understand what its like to be
Broken until your broken your self.
This poem is about how you can never understand how a broken person feels until your broken your self pain and heartache is different for us all.
140 · Sep 2020
The butterfly of freedom
Feeling envious
Of the butterfly who flys
To a freedom I'll never know.
140 · Aug 2019
I am happy its dead
You might have stood by my side but
You never wanted the best for me.
I should have seen the signs.
The more i wrote and shared my work
You grew more jealous.
You took my words and twisted them for your own benefit.
Whenever i pointed out the wrong you did you would turn it back to me.
Trying to use guilt to make me do what you wanted.
You would turn the tears on when
i wouldn't back down.
The i am going to **** my self calls
Started so i changed my number.
Save all the tears.
I am happy this controlling friendship
Is dead.
Sometimes you just need to walk away from nasty people
140 · Nov 2017
The eyes are useless when the mind is blind.
140 · May 2018
time out
No peace no space.
Sleepless nights.
Broken thoughts.
Shattered dreams.
Feeling trapped.
A spinning mind.
Screaming demons.
An exhausted body.
Tired tear filled eyes.
Can't take it anymore.
I just needed time out.
This proms is about that one point that you just peace and space there's always that one person who doesn't leave you alone
139 · May 2018
black heart.
On a road but
I don't know
Where its going.

I want
to open up to
You but I don't
Trust you.

I long to
The demon
In my head.

I need
to stop
Loving you
Because its
Killing me.

All I see
Now is
A black
139 · Apr 2018
lost it all
Crashing waves.
Skimming stones.
Broken hearts.
Shattered dreams.
Lost words.
Silent tears.
Gained nothing
Lost everything.
This poem came to me while I was on the beach sometimes you can go from having everything to lost everything you ever loved
138 · Nov 2017
His smile brought my walls down.
Craving for his touch.
Needing his kiss.
Lost in his eyes.
Feeling things words can't explain.
Desire burns like a wild fire.
Carried out on a tidel wave of emotions.
Higher than the moon.
His devine love stole my heart
His Love made me blind.
The inspiration for this poem come from watching a movie.
138 · Nov 2017
unseen poem
A quiet phone lonely nights.
Missing all the little things.
Feelings used pen to paper.
Writing words you'll never feel.
Writing poems you'll never read.
The inspiration behind this poem is about how one old memory can make you remember what you miss and who you miss
138 · Apr 2018
roses and thorns.
Every rose has a thorn.
It's sad how its The bad ones,
Who get the best part of you.
I wrote this because it is always the bad ones in our life's that always seem to get the good part of us.
137 · Jul 2019
A confused heart.
I am tierd of how confused my heart is everytime we talk.
Crying in the night wondering if i am
Losing my mind over you.
Can't you see how much it is killing
Me inside does it even matter to you?.
Laying on a tear soak pillow looking
At your name wondering, if should
Just press the delete buttom on you.
Yes my heart will break.
But your killing me everyday.
This has come from a personal experience in todays world with social media we can never be sure who we are talking to and you can get burned
136 · Jul 2018
nothing matters
My heart is empty.
My eyes are full of tears.
Nothing is ever enough.

Can't smile through the pain.
Counting to ten doesn't work.
Given everything that I have.

Always been there to help.
Never gave up on you.
Nothing really matters.
136 · May 2020
The family war.
My heart is heavy and
I can't breath.
Home feels like a prison
Without the bars.
Nine weeks of lockdown
Is finally getting to me.
My mind is fragile.
Walking in dreams.
Escaping this jaded reality.
The news pushes Bill gates
Dangerous vaccine.
Listening to my family agruing
Over 5G and of this virus is real is or not.
While I am just trying to keep my
Head above the water, and keep the wolf away from the door.
Turning off the news because I really
Don't want to hear it anymore.
All I know is this thing is pulling my family apart day by day.
I wrote this because my family are so divided by this virus and this poem came
From an argument between my brother and sister my brother thinks China is innocent and my little sister is against Bill Gates and trump its a mad time within my family.
135 · Aug 2019
One last time
I sit under a blueberry sky longing to
See your smile one last time.
Feel your gentle kiss on my lips feel your fingertips dance on my skin.
I know this is nothing more than a dream, but it keeps me coming back to him every night.
#night #blueberry #smile # kiss
134 · Dec 2017
lost poems
Forgotten words.
Blank pages.
Empty lines.
A lost poem.
Is like a dream you can't remember.
I had a poem in my head and I was about to write it down and I got a phone call. By the time the call was done I had forgot the poem.  Which inspired this poem.
134 · Oct 2017
no sister of mine
Can't imagine you care about the life's you ruin over the years.

Can't imagine you think about the families you broke up.

Can't imagine how you look in the mirror and love what you see.

Can imagine how it feels to be as two faced as a coin.

Can imagine how you could bully me day and night.

No sister of mine more like a jealous cold hearted *****.
I wrote this because my bully wasn't in school my bully was at home and that was sister. This was my way of fighting back and letting go of the pain.
134 · Jun 2019
All the things I have known
I have known grief and pain.
Been down many times.
Cried in the darkness of the night.
Watched lairs spin their Web.
Nothing really lasts forever does it?.
My little sister says love never dies
But I don't know if that is true.
Scattered lines and thoughts have now
Become a poem.
My mind has been taken over by the
Faces I can't see anymore.
#grief #faces #love #dies
134 · May 2019
Thinking about you
Sitting alone writing these words
Thinking about you.
Sometimes I can hear your voice
In my dreams, I am  not sure if it
Is the real you or not.
When you lose someone
They are gone and they are never
Coming back.
I wish that wasn't true.
I wish that this was just a horrible dream and i would wake up,
But I know it is not a dream.
#thinking #dream
134 · Jul 2018
the heart
How can anyone promise forever?,
When love can change without warning.
The heart is a fragile thing.
133 · Sep 2019
A Kinfes use
All round me are unreal fake selfish faces who hide behind masks.
Carrying knifes made from envy and
Nice to your face while sticking it into deep into your back.
Knifes should be used for cutting up food not for sticking in someone's back.
#kinfes #food #jealously
133 · Aug 2019
Its okay
Its okay to struggle and cry
But a better tomorrow is a day away.
Mental health is something that is really close to me heart
#better #cry #mental health
133 · May 2019
Why am I wrong
I am not wrong for not believing the
Same thing as you.
We see the world in a different way.
This poem isn't about you.

I am wrong for being real and not hiding behind a lying mask.
You know what I am broken and
In a dark place.

You look at me with shameful eyes.
Do you think I wanted this.
Do you think I wanted to be battle with anxiety and depression.

I doubt everything you said
Because it is as fake as you.
#fake #mask #lies
133 · Feb 2019
Don't be scared.
Love not hate.
Be happy don't worry.
Enjoy the moment.
Don't be scared to dream.
132 · Jul 2019
Happy ending
It will hurt to say goodbye but
In the end it's for the best.
All good things must come to an end
Even you and me.
Go and forget me forever I hope
You find your happy ending.
Sometimes when you can't save a friendship or a relationship there's only one thing you can do for me i love both in one day
#happy #forget #forever
130 · Oct 2017
Lost chances
Angry words exchanged like gun fire. stories made lies told the truth twisted. Tears falling like a rain that never ends.

Watching as life falls apart can't go back to the way things use to be. Death calls a life is taking to early. Now nothing can ever be the same.

Laying awake in the darkness of night. Thinking about the prices paid. A life lost and a heart shatter forever more.

Couldn't say good bye.
Never had the chance to say it.
130 · Mar 2019
Night terror
Night is when everything catchs me.
The worry the anxiety the fear.
That loud voice in my head, which begs Me to make it stop hurting.
Trying to heal each wound one by one.
I hate the night because that's when my terror begins.
Your like a wrong answer that i
Keep finding over and over.
Theres always that one person who always thinks they know better when they are wrong
129 · Dec 2017
My words sound like a rant.
Are my words too real.
Are my words not real enough.
I just write what ever comes into my head this is my first poem of the day.
129 · Nov 2017
we'll remember
Fallen poppies a moment to remember.
Sacrifices made life's given and lost.
For our today they gave their tomorrow.
As we grow old and time passes by.
We'll remember what they did for us.
I wrote this for remembrance Sunday and for all the life's lost in army.
128 · Feb 2018
your the words
You are
The pain I won't remember.
The memory I'll forget.
The demon that made me strong.
The words that made This a poem.
I wrote this because we all have faced a demon in our life's that has made us stronger and become a better person.
127 · Jul 2019
Am I wrong
Is it wrong to be inspired by anything
That makes you write better.
Is it wrong to try and write something
I wrote this because I posted a poem that was my own and someone thought it wasn't my own work when it was my own now it's got me wondering is wrong to take inspiration from anything now
127 · Jul 2019
3:00am poem
It's 3:00am and I am still up writing
Poems about you.
Why are you growing on me now?
I can't get you out of my head.
Is it your icy blue eyes could it be
Your well tone masculine body?.
The way you keep it *******.
The way you give me a quick glance
And flash a smile at me.
My emotions are so confused and mixed up.
127 · Jul 2019
My head is always in the clouds
Lost in day dreams.
Escaping the black and white reality
That I know so well.
Sometimes a day dream can bring you
That much needed chill out time
That is truly your own.
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