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127 · Jul 2019
Am I wrong
Is it wrong to be inspired by anything
That makes you write better.
Is it wrong to try and write something
I wrote this because I posted a poem that was my own and someone thought it wasn't my own work when it was my own now it's got me wondering is wrong to take inspiration from anything now
126 · May 2019
A little smiling face
Your the little face who is always
Happy to see me.
The little one who wants a hug.
Who's laugh brightens up
A bad day.
I never I knew I could love anyone
This much.
#little #face #happy #brighten
126 · Dec 2018
Old songs
The songs brown sugar red wine
And don't worry be happy.
Always me smile I remember how much
You didn't like they songs.

I will always love you think twice and
When will I see you again always
Made you cry.

There's been so many songs over the years
Almost to many to name.
But one song always stands out.

Alan Jackson's remember when
Has become the song that make me cry.
Some songs have the power to make you smile laugh and dance some songs make you cry
126 · Nov 2018
the things i long for
I want to trust.
But I can't.

I want believe.
But I don't.

I want the truth.
But I am scared of it.

I want to love.
But I don't know how.
125 · Dec 2017
The little things
Flashing Christmas lights and slient nights. It's been five year years since you have been gone.

I miss how you loved this time of year. Watching movies we have seen a hunder times.

There was always the smell of hot chocolate, and apple pie coming from the kitchen.

It's not the big things I miss it's all the little things you did that I miss so much
I wrote this for my mum she has been gone for four years I missed all the little things she did.
125 · Jul 2019
No more playing nice
For years all you did was make
Me suffer over and over.
You put me down but you couldn't
Keep me down.
You hated how people liked me more
Than they liked you.
I never did anything but just be myself.
I am tierd of the lies you spread like butter on hot toast.
You smiled at me as you burn all
my notebooks one by one.
You can burn everything that I have.
But it doesn't change anything.
Because your still alone.
Hate me if you need to but it doesn't take the your pain away.
You will be the lonely troll who lives
Under a bridge I have had enough.
A family member can be bully you much worse than anyone else can and I just felt so angry that lash out and had to write this poem so if its not so good
125 · Nov 2017
Behind the stars
Not easy to find forgotten dreams.
Remembering happy days.
Missing the conversations we had.
Wishing time could be turn back.
Feeling more lost and alone.
Worlds apart.
Gazing up at the stars.
Knowing that you are behind them.
Looking down on me from heaven.
124 · Apr 2018
The cruel words still hurt.
The thoughts won't go away.
The scars won't heal anymore.
It maybe the past to you.
But the pain never dies.
I wrote this about a bully that I confronted and to them it was in the past but sometimes that pain never does leave you and leaves a mental scar behind
124 · May 2018
tell me.
Tell me?
You didn't feel
The spark like I did.

Tell me?
That you didn't think
About the kiss we had.

Tell me?
Your not lost the

Tell me?
Why you watch my body

Tell me?
Why when we are together
You are more alive.

Tell me?
Why do our hearts
Beat as one.
A cry for help not heard.
I wish I could have stopped you
From hurting yourself.
I wish I could heal the cuts and make
Them go away.
#mentalhealthawareness #cry #help #should #
123 · Oct 2017
Unanswered questions
How many more innocent people will die?.

How many more life's will be cut short way too soon?.

How many more Lifes will be taken for no reason?.

How many more families will be destroyed?.

Why can't we just live with out fear?

When does enough become enough?.
Watching cnn and seeing all the life in Vegas cut short way too early made me write this peom. I left so so sad.
123 · Sep 2017
Its 1 am
The wind has gone to sleep watching a candles flame burning away.
Remembering how the sun always shined and we lived for fun.
Laughing so hard tears rolled down our cheeks.
Sitting up late into the night time seem to stand still.
Its 2 am
It feels so empty with out you.  
The pillows is wet from the tears I have cried
A heart filled with pain.
Can't think anymore
Your fading into to a dream I am not living anymore.
Its getting harder to breath.
Its 3 am
How can I sleep while the bed is burning.
Trying to forget you but can't.  
The walls are closing in on me
My mind is spinning.
Your my oxygen I can't breath.
Its 4 am
Falling a sleeping.
The candles are burn out.
In a dream that feels so real
Feels your touch.
It feels so real.
Wakes up to find you are no were never me
Maybe one day,you'll fade away and my dreams will fall apart.
123 · Jul 2020
A learn well learn
A starless sky wrapped in an empty dream.
I remember the days where your smile was like a fine wine I loved.
Now it's left a bad taste in my mouth.
In my heart hangs a votive wreaths
Of old withered memories.
Your voice no longer shakes the
Ocean of my sleep.
You where a lesson this comic universe wanted to teach me.
Now all I want to do is forget I ever
Loved you.
#learn #lesson #forget
122 · Jul 2020
His wicked game
The unforgettable wild stare in his eyes
The tenderness in his raspy voice,
His slow lingering touch melts my core
The caress of his lips on my neck,
The rising heat consumes me
He knows he has me right where he wants me,
Pushed on to the bed.
Lying naked before his wicked his smile,
One last look taken,
One last touch felt,
One last kiss tasted,
He left me lying on the bed in a heated mess.
122 · Mar 2018
love yourself
Make your own music.
Sing songs loud.
Take more risks.
Chase your dreams.
Worry less laugh more.
Do what you love.
Live for today.
Forget the past.
Love who you are.
I wrote this because we should do what makes us happy more and careless what other people think.
121 · Jun 2018
the lost girls fairytale
There once was a girl who
Dream big, and had her head
In thr clouds. She red all the
Fairy-tales you could name.

One warm night the girl looked
Up at the silver moon lit sky.
Wondering if fairytales were
True or just a wonderful lie.

All she ever knew was witches and
*******, Lairs and story tellers. There was
No glass slippers or fairy godmothers.
All she ever was lost and alone.

Every midnight she sits on a step.
Watching the moon and the stars.
Waiting on her prince and her happily
Ever after.
This is first try at writing a poem that's a little like a fairy tale please feel free to leave me some feedback
121 · Aug 2018
Pain free
Everynight I lay in bed.
Feeling empty feeling numb.
I just don't know what to feel anymore.

Feeling like a wandering broken soul.
Searching for that feeling once felt.
Finding nothing.

Happiness turns to sadness.
Love turns to hate.
Anger grows more everyday.

Been down so many times.
I am not sure that I want to get back up.
Asking my self what's the point.

Trying to keep a dying heart alive.
Lost in the darkness of my own mind.
Feeling a pain that's just too much.

Can't sleep can't think can't breath.
Listening as the clock ticks away
So slowly.

Longing to just go and do my own thing.
None looking over my shoulder.
I dream of being free from this pain.
I wrote this after having a really bad day sometimes having someone being over protective of you does you the most damage they never realise what it is they are doing
My heart is full of deep bleeding
Wounds thats keep bleeding.
Every mistake ever made is put on
Replay so i don't forget them.
Turn the other cheek but to be honest
I am getting tried of doing that.
I love to escape into dreams where i
Am so far away from the pain.
My happiest smile hides all ugly hurtful things said to me.
Sometimes i wish someone would just
Come and take me to a better life.
Because my eyes sting from all the tears i have cried.
Even as i write these words tears roll
Down cheeks.
Sometimes it family that can cut you must worse than anything else
#tears #broken #heart
120 · Mar 2018
You never listen
Because you don't care.

You never let
Anyone one be happy.

You never see
The good in anything.

I feel sad for you.
I wrote this because sometimes you can't help someone who doesn't want to change or help them self's.
120 · Aug 2019
Please listen
How i do make you see that this is
Not what i want.
Trying to make you listen is like
Trying to make the blind see.
I wrote this because me and brother never
See eye to eye on anything
#blind #trying #listen
120 · Jul 2020
He makes me forget
Writing by candle light walking
In a garden of shadows,
Living for the darkness,
Playing his temptress,
The heated touches,
The caress of his lips against mine,
Dices rolled lines crossed,
The roundness of his hips,
The deep honey coated tone of his voice.
Had me pulling his head back just
to steal a kiss.
He makes me forget about the
World outside.
With this poem I have been playing around with words trying to make it more engaging
119 · Apr 2018
one day
We are born in one day.
We die in one day.
We cry in one day.
Everything can change,
In one day.
Sometimes it only takes one day for everything to change.
119 · Oct 2017
when the time comes
When you die my eyes will be dry.
I'll not be shedding a tear.
I'll be having a party.
Dancing on your grave.
I wrote this for family members that have hurt me over the years
118 · Aug 2019
Last in the line
All i ever wanted,
Was a dad who would keep me safe
And tell me how proud he was.
But heaven must have ran out of good
My relationship was never good with my its always left me wishing i had a better dad
#safe #proud #dads
118 · Apr 2019
A world of my own
In my dreams.
I'm somewhere that I can't be found,
Laying in the strongest arms where nothing can touch me.
Feeling the softest touch tasting the
Sweetest kisses.
Living in a day that can never die,
Staring into eyes thats as deep as
The ocean.
Lost in a world that is truly my own.
117 · May 2019
Fake faces.
I have never been a Saint or angel.
I have made mistakes.
Watched the snakes tell there lies.
I don't believe the same as you.

I stopped going to chruch I couldn't
See all the fake faces.
Have them preaching at me.
Telling me I am wrong.

Wrong because I don't believe the same as them.
Wrong because I can confess my sins
And not cover them up.

I didn't stop believing I just open
My eyes to the fake face and smiles.
#fakefaces #smiles #open #eyes
116 · Oct 2017
I am what I am
People tell me I am to nice.
People tell me I am to loud.
People tell me I am to quite.
People tell me I love to much.
People tell me I trust to much.

I dance to my own tune.
I follow the beat of my drum.
I write the poems I want.
I let my light shine brighter than the stars
My heart talks I listen and write the words.
I am what I am
I wrote this because there was always someone in my life who said they things to me. My message in this poem is be your self and love the person you are
116 · Sep 2019
Late night thoughts
I can think of nothing else but writing
My poetry on every Inch of your
Body using my lips.
#body #writing #every
115 · May 2019
The kiss of tears
The sting of tears kiss my eyes.
Your words cut like a knife.
I have been shining longer more than you have ever seen.
I have fought more fights and came
Out with the scars.
Never tell me its my time to shine.
I have never stopped shinning.
#tears #angerpoetry. #shine
114 · Sep 2019
I will be free
A stole a childhood a lost teenage
Youth a past I can't change.
You made me scared of everything
I felt angry and guilty for years.
I will not give you one more day of my
Life or space in my head.
Your words might still haunt me but
You never changed me.
Some day I will be free but I won't carry this hate anymore.
For a long time I carried a lot of hate around with me for year after my dad emotionally and physically abusing me.
I decided not to let him get have anymore of my time or the space in my head.
114 · May 2018
never be
I'll never marry a prince.
I'll never wear dresses.
I'll never be a millionaire.

I'll always find ways to be happy.
I'll always have my head in the clouds.

I'll never be afraid to laugh loud.
I'll never be afraid to cry.
I'll never be afraid to be my self.
My poems is about how there's something's we might never have but it's good to love what you have and love your self as you are.
114 · Jul 2019
Anxiety is real
The night scares me because I know
The anxious thoughts are waiting.
Waking up in a cold sweat crying.
The screams still haunt me.

Wishing that I could get out of the
Dark maze that's my mind.
If the doctor has a pill for long lasting happiness I would take it.

Everyone tells me your not meant to
Feel this at all and anxiety isn't real.
This is why I write in my notebook and don't talk to you at all.

Anxiety ruins your life come live in my head and then tell me it's not real.
I hate when people say anxiety isn't real some people in my family tell me it's not real, that hurts me because it's something that has robbed many years from my life and this is why I Bury thing in things poetry.
114 · May 2018
life after love
Is there anything beyond the stars?.
If faith is lost can it be found?.
Do all roads take you somewhere?.
Isn't a white lie still a lie?.
Can a broken heart feel again?.
Is there life after love?.
114 · Aug 2019
What hurts me more
I don't need a facebook status to let
Everyone know what i am doing.
I can brush off the fat jokes because i have heard it before.
But what hurts me the most is the ones who thinks i can't do anything.
They are the people who cause me
The most damage.
Never judge someone on what you think someone can and can't do
#damage #think #hurts
114 · Oct 2017
a shatter heart
Crying in the darkness a place to hide these tears. The stars to you are just mirrors and the moon is a light. Love is a hunger that burns in my heart, you never see the see pain.
The marks left on my heart still hurt.
The pain still takes my breath away.
One of us is lying while one of us dying.
Every cut runs so deep leaving a scar behind.
I dont want to talk about how you broke and shattered my heart.
I got inspire for this poem from listening to the song called I don't want to talk about it
113 · Feb 2020
I am broken not weak
Wear a super glue smile.
Takes these magic pills
Snap out of it
Your just acting it now
Push your way through the pain
This didn't happen in my day
Fit into society's mould
Crying is weak get a grip
Pull your self together
Keep your head down
This is not how women act
Your too loud
Your too quiet
I am putting another pointless post
On Facebook so you need to wait
And they wonder why I don't open up to anyone
Crying and having a mental health problem doesn't make you I want people to see that crying is not a sign of weakness

#cry #magic #pills #openup #facebook #loud #quiet
113 · Aug 2019
A ghost you once knew
Once you saw nothing but me
Now you look through me,
As if i was a ghost.
I now understand that some people are sent to teach us lessons
112 · May 2019
The balance of life.
Life is a balance of holding on
Letting go and trying again.
I wanted to leave this one open to interpretation i like to do this kind of poetry I believe a poem can mean different things to different people.
#life #balance #holding on #letting go
112 · May 2018
the morning dream catcher.
Today my heart is bursting with love.
You know that kind of love that hurts.
It's in every poem that i write.

He seems to be everywhere i go.
In every little thing that i do.

He lurks in the deepest part of my dreams.
The wind carries his voice to my ears.
My heart answers his call.

The only problem with dreams are they
End when morning comes.
112 · Jul 2019
Say nothing do nothing
I could say a million hurtful things
But I won't.
Instead it's better not to react and
Just move on.
Sometimes it's better to walk away
Than let someone take a piece of you
I have learn that rather than get into a stupid argument it's best to just walk away and not react because you take the power away I have never got on with my sister so it's easy to just walk away

#walk #hateful #million
111 · Oct 2017
This woman.

Has fought many battles and is still standing.
Has cried an ocean of tears and is still smiles.
Has been broken betrayed put down and rejected, but she walks proud.
Laughs loud.
Loves with all her heart.
This woman is fearless.
This woman is strong.
This woman is ME!!!
I got inspired by a peom I red and I wrote this one
111 · Jan 2018
my only friend
Given so much.
Asked for nothing.
Watched people leave.
No good byes said.
Never seen or heard.
Darkness is my only friend.
Loneliness is the blanket that surrounds me.
110 · Mar 2020
That dark moment
Suffocating long days and cold nights.
I can't think I can't breath
They didn't understand that I wasn't waving I was Drowning fighting
To keep my head above the water
But still they thought i was waving
What If I just stop fighting and dream
Would be now be a good time to close
My eyes and never get up.
#suffocating #get #eyes #never #time
110 · May 2018
There's no more cheeks left to turn.
My confidence is shattered enough.
There's nothing left to take anymore.
There's nothing even left to say.
My wounds are so deep they can't heal.
There's no break from this pain at all.
The night brings me a chance to dream
And be free for a while.
It's the same thing everyday.
Why cry because it doesn't ease the pain.
Why talk because they never listen anyway.
I am seen but never heard.
Sometimes because I have an anxiety disorder I feel that no one listens to me
110 · May 2018
my nightmare
I am never alone
But yet I feel so
Lonely everyday.

I never talk
Because none
Ever listens

A smiles
Hides more
Than you

You say
You understand
When I know
You don't.

I love
Everyone but
I trust none.

Welcome to my
110 · May 2019
The puppet and his master
I watched the puppet master
Control his puppet.
I tried to open the puppets eyes but he
Never saw what I saw.
109 · Jul 2019
Love and not hate
Love is love.
If it makes you happy and you have your happy ending long may it last.
Everyone deserves to be loved.
I have family who members of lgbtq community and its sad to hear some things that got said to them on a pride event.
Love is love no one has any right to say who should and shouldn't be loved
109 · Jan 2020
My reason for living
With him my soul could be naked
We shared beautiful moments,
We had deep meaningful moonlit conversations,
He reminded me what it was like to
Dream to again,
I love the mornings laying in his arms
He feeds my soul in ways no one else
Ever does I feel alive.
109 · Dec 2017
Love turns to hate.
Pavements made with tears and heart ache.
Growing tiered of the place once loved.
Not a home but a prison without the bars.
Tiered of playing never ending games.
Watching every move made.
Watching your back day and night.
Never knowing what happens.
Sleepless nights and worrying minds.
Can't die here like others before me have.
Searching for a happy ending.
No more moving from place to place.
Hoping for one good Christmas.
All I ever wanted was a place to call home.
109 · Sep 2017
Losing your mother
Losing your mother is like.

A rain that never ends.
A road that ends before you do.
A pain that keeps hurting.
A good bye your never ready to say
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