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220 · Jul 2019
A sea of beauty
Let me drown in the sea of your
inner beauty.
Let me touch the most broken
part of your heart
Come dance with me in the
warm summer rain.
Touch me under the silver moonlight make me long to taste your kiss.
Let me miss you every time you leave.
220 · May 2019
It happen
The day finally came when your
Name didn't make me smile
#smile #finally
220 · Oct 2018
It's all starts at night.
When night falls that's when the worrying thoughts starts.
I am good enough?.
I am trying so hard to open to up
But none listens to me.

I am trying really hard to be normal.
I am trying to man up as they keep
Telling me to do.
Fighting the darkness in my own head.

Waking up to the tired questions.
Whats wrong with you?.
Your too loud.
Your too quite.
Why don't you come round anymore.

Your not smiling enough.
Your not talking enough.
Your not laughing enough.
You not doing it right.

You need to speak up more.
You need to listen.
Your just being selfish now.
Do this so I feel happy.

I am more broken than they think.
Night falls and fear takes over.
My chest tights.
My hearts starts to beat fast.

I am depressed because the ones who are meant to help me.
Are the ones who are hurting me the
I wrote this for mental health day as I have suffer with anxiety and depression and today I had a low day and just wrote how I feel. Mental illness isn't an act and you just can't man up and get on with it.
The bad days are always hard to get through
215 · Nov 2020
The voice in the night
Voice of
Self doubt gets
Louder with every last
I feel that there are time when night comes everything catchs you
213 · Jul 2018
hungry eyes
Wrapped up in waves of emotions.
He shines like the silver midnight
Moon-colder than a marble statue.

His poker-face could device anyone.
Yet every time he looks my way.
My heart beats my body shakes.

Lips softly kissed hearts touched.
Lost in his hungry lustful eyes.
Wishing we could stay in this moment.
This is a poem made from old notes that I had in an old poetry journal I would love some feedback if it needs more stanzas or not thanks
212 · May 2018
the last day
On the last day of love.
Tears fell.
My world ended and my heart,
Cracked inside my body.
It's always the last day of anything that is the worse because you know nothing will ever be the same.
209 · Oct 2017
my name
I am the fear that holds you back.
I am the thought who makes your body shake.
I am the one takes your sleep away.
I am who makes you think of every failure ever made.
I am the feelings that Takes your smile away.
I am the one who keeps you isolated.
I am the one who takes freedom joy happiness and hope away.

Anxiety is my name
I wrote this during a really bad night sleep and helped me so much to to calm down.
208 · Oct 2017
a journey to the soul.
On a journey with no destination.
Healing wounds.
Mending shattered hearts piece by piece.
Much needed answers found.
Killing doubt.
Burying the past.
Boxing up haunted memories.
For giving mistakes made.
Living again.
Chasing rainbows.
Touching stars in the night sky.
Catching dreams.
Not broken but whole again.
207 · May 2018
a dark soul
Help me
To understand why
so many lies are told.
Promises made but
Never kept.
Tears caused by you
Pain in a fragile heart
You put there.
Another meaningless
Sorry said.
I never could find
Any good in you,
Because your as dark
As your soul.
This is about how you can try to find the goodness in some people. But the truth is you might not always find what your looking for.
203 · Jul 2016
i don't
I don't have a big beautiful house.
I don't have a beautiful car.
I don't have a lot of money.
I don't have big adventures.

I can give you a love that never changes or grows old.
I can be there day or night.
I can be more than just a friend.
I can give without wanting something in return.

If you care more about the things that I dont have than the things, that I can give you. Then maybe it is best to let go and forget.
202 · Oct 2017
hope over fear
The flames of hate have taken over everything. Poisoned minds taught to hate anything that allows people to live free. Innocent life's cut shorts families shattered.

Not safe any were.
Can't love who you want to love.
No solutions to the problems.
Nothing is getting better things seem to be getting worse.

Can't trust the news channels.
Governments don't know what to do anymore. They want us to believe it is all sun shine lolly pops and rainbows.

Let's stand shoulder to shoulder no matter where you are in the world. Let's send message that can't be ignored.

Hope over fear
Good over evil
Light over darkness.
We stand together
Hate can never win
I just wanted to send a message out there that hate can never win
202 · Jul 2019
Careless and be happy
I have learned to careless about
What strangers think of me.
You will never make everyone happy
Love me ot hate it.
Put me down and i will get back up
And my life will go.
If i disappoint you thats only because
I won't live up to your expectations.
Never i will become part of this
Fake faceless and hateful society.
When you careless you live happy.
This is something that i have learned to do
When you stop trying to be what others want your to be you will be much more happy
200 · May 2016
He stormed into my life changing everything.
A desire burns deep with in my heart.
Tiered of fighting feelings that can't be beaten.
There is nothing that i wouldn't do for him.
He is the sun in my blue sky.
He is the moon in my night sky.
He is the sun light in my hair.
He is the smile on my lips.
I love him more than he will ever know.
His beauty is every where I go.
I would do anything just to see him smile.
I would travel the world and bring him back beautiful things.
He stole my heart.
He stole my love.
Now these eyes seen nothing but him.
My mind body and soul are his.
200 · Apr 2019
Yes I'm a dreamer who has been
Lost in many dreams.
But sometimes it is best to be lost
In a dream than have nothing.
197 · Nov 2017
a healed heart
My heart healed
When I learn to love and
Not hate.
194 · Jul 2019
Heavens angel.
My mind is numb and my heart
Feels more than one emotion.
I am good acting okay when i falling
Apart inside piece by piece.

I am scared of the night because
That's when the thoughts get me.
My mind has become a twisted maze
I want out of.

I wake up in a cold sweat crying
You can't be dead.
The bible says time heals wounds
But my wounds aren't healing.

Did heaven really need another angel?
Couldn't he have taken someone else?.
Grief is something that touch us all its something that you can never be ready for even you know that it's going to happen
I wrote this for the friend that was more like a sister to me
I have rock bottom hard.
Yes I have made mistakes and learn
Many lessons.
To all my readers thank you for the
Kinds words and support.
Never have I treated you like idoits
You have helped me grow.
Not ever poems of mine has been
Good enough to post.
I am not putting the pen down I
May take a break for awhile.
Thank you for making me the poet
That I am.
I just wanted to post this to say thank you to
All my reader for the time they have given me. I not giving up on my writing I just need to work on being a better a poet and finding my voice more clearly. I have never claim to be the best poet or even a good poet but each follower I have I am greater for and if I have anngoied or upset anyone all I can do is say sorry and ask not to judge the rest of my work from badly written poem thanks to you its good to step back and take a break and learn my craft better
193 · Dec 2017
A midnight thought
An unseen telnet.
A light that's never seen.
Words that are never heard
Smiling throught the pain.
Laughing throught the tears.
Learning never to give up.
I wrote last night while sitting up late writing some peoms which I offen do.
192 · Aug 2019
Their own magic
He was her sinful and twisted fanstay
His siren call, was always answered by her.
She was the dark fairytale he loved to get lost in over and over.
Together they made magic that few people could understand.
#magic #understand #always
192 · Apr 2016
Fight or don't fight.
Keep getting up or stay down.
Wait for him or don't wait.
Look back or look forward.

A wise man once said you can't change what has happen you let it go and move on.

Not always easy to do.
Some pain never stops hurting.
Full with regrets and heart ache.
Can't run because there's no were to go.
Can't scream because no one would hear me anyway.

trapped in a real life nightmare that I can't escape from .
192 · May 2018
i don't know
I don't know...
What love is only because I have
Never been shown it by anyone.

I don't know...
How to trust anyone when its
Been broken so many times.

I don't know...
How where my life is going either
Not every question has an answer.
190 · Aug 2019
A dying fire
The fire is dying and i no
Longer know the face in mirror.
Drained and exhausted batteries its
Day three and i feel nothing.
190 · Apr 2016
Let's shut out the world and turn our phones off. Tonight let me feel your tongue in my mouth.

Let me feel your soft lips kiss my mouth and neck.Let me feel your hands touch every part of my body.

Let our body's come together and make the sweetest song. Let your name fall from my lips over and over.

let me lay my naked body upon your bed. touch me kiss me feel me inside and outside.

Tonight I want to be the only toy you play with.
189 · Apr 2019
A heart will be break
Does goodbye mean letting go?
Does letting go mean forever?.
Because either way a heart breaks.
189 · Dec 2017
Love your self.
Love who you are.
Love your body.
Beauty has no size.
I wrote this because it doesn't make what shape or size you. We are all beautiful in our own way
189 · Feb 2019
Chasing dreams
You are the dream I am
Always chasing.
I wish the pain would stop hurting feeling more and more alone.
All that's left are memories of the way things were between us.
Half written poems we never finished
An old notebook full of our thoughts.
No more late night pillow talks.
Now there will always be apart of me
That is missing.
Now we are worlds apart don't you go
And forget about me.
You'll always be in my heart.
188 · Apr 2016
Every time I see you
Every time I see you its hard not to smile. my heart races reaching speeds no car could ever match.

You asked me what I was I thinking about it. Some questions are best lift not answered.

You make me feel like a love sick teenager that, would do anything to get you to notice me.

In my dreams I have kissed you a thousand times. Feeling your soft hands touching every part of my body.

Every I time see you I fall in love with you all over again.
187 · May 2019
Happy endings
We both wanted that happy ending
That only exists in the movies.
Chasing dreams.
Watching sunsets holding hands.
Sharing sweet kisses.
The highs where high and the lows
Where low.
Missing pieces and shatter dreams.
I wonder where you are now.
#chasing #dreams #low #high
186 · Jun 2018
dreams of you
It doesn't matter if
I am sleeping or awake.
Lost in thoughts or day dreams.
I still dream of you.
184 · Jun 2018
a beautiful lair
It started with a kiss.
Watching beautiful sunsets.
Candle lit dinners for two.

Making plans sharing dreams.
Making love by candle light.
Something changed inside him.

Its me not you excuse came.
He open the door.
I didn't stand in his way.
184 · Apr 2016
lets just turn our phones off and forget about everything for one night.

Lets shut out the world and pretend that we are the last two people alive.

No need for tv.
No need for movies we have seen so many times.
No need to be with friends.
No need to get drunk.

I have you and you have me nothing else is needed we have it all right here.

I am yours mind body and soul tonight I don't want to share you with anyone.
183 · Jul 2018
Night time thoughts
It's time to move on.
Let the past die.
Allow old wounds to heal.
Take a step into the unknown.

Starting to build a new life.
Feeling scared.
But it's okay to be scared.
Everyone makes mistakes right?.

Lying awake in the darkness.
A mind full of thoughts.
Another sleepless night of wondering,
Where to take this broken life
182 · Oct 2017
Our last summer
Lost smiles and forgotten dreams.
Newly springs roses dancing in the gentle breeze.Remembering past summer days.

A freshly lit barbecue burnt back sausages. Laughing so hard tears rolled down our cheeks.

Thinking our time would last forever, Life ends and your gone.
Now all that's between us is the moon and stars.

Remembering our last summer.
i wrote this for my mum who past away she got me into poetry when I was eight. She always loved to listen to my poems weather they good or not so good.
181 · May 2018
a mother
A mother always knows
The right thing to say.
She makes you laugh
When you don't feel like it.
She comforts you when your
Heart has been broken.
She makes your favourite dinner.
She stands by you when no one else Does.
She loves you no matter what you do.
She always there when no one else is.
When she leaves this world you miss
Her even more.
180 · May 2019
Is all or nothing
Do you die trying while known
That glory is close?.
What if neither your head or
Your heart are right?.
Is there really an in between or
Does it have to be all or nothing?.
#trying #glory #right #wrong #all #nothing
To some i am nothing more than
A cold heart demon.
To others i am an angel with a heart
Thats as deep as the ocean.
179 · Oct 2020
Maybe it's the end
This was
Never meant to
Last so I'll say
179 · Jul 2019
A summer rose.
I once looked at you like the stars looked at the moon.
Feeling as if there was nothing more beautiful than this moment, made with you.
Just as the last of the summer roses died so did you.
Until we meet again I will never give
My heart to anyone
This poem come to me when I was out walking the dog and I saw the moon and a star close to each other.
178 · Sep 2019
A forbidden love
She was dreaming,
Of that time they sat and watched the
Fire slowly die.
Dancing in the warm summer rain
Feeling as if time had stopped.
How they  would always slip into the darkness of the night.
Escaping from all the watching eyes
Longing to feel his touch.
Laying naked in his arms skin to skin
Wishing they could stay together.
Knowing that the one thing they wanted could never be.
She died everyone he said goodbye.
#forbidden #love #naked
178 · Mar 2019
It's never said to my face
I have been lied to let down
Stabbed in the back.
Talked about laughed at.
Judged by others.
Yet no one ever says it to my face.
177 · Nov 2018
What happens to the dream
Does the dream die when
The the Dreamer dies?.
Can a broken heart love again?.
Are we really free?.
Dreams and dreamers have always been something that inspired me.  I offen wonder does the Dreamer stay in the dream or does the dream die
176 · Aug 2019
Your smile
I have crossed trouble waters and
Wild oceans.
Hit the ground hard felt alone
Cried in the night.
But everytime i see your smile
It saves me.
#smile #trouble #waters
176 · Jun 2018
no space to breath
Never any peace or space to breath.
While i cry inside stuck in the same

No sleep no freedom nothing but
A heart shattering pain, no one understands.
They say they do but I know its a lie.

Some thoughts can't be forgotten.
Things stay with you forever.
Words can't be taken back either.
175 · Sep 2017
me and anxiety
It's not something I can turn on and off
It's not an act either.

to loud I am told to be quite.

To quite there has to be something wrong I can never win.

Thinking thoughts no one understands.

Feeling more alone than ever.

Anxiety is a part of me that I want to lose but I can't lose it.
I wrote this to turn my bad thoughts into something creative
175 · Aug 2019
When sadness creeps in
The icy cold fingers of sadness
Creep in touching my heart.
Taking me to the point where i feel
Nothing but cold and numb.
I dont want to feel this most of the
Time i am writing to forget.
173 · Aug 2019
Dreaming of forever
When night comes i dream of a never
Ending forever with you.
My head is full of ramdom thoughts
#dream #forever #you
173 · May 2018
the things i can't say
It all seems so stupid now.
There was so much to say.
Now its too late to say it.

I can't come to you for advice.
I can't talk to you for hours.
I can't tell you how my day was.
I can't tell you I love you.

Standing by your grave
With tears in my eyes.
When you died so did my world.
173 · Apr 2016
it's all over now
Looking back at all the pointless fights and sleepless nights, worrying about everything. It took so much more from me than you can understand.

Worrying all the time laying a wake with a million thoughts in my head. Crying in the darkness of night were no one can see.

I can't do this anymore I am not strong enough to keep fighting over and over. That's why it's all over no more fighting or worrying.

                           it's all over now
173 · May 2018
always say never
Always Say never...
To the person who says
Don't follow your dreams.

Always say never...
To the one's who try
To change who you are.

Always say never...
To the people who try
To silence you.

Always say never...
To the heart breakers back stabbers
And the story tellers.

They only want to cut you down.
This poem idea came from a comment that I got in a poem which gave me the idea for this one
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