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172 · Nov 2017
a Sunday poem
A heart for every person I have ever loved.
A tear for every face I will never see again.
Passing thoughts and dreams of escaping.
Just look for a some were to call home.
Searching for that much needed happy ending.
Opening the flood gates with no fear.
Letting these feelings flow deeply and freely.
Filling blank pages and empty lines with heart felt words.
Holding on old memories and happy days.
Remembering long and lazy Sunday days.
This is just a new poem from a new collection I am working on
171 · Oct 2017
A heart breakers recipe
In a bowl add

One tablespoon of promises made but never kept.
Two tablespoons of lies.
Five tablespoons tears
Ten tablespoons of emotional pain.

a recipe for breaking hearts
I got inspired when I when I was written down a recipe and this poem came to me
170 · May 2018
changing worlds
Worlds change
When eyes meet.
Leaving nothing
As it once was.
169 · Sep 2019
A broken beauty
I knew that he would be a trouble that
Would break my heart.
Taking me to dark places in me that I
Didn't know exist.

I knew that one taste of his venomous lips would be something I'd regret.
But it never stopped me longing for just one taste of a poison kiss.

I knew the longer I stare into his eyes the more lost I would become.
He was a broken beauty that drew me
Into his wicked game.

Writing poem after poem in the hope he read them and say something.
Passing glances feeling angry at myself for allow him in.

I hate myself for loving him and tasting the forbidden fruit I should have just left well alone.
This is just some new poetry I am trying
Out would love some feed back
169 · May 2018
loves lie
Love is
False promises shatter dreams.
A broken heart tears cried.
A pain that doesn't stop hurting.
A painful sting that stops you breathing.
Thoughts that don't let you sleep.
167 · May 2018
door matt
Inside I am a screaming angry mess.
Always turning the other cheek.
Walking away from arguments.
Never reacting to what people say.
Counting to ten until the anger passes.
Writing poems to keep my mind busy.
Why do I never let my anger go?.
Why do i never say what's on my mind.
Why I do i spare other peoples feelings,
When they never spare mines?.
Am i too nice or I am a door matt?.
I wrote this while I felt angry because I was told I was too nice and laid back, nice people like me never get any were so I wrote this to let my anger out
Yes I still crave his touch and I long to
Lay in warm safety of his arms.
I want him to pull me close and steal the breath from my lips.
He made me feel alive he unzipped my core, and touched the deepest part
Of soul so softly.
He made me feel what it was like
To be loved and to feel it.
#love #feel #softly #steal.
165 · Aug 2019
A dreamers play ground
Dreams are my play ground where i
Am far from a cold reality.
Until morning comes.
#dreams #reality #playground
165 · Jul 2018
a post card from the beach
Jeans rolled up sand in my toes.
Thought of you in my head.
Wishing you where here.
165 · Nov 2017
an unanswered message
I tried.
You gave up.
I staid.
You left.
You texted.
My battery died.
The best thing that ever happen.
I wrote this poem using text message as the form.
165 · Aug 2018
sonnet 1
Loves gentle kiss loves tender touch.
Let soft lips do what gentle hands do.
Carries out on waves of strong emotions.
A venomous kiss I long to taste, letting
The venom stay deep in my veins.
Bring the darkness of the night so I can
Get lost in dreams of what could be.
Can't deny what burns deep in my heart.
William wordsworth saw a host of golden daffodils', William Shakespeare was trying to compare someone to a summers day, Robert burns love was like a red red rose.
Yet I feel something words can't explain.
If this is love I prey it will last.
I got this idea for a sonnet while I was reading a book that had a little rhyme in and this poem was born
164 · Nov 2017
When life gives you lemons.
Smile and make lemonade.
164 · Jun 2018
love with no trust
I love everyone.
But I trust no one.
That's the sad part.
Wrote this because trust is the one thing that's
Hard to do
163 · May 2018
unforgotten pain
Theres something's you can't forget.
Sounds of falling tears in the night
Never leave you.
Saying it will be okay when you
Know It won't be okay.

The best hug doesn't take the pain away.
You hold on to any hope that you can find.
So many years pass by so much time
Faded away.

But after all this time and the broken
The pain still hurts the still.
I will remember and recover but
I'll never forgive or forget.
162 · May 2018
Burning the midnight oil writing poem's.
Swimming through a sea of emotions.
Sweeping pieces of broken heart away.

Filling blank pages and empty lines with
Words trying to release the pain. Some memories are too painful to forget.

Poetry isn't just words on paper feelings or emotions. It's the one thing that saves us and gives us a way to express our self.
161 · Aug 2019
A dead moment
He looked me in the eyes and said
My only fault, was i created a lie
That you believed.
In that moment something died
In the deepest part of my heart.
160 · Dec 2017
this country
700,000 children pushed into poverty.
Food banks that can't cope anymore.
Jobs lost families struggling to get by.
Even more rough sleepers than before.
Tax credit's that makes life worse.
People living in badly built houses.
No money for schools and hospitals.
Yet there's money for royal weddings.  
One rule for us and a different rule for them.
A government that takes from the poor.
Even death has a tax these days.
Is this what building a fairer country that works for everyone looks like?.
I wrote this because when you look at the mess of the UK you start to wonder who does this country work for it makes me angry.
160 · Oct 2017
Be strong.
Be bold.
Always believe.
Never give up.
160 · Sep 2017
wake me up
Should have known better.
Should have staid away.
Should not have got to close.
Should not have plaid with the fire that's burning me.
Turn the light on someone wake me up.
He's stealing my dreams and taken my heart.
I woke up with this poem in my head this morning and i not sure what to make of it
159 · Jun 2020
End the suffering
It's time to end the suffering.
It's time to say this is not right.
I don't know if there was ever
An American dream.

Every black life matters.
See pass colour because
Our blood is all the same.

Untwist your mind open your
Eyes and look at the hate that's
Festering like a cancer.

Another black life is taken but
He will not die in vain.
Your skin colour should never
Be a death Warren.

Is this making America great again?.
You can call it by another name
****** is still ******.
It's time to say no enough is enough this should not be happening the colour of your skin should never matter
158 · May 2018
Every poem was happy would
It sound the same.
Everything was peaceful would
The world be a better place.
You had everything you ever wanted
Would you truly be happy.
You could go back to that happy moment
In time would you do it.
158 · Sep 2020
An unequeted love.
Spare me the lecture!!!.
I know that I fall in love alone.
But this isn't a feeling that you
Can turn off.

I wish that i had never laid
My eyes on that man.
Hating myself for being unable
To let him go.

I can't think.
I can't breath.
I can't dream of someone else.
Maybe I deserve the pain.

I shouldn't answer his message.
But this sick love as you call it
Is better thank having nothing.
Call me crazy tell me it's on my head.

Just because I can't be with him.
It does mean that this love just
Dies because it doesn't die.
This from my unequeted love collection the woman in this poem is telling her friend that doesn't matter how one side this love is she still loves him and nothing will ever change it
Broken minds and bleeding wounds.
Words that can't change anything.
Saying sorry doesn't make it better.

When the past isn't dead and you
Keep suffering in your head.

Do you know what it is like to feel
Pain that hurts so much you can't breath?, because I feel it everyday.
156 · Aug 2019
Strength doesn't come from how
Many fights that you have had.
Strength comes from picking yourself up everytime you have fallen.
156 · May 2019
I feel the pressure building.
Screaming louder and louder,
But no one hears me.
No more do I want to fight the darkness,
Because I am too broken for that
#pressure #darkness #broken
155 · Sep 2017
If i could turn it off I would.
If this was an act it would be over by now.
If you were to live in my body you wouldn't last an hour.
If I could stop my mind spinning for one day I would.
If I could scream at my anxiety disorder to leave me alone, I would have done that long ago.
155 · Aug 2019
Summers night
I'll never forget the day.
When we left our phones and thoughts behind.
Lost in the woods we knew so well
Tents up a fire ready to be lit.
Rabbits hoping brids singing the gentle breeze dancing with the trees.
Night falls the stars are out hot chocolate made marshmallows roasted.
Singing songs round the camp fire falling asleep under the stars.
A summers night i will never forget.
This is about getting back into nature with no phones and enjoying being in the woods
155 · Oct 2017
A bad name
Shattered dreams lies told broken heart.

Promised heaven and got put through hell.

You gave love more than a bad name
I wrote this while listening to the song you gave a bad name
155 · Dec 2019
Days smoked away
The faces behind the masks tell,
The biggest lies.
Living fake life's needing attention.
Always having to prove they know
Everything better than you.
When it's your time to shine they
Steal your light.
Kicking you back into the shadows.
Because know if you look better than
Them they won't like it.
Watching them sitting catching rust.
Each day goes up in a puff of smoke.
Yet I am always judged on everything.
I wrote this because sometimes it's the ones who are closer to you that do the most damage
154 · Apr 2019
What is silence
Silence is,
Hearing the sound of your own
while the darkness stares at you.
Is there a sound of silence like the song says? Is silence really golden.
Maybe silence is what we want it to be.
This was just a poem that popped into my head
154 · Sep 2019
Angel and demon
Embracing the darkness inside me
Letting it out not holding it back.
Smashing the masks they give me to wear tierd of the fake faces.
Who pretend they are perfect when its just a well told lie.
I stepped over to my dark side found
That I am both angel and demon.
We all have a light and darkness inside us.
I now embrace the darkness I was
Scared of for long.
#embrace #darkness #light #angel #demon
154 · Jun 2018
my life in a poem.
Born with no silver spoon.
Grew up with very little.
Made something from nothing.
Always made the best of things.

Held on to hope really tight.
Always believed there's a better tomorrow.

Been strong not by choice.
Smiled through all the pain.
Took the good with the bad.
But I wouldn't change anything.
This is about how I grew up sometimes having very little and life has not always been good to me. It's taught me many lessons. But its made me who I am today and that I am grateful for
154 · Apr 2019
Dangerous dreams
The danger with some dreams is they
Keep you holding on to the one thing,
That you can never really have.
154 · Sep 2017
I won't break
Put down me I'll get back up stronger than ever.

Put me in darkness and I'll shine brighter than a star.

nothing you do or say can ever hurt me.

You will never break me
153 · Jan 2018
My mystery
You are
  The mystery I want to find
  The secret I want to keep
  The touch I want to feel
The kiss I want to taste
152 · Mar 2019
Broken and empty
I pray every night hoping
That God hears me.
Hiding feelings in lines of poems.
Laying awake missing old faces.

Asking my self why I am so broken?.
Why am I not healing?.
Why won't they listen to me?.

My mum's pain didn't stop until
The day she died.
My brothers and sister smoke the
Pain away.

Is it okay not to be okay?.
Is it okay not wear a fake smile?.
Is it okay not to always be strong?.

I remember why I could see the
Beauty in everything.
Now I see nothing and feel nothing.
152 · Jun 2018
the American dream
The American dream,
Turned into the
Real American horror story.
This is just the way that I see America now its a real
Horror story
152 · Nov 2017
I am sorry.
There's things I should have said but there never seemed to be the right time.
Could find the right words or let my feelings show, now it is to late.

I am sorry.
For the things we will never do and the places we'll never see.

I am sorry.
That I left you when I promised that I would never leave you.
152 · May 2019
Switched off
The light at the end of the
Tunnel is switched off,
Until further notice.
Please enjoy the darkness and
The sound of silence.
This is just a passing through feel down so I wanted to turn it into a poem
#silence #darkness #notice #switchedoff
152 · Dec 2017
I am only human
I am no angel.
Crossed many lines.
Made mistakes.
Learned lessons.
I am a poet.
Not a lair.
I wrote this after me and my friend where talking we both have different views on poets. He calls it creative liying and I see it as an art form and a way to express your selfs and feelings
151 · May 2019
A born trap
Is it sad that I was born into my
Trap and I don't mind it anymore.
#trapped #born
150 · Oct 2017
do you
Now you are in heaven and we are worlds apart.

Do you miss me like I miss you?.
Do you wish we could meet one last time?.
Do you miss moments we shared?.
Do you miss the places we went?.
Do miss the summer days we had by the beach?.

It's been two years since you since you past away but the pain still hurts.
I wrote this for my mum we were really close and she died two years ago. I miss her it still hurts everyday
150 · Jan 2018
Kiss me
Awaken sense heighten pleasure.
Bodies entwined heart to heart.
Eyes closed every touch felt.
Slip your fingers in my hair.
Pull me closer than before.
kiss me like your losing me.
Kiss me like a vampire.
150 · Jun 2019
Don't push me
Behind my smile lies a rage you
Have never seen before.
So please don't push me too hard.
Sometimes you meet that one person who pushs all your wrong buttons
#don't #me #push
150 · May 2019
A broken moment
The moment I fell in love with you
I broke my own heart
#broke #heart #sadpoem
150 · Aug 2018
not fake.
You have to plan before you do it.
Believe everything question nothing.
Wear all the right cloths.

Look perfect and be perfect everyday.
Wearing a mask to hide the real you.
Never caring about who your hurting.

They always tell me i am not enough.
The difference is i am happy as i am.
I love the skin i am in.

I am real not fake.
I wear no mask.
I have nothing to hide.
I wrote this because society is putting us all under so much pressure to be something we are not, act a certain way plus I was feeling angry at the time.
150 · May 2018
love letters in the sand
Writing words in the sand
You will never see.
Watching as the waves carry
Each line away.
I wrote you a love letter
In the sand.
But the sea washed it away
Like it was a mistake.
149 · Apr 2018
I want to fly but they won't let me.
Seen but never heard by anyone.
It's either their way or no way.
As each day and night slips by.
I die that little bit more inside.
My deep wounds never heal.
My heart is too broken to fix.
I wrote this in poem when I feeling low it is always the best way to release the pain I feel
149 · Aug 2018
Always something
There's always something

Behind the I am
only joking

Knowledge behind the
The I don't know

Emotions behind the
I don't care

And pain behind the I am okay
I wrote this because sometimes you just have to look beyond the smile and you will see the truth
148 · Jun 2018
this isn't love.
Lips meet.
Felt desires flame burn.
Trying not to fall too deep.
Hypnotized by his eyes.
This isn't love we're addicted to lust.
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