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Justin Case Jan 2015
I've never done a challenge before, but I've been thinking on writing a poem about what kind of Pokemon I would be. I guess this would be more for the nerd-type people here. But I challenge others to write what kind of Pokemon they would be. Let me know if you accept so I can check it out.

If I Were A Pokemon....

I would be a Ditto.
I'm Ditto because I'm a different person depending on who I'm with.
I tend to transform into what others like.
I become what they want to see out of me.
Whether that means always joking around,
Being a little extra sad,
Talking "like a Christian",
Or talking like a "normal" person my age.
I will become whatever you want just to make you happy,
Because it doesn't matter who I really am.
I'm *Ditto
Justin Case Dec 2014
Everyday I think of ways to get you back.
Ways that would make you smile,
Ways that would make you sad,
Ways that would make you regret, and
Ways that would make you feel guilty.

Everyday I think that maybe if you just saw me, everything would go back to normal.
Maybe if I just showed up to your house one night and knocked on your window,
Then you would see how much I still love you.
I could hold you in my arms again to show you what it feels like to be held by someone who loves you more than themself.

But I know that wouldn't help.
It would just make things worse.
Because I don't want you back if you're only here because you feel bad for me.
I want you back because you love me and can't live without me.

But now I know that you can live happily without me.
Too bad I can't live without you.
2.4k · Jan 2015
Justin Case Jan 2015
You are embarrassed every time you see me.
I can tell by the way you close your eyes , like you're trying to un-see me.
You turn your face away as if I'm a disease.

Why are you embarrassed?
Are you embarrassed of me?
Do you wish you had never met me?
Wish that I was never a part of your life?

Or are you embarrassed for how you treated me?
Leaving me the way you did.
Taking away my only source of happiness
And being blamed by everyone for it.

Are you embarrassed by the way I acted when you left me?
How pitiful I was,
Broken, emotional, a wreck.

Or are you embarrassed by the way you acted?
Pretending you still cared,
Saying you still loved me but you loved him too.

I know you are embarrassed,
But what for?
Justin Case Jan 2015
Everyone must think that I've gotten over you.
They say things to me about you that they never would have said before.
Things that put you down, make you seem worse.
Things that offend me too.
They don't realize how much it hurts me too, because I still love you.

They must think I've moved on.
Telling me I should find another girl.
Pointing out potential partners saying how good they would be for me.
Don't they get it?
You are all I ever want.

But I guess I'm doing a good job hiding things.
My shell is working like a charm.
I've mastered the art of fake.
I wonder if I could even fool you?
This is more of a rant/letter to the girl who left me. Not really a poem.
1.8k · Jan 2015
Warning:Newest Scammer On HP
Justin Case Jan 2015
This is a message I received. too similar to the one from "stephanie" to be coincidence. just a heads up.

My name is Roseline,I came across your profile while browsing i was moved
to contact you as I want to know you the more , i will like you to write
to me through my private email address here( so that i will send you my
pictures and introduce myself well to you.and i also have some important
information i will like to disclose to you I hope we can move from here
my regards, as I wait for your reply at.
( stay blessed.
1.6k · Mar 2015
Failure To Befriend
Justin Case Mar 2015
I tried reaching out to you.
Don't you remember when you said you still wanted to "be friends"?
I was trying to put aside our differences, forget what you did to me.
I tried being your friend again,
But you rejected me.

It was your idea, don't you know.
I still wish I never met you.
But now that I have,
I can't live without you.

I tried to be "just friends",
But you no longer even want that...
Justin Case Mar 2015
Never treat hearts like wishbones,
When it breaks,
Someone loses.
1.1k · Jan 2015
I wonder
Justin Case Jan 2015
I wonder what will happen next time we wee each other.
Will you pretend you didn't see me?
Will I pretend I didn't see you?
Or will we say hi and carry on with our day?

I wonder if you would let me talk to you.
Would we be able to pretend we were still best friends?
Talking and laughing like the good old days.
Or would you tell me to leave and refuse to talk to me?

I wonder if you would go home and miss me.
Would you reminisce on our glory days?
Would you want me to be part of your life again?
Or would you just carry on with your day,
As if nothing ever happened.

I wonder if you would even recognize me.
Do you remember what I look like?
Or am I just a faint memory?

I won't have to wonder for much longer I hope.
939 · Mar 2015
I Wrote You A Letter Today
Justin Case Mar 2015
I wrote you a letter today,
But I write to you all the time,
Through poetry, journals, and many others.
But this time was different.

I wrote you a letter today,
And unlike all of those other things I write for you,
I think I may give this one to you,
Let you actually read it.

I wrote you a letter today.
It's not hate mail.
I actually was able to talk like a normal person,
Without snapping and ranting about how you shouldn't have left.

I wrote you a letter today,
And I felt a bit better.
816 · Jan 2015
Justin Case Jan 2015
Addiction is defined as the state of being enslaved to something that's habit forming and causes severe trauma.

Withdrawal from that something can cause: Low energy, anxiety, insomnia, agitation, vomiting, nausea, pain, among others.

You were my drug.
I was addicted to you.
And now I'm paying the price

You were my marijuana,
You made me high.

You were my alcohol,
Making me forget the pain.

You were my daily cup of coffee,
The only thing keeping me going throughout the day.

You were heaven on Earth,
Perfect for me.

You were the peanut to my butter
And the honey to my bee.

I didn't need an intervention,
So why make me go through this?
Why make me quit cold turkey?
Have you ever experienced withdrawal?
Apparently not.
Justin Case Jan 2015
I kinda wish I never met you.
You know why?

Because before you:
I didn't know what true happiness was.
I was content with being alone.
I thought love was fake.
I enjoyed life.

But now that you've come into my life and then left:
I cry because I'll never truly be happy again.
I hate being lonely.
I know how incredible love is.
I can't enjoy life because you were all that ever made me happy,
And you left me dead on the street.

Thanks for ruining my life,
This was hard for me to write because I still love you and my life was amazing with you. But I hate life without you and I just want to die.

I realize the title doesn't have much to do with the poem. The hardest part of a poem for me is the title.
718 · Dec 2014
Justin Case Dec 2014
Did I deserve to be treated like this?
No, nobody does.
But did I ever deserve someone as perfect as you?
No again.
Or maybe a better question is did you deserve someone like me?
Still a no. You deserve better.
But I gave you my best,
I gave you my all.
You might not realize it, but I am nothing without you.
I gave you everything I had to offer and now I'm left with nothing.
Nothing but memories. And even those hurt to have.
People say that if something seems to good to be true,
Then it probably is.
But I forced myself to not believe it.
To believe that for some reason we would be different.
Well I was wrong, and I payed dearly for that.
I lost the only thing I cared about, the only thing I need.
And you, you moved on like nothing happened.
But for some reason, I still love you.
It can't be helped.
My heart is yours forever.
702 · Jan 2015
Justin Case Jan 2015
I see so much pain.
So much hurt and depression.
Talk of suicide and self injury.
I know nothing that anyone says will help the hurt.
So I encourage everyone who knows someone like this,
To just listen.
Don't try giving advice,
It doesn't help.
Don't tell us stories of yourself in a similar situation,
We are different.
We just want someone to listen to us and be there for us.

And for everyone who feels worthless and ready to die,
Hang in there.
You are loved.
More people than you could imagine care about you.
I know it won't be easy at all,
But try.
Even if you only find one reason to live and a million to die,
Fight for that one reason.
698 · Mar 2015
The Look In Your Eyes
Justin Case Mar 2015
Do you remember how you could never look into my eyes?
You always told me that it was because you were afraid of losing me.
But I think I figured out the real reason.

When you looked into my eyes, you saw how much I loved you.
You saw how much that you meant to me,
And you knew that you could never love me the same way.

You never looked back into my eyes because you knew I would see.
You knew I would see that you didn't love me forever.
You knew I would figure out your secret.

You knew I would have to find out eventually,
So why did you hide it from me for so long?
You knew that the longer you waited, the harder it would be on me.
Why didn't you care?
698 · Sep 2015
Morning Dew
Justin Case Sep 2015
Like the morning dew, you glistened in the sunlight, beautiful to all who could see.
Like the morning dew, you would greet me, being the best way to start off the day.
Like the morning dew, you would be refreshing, leaving a longing on my lips for more.

Like the morning dew, you left me, only to keep returning, never to be forever gone.
Like the morning dew, you make my feet cold, making me unwilling to venture any farther.
Like the morning dew, you were beautiful, but never lasting.
684 · Jan 2015
2 Corinthians 12:7-10
Justin Case Jan 2015
7 or because of these surpassingly great revelations. Therefore, in order to keep me from becoming conceited, I was given a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me. 8 Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. 9 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. 10 **That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.
Stumbled across this tonight
618 · Dec 2014
Justin Case Dec 2014
What is wrong with me?
I can clearly see that you love him.
I can see that he loves you.
I can see that you guys are happy together and I make things worse.
I'm a broken bone that never healed.
I'm a bullet that can't be pulled out, that still hurts.
I'm that annoying woodpecker that wakes you up in the morning and never shuts up.
You aren't coming back.
Why do I even pretend?
You are in love and I lost out.
I lost my chance.
I should do the world a favor and **** off the annoying woodpecker.
Then you could live in peace.
And I could meet my maker.
607 · Feb 2018
I Need You
Justin Case Feb 2018
I don't usually push this hard.
In fact, I'm almost scared that I'll push you away.
But I don't have time for this waiting game.
I can't play hard to get.
I'm running out of time.
I must fight for every second I can get.

In a few weeks I'll be gone,
Never to see you again.
Can you blame me for trying?
Is it possible to fit a lifetime in such a short period of time?

I don't mean to push you away,
I just want to spend time with you.
You're the sun to my flower.
Without you I cannot exist.

I'm a battery that can only be charged by you,
And I'm headed to a place without any power sources.
I shall soon be no more.
Please allow me to live while I still have the means.
593 · Jan 2015
Fear Of Moving On
Justin Case Jan 2015
I'm starting to think that I'm scared of my heart healing.
I'm scared because what if I move on?
You know I hate change.
That I'm scared of the unknown.
So if I move on, what will happen?
Would I get hurt again?
Would I be happy?
I don't know.
But I know that I will never be hurt again,
If I never let anybody else in.
And I think it's better to have no chance at getting hurt,
Than have a slim chance of being happy.
I don't really know.
I'm just as confused now as I was the day you left.
577 · Feb 2015
1 Corinthians 13:4-8
Justin Case Feb 2015
4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
574 · Jan 2015
Ready To Die
Justin Case Jan 2015
Before you, I was ready to die.
I didn't hate my life, but I didn't love it.
I was just kind of here.

Then you entered my life.
Every night I prayed that I would get to live forever with you.
I loved life more than I thought possible because you were there.

Now that you've left me for dead, I'm ready to die again.
I pray every night that God would take me home,
Let me leave this living Hell and go to paradise.
Because right now I have nothing to live for.
You took everything I had, and then some.
I'm ready to die now, but don't feel bad about it.
Its not your problem, just be happy my dear.
544 · Mar 2015
To Set Free Or Not?
Justin Case Mar 2015
People say "Never let go of someone that you can't go a day without thinking about."
But what about "If you love something, set it free. If it loves you, it will come back."
Does this mean you should let go and hope they come back?
Or does it mean never let them go and do whatever it takes to keep them around, even if they don't love you anymore?
I loved her and I still do.
She loved me so I set her free, and she never came back.
Sometimes, even if they love you, they may love freedom more...
The product of typing without thinking.
527 · May 2018
Justin Case May 2018
Don't trust me just because others do,
Trust me because you do.
518 · Mar 2015
I'd Rather Be Dead 10W
Justin Case Mar 2015
I am not suicidal,
I would just rather be dead.
512 · Jan 2015
First World Problems
Justin Case Jan 2015
First World Problems:
My coffee is too hot.
He/she made fun of me.
My Iphone is too old.
I'm too fat.
I'm too skinny.
I'm too ugly.
Nobody likes me.
I need more followers.
Need I go on?

There are more important problems in this world:
*** trafficing,
Slaves in general,
And so much more.

So why are we all so self centered?
And I know I'm a hypocrite for writing this,  
Because I do the same things.
But just stop and think how lucky you are to not have to fight every day just to get something to eat.
Think how lucky you are to have a place to live.
Be grateful for what you have and live every day to the fullest.
I started this poem expecting to write about how being depressed and lonely are real problems too...
501 · Dec 2014
Good Bye All
Justin Case Dec 2014
I have finally pushed you away.
I have finally made you hate me.
Now I can leave without you regretting it.
I can leave without you caring.
And now that you hate me,
Maybe you can finally forgive yourself for leaving me?
I hope so.
Good bye My Love :* <3
And good bye to everyone else.
Regret nothing. Learn to forgive yourself. Live life to the fullest
490 · Dec 2014
Justin Case Dec 2014
I never called you a monster.
I believed everything you ever said to me.
So why are you twisting my words?

You want me to **** myself?
That's cool.
You're all I was holding on to to keep me alive.

I can't tell you what you felt?
No I can't, but I can try to express my confusion.

So I'm bad with words, you know that.
You're the only reason I'm as good as I am now.
Something came out of my mouth wrong, mis-worded.
Shouldn't you be used to that?

Why are you mad at me when you're the one who left me?
You left me falling off a cliff with noone to catch me.
So if you really want me dead, just say the word.
Because I will do whatever it takes to make you happy.
I'm sorry for the way I try to express my feelings. Don't take it personally when I mess up.
488 · Apr 2015
Be Gone!
Justin Case Apr 2015
What was it about these past couple days?
All I could do was think about you.
No matter what I was doing,
You were right there in my mind.
Can't you see I'm tired of this?
Don't you realize what this does to me?
Maybe you do realize,
And that's why you never leave my mind alone...
475 · Jan 2015
I ain't
Justin Case Jan 2015
I ain't a poet,
But I wrote poems for you.

I ain't an artist,
But I drew a picture of you.

I ain't a writer,
But I write to you everyday.

I ain't a singer,
But I sing my heart out for you.

I ain't got feelings,
But I love you with all my heart.

I ain't anything,
But I try.
For you.
I wish I still had you.
Justin Case Dec 2014
"Don't bottle up your emotions or one day you'll snap"
That's what I was told all my life.
I always told them I'd be fine.
It won't happen to me.
But I've finally hit my breaking point.
And now, every time I snap,
Its on the only person I love.
And with each snap, I drive her farther and farther away.

I'm sorry.
I say it so often that I think you stopped hearing it.
But that's all I can say.
I can't fix what I've done.
I've hurt you and I feel horrible for it.
All I can do is say sorry and ask for another chance to get it right.
But I know I will run out of chances soon.
I just hope I can get it right before then.

I'm sorry.
I truly love you and care.
When I snap on you, it hurts me more than it hurts you.
Please forgive me and give me another chance.
456 · Dec 2014
I'm Sorry
Justin Case Dec 2014
I'm sorry.
For everything I couldn't be that you needed.
I'm sorry.
For not letting go.
I'm sorry.
I Love you.
449 · Feb 2015
Justin Case Feb 2015
I still love you, but I won't take you back.
446 · Jul 2015
Justin Case Jul 2015
I read your words over and over.
I wonder if you still mean them a month later.
Do you still feel the way you did or was it just a sudden flash of feelings that appeared and is now gone?  
Tell me, where are you at?
Justin Case Jan 2016
You've been out of my mind for months,
And out of my life for longer,
But you still felt the need to be in my dreams
The first night of the new year...
432 · Apr 2015
Does He Know, Because I Do
Justin Case Apr 2015
You go months without talking to me,
Months that feel like years.
I long to hear your voice.
Then out of the blue,
I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing your name,
Could this really be true?
I thought I was dreaming,
I had to be.
You wouldn't really be talking to me.

You tell me you're depressed,
But no one else knows.
You don't talk about that stuff with him.
But why don't you?
You expect me to still be your emotional support?
You're the one who left me. Remember?

So you can't talk to him about how you feel.
What else do you keep from him?
Does he know your history?
Does he know your little secrets?
Does he know your fears,
Your unwillingness to forgive yourself,
Your perfect imperfections?

How could you be in love with someone
When you can't even tell them how you feel?
I'm not quite sure.
Maybe I really don't know what love is all about.
And just like a stone dropped in the ocean, you disappeared again, without a word. The best of luck to you, you smart-alex. You clever pig.
Justin Case Mar 2015
When I woke up alive this morning,
I was disappointed.
419 · Mar 2015
Do You Remember Me
Justin Case Mar 2015
When you hear our song,
Do you think of me?
Do you think of us?
Do you think about all of our memories?

When you see the stars,
Do they remind you of all of those nights?
Do you remember the way I would hold you as we laid there?
Do you miss that old field?

When you hear my name,
Does it make you cringe?
Does it make you want to run?
Or do you not even remember me anymore?

When you are lying in his arms,
Do you ever think of the arms that used to hold you?
Do you ever think of all the things I risked just to be with you?
Do you ever think of how much I went out of my way for you?

Babe, since you left, do you ever think of me?
Because I am always thinking of you.
419 · Dec 2014
Giving up
Justin Case Dec 2014
I can't do this anymore
419 · Dec 2014
Life Goes On
Justin Case Dec 2014
Some days ****,
Others aren't so bad.
Some days I pray that God would just take me home.
But then I realize I'm just being selfish.
You know, I never knew what emotions were before I met you.
And now I wish I could forget all again.
But some days, I'm ok.
I can keep my mind busy with thoughts other than you.
At least until I get reminded of you, which is so very easy.
Some days I just sit around and stare.
Not at anything in particular, just stare.
But I'm told it gets better.
Sometimes I almost believe it too,
Until the smallest things bring you back into my mind.
But I make it through life.
Day by day.
Hour by hour.
Minute by minute.
And they add up after awhile.
They add up to a whole lot of nothing.
But life goes on.
415 · Jul 2015
Head vs. Heart
Justin Case Jul 2015
I can't believe you actually want to go back to her. Don't you remember what she did to us, how she left us the way she did?

Of course I remember, but she wouldn't do that to us again.

Why not? She just up and left the first time. She just left us and moved right on to the next guy.

But now she wants us back. She even apologized and asked for a second chance.

She didn't mean it. She probably already changed her mind again and moved on to another guy.

How do you know she didn't mean it? She still loves us and I still love her.

You can't take another beating like she dealt out last time.

It won't happen again. And besides, you can't break something that's already been destroyed so how much worse could she do?

There's plenty of other beautiful ladies out there that we could be with.

Yeah, but none of them are the love of our life.

I don't love her anymore.

I do.

I can't take her back.

I will.

Don't the other girls deserve a chance? Shouldn't we see if maybe someone else out there fits us better?

No. She's the only one for me.

She dumped us over a txt and blamed the whole thing on us.

Maybe it was our fault and we didn't deserve anything better than the way we were treated.

We do deserve to be treated better than that.

We were never happier than when we were with her. She was the only true joy in our life.

But we were never hurt by anyone more than by her. She's the only one who ever made us cry.

I don't care. I still love her.

I don't think I do.
I must silence one of the voices inside of me, but I don't know which one to ****...
409 · Dec 2014
Justin Case Dec 2014
I try so hard, but you can't even see.
All you see is my mistakes.
I put myself through Hell to try to make things work,
But I stumble and fall with no one here to help me up.
I wish I could do better, because my best isn't good enough.

If only you knew what I've gone through.
409 · Dec 2014
Justin Case Dec 2014
What are feelings?
What are emotions?
I never used to know.
I couldn't cry, I tried to care, I didn't know what love was.
But you taught me what emotions are.
You taught me how to have feelings and how to express them.
Was it worth it? I don't know.
I learned to love, to have fun, to trust, and to hope.
You taught me what its like to be cared for, to be loved and much more
But on the other hand, now I feel pain and sorrow and anger.
I cry, I care, I love.
Was it worth it?
I guess I'll find out.
395 · Dec 2014
I'm Done
Justin Case Dec 2014
I'm done.
I've messed enough up.
I just need to leave.
But before I go, I need you to know that I love you.
I love you with all of my heart.
And I tried.
It may not seem like it but I was trying so hard.
Just know that I'm always here if you need me.
And if I die an early death, rejoice. Don't be sad.
390 · Dec 2014
I Ain't a Poet
Justin Case Dec 2014
I ain't a poet,
So why am I here?
My poems **** and aren't really poems.
I just write stuff,
Saying what I can't say,
Hoping you'll read them, so you know how I feel.
I try talking in riddles, so you can only guess at what I mean.
Because I don't want you to know, even though I do.
I ain't a poet,
So why am I here?
380 · Dec 2014
I'm A Fake
Justin Case Dec 2014
I'm a fake.
I'm phony.
Putting on what people wanna see.
I don't really care.
I'll show them what they want to see.
I have so many identities that you never know if you got the real me.
But when you see the real me, you'll know.
Too bad that the number of people who know the real me can be counted on one hand...
375 · Feb 2015
My Watch Is Special
Justin Case Feb 2015
My watch doesn't tell time.
These are the things it tells me:

Quit making excuses.
Never Give up.
Get over yourself.
Idk. I haven't written in a while and that's the first thing that came into my head.
371 · Aug 2015
Justin Case Aug 2015
Why do we need emotion?
What is the point of pain?
Why do we have memories?

Why do we need emotion?
Sure it may be nice sometimes,
But what about all the negative emotions?

What is the point of pain?
All it does is hurt.
We don't need that in our lives,
So why do we have it?
Why can't we just discard it or ignore it?
People often say "I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all."
Am I the only one who thinks this to be crazy?"
I  would rather be without feelings, good and bad, than have to suffer through pain.
Maybe I'm just naïve.

Why do we have memories?
Sure they are nice sometime.
Sure we couldn't survive, evolve, or learn from our mistakes without them.
But memories can be harsh.
Memories can haunt you for the rest of your life.
Memories can drive you to the grave.

Why is it that such wonderful things as emotions and memories can be so harmful to people?
How can they bring so much pain?
369 · Feb 2015
Justin Case Feb 2015
I wonder if enough time has passed for you to forget me.

Do you remember what we had?
Or has it been replaced with all new memories?

Would you still recognize me?
Or would I be a stranger to your eyes?

Would you talk to me like a long lost friend?
Or would you pretend you didn't see me?

Are you truly happy now?
Because that's all that matters to me.
I just kinda wrote...
368 · Mar 2018
My Precious
Justin Case Mar 2018
You are precious to me.
Much like that fateful ring though, you bring me much pain.

How can someone that brings so much joy into my life bring me so much pain?
The same way the ring does of course.
Being with you is such a high
That being without you is worse than death.
I would do anything to keep you.

Not only that, but the ring desires its true owner,
All others are simply a temporary placeholder.
The trouble is, I know I'm not the final destination,
Which means it is only a matter of time until you will be gone forever, never to return.

Still, I would travel through Mordor for you,
Although I fear I won't be as fortunate as Frodo.
I would risk my life, go through all the pain.
All you have to do is ask.

The chance of me making it through this journey is probably about the same of Frodo succeeding without Sam's help;
It just ain't gonna happen.
368 · Aug 2015
10W It Never Stops
Justin Case Aug 2015
Why do I still care about you so so much?
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