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Vijayalakshmi Harish
Armchair philosopher. Intellectual spiritualist. "Masterchef" of my kitchen. Lover of Life. Writer. A Student of Life Forever. All poems posted here …
Annelise Kearvell
I write poems when I ponder the universe. Maybe this is because I do not have a long beard to stroke... Do you?
BB Tyler
"A good traveler has no fixed plan, and is not intent on arriving." - accredited to Lao Tsu, but Bilbo probably said it too
Yes, I am the grandson of a spy--being perilously curious is part of my DNA.
Russia, Samara
Brendan Watch
Michigan    I've found three things in life: people, books and love.
Erika Skye
© All words are the original work and property of Erika Skye
Richmond    I'm back
Sonja Benskin Mesher
I write, I draw, I paint and make things. am quite patient, hold my tongue, but can't say multi disciplinary. easily
west yorkshire   
"If you are a dreamer, come in. If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar, A hope-er, a pray-er, a magic bean buyer . …
Destiny Copeland
23/F/MI    I'm just trying to expand my talents.
United States    One day, my right hand met a pen. They married, had many children and numerous quarrels since. Years later, they are still irrevocably in love. …
louis rams
florida    born and raised in n.y.c. and moved to florida in 1992 to be with our daughter, and now a grandson who will be turning 9 …
Gregory K Nelson
39/M/Connecticut    Writer, Entrepreneur, Filmmaker, Proud American, Political Pragmatist #LoveWins2020 #whowillsaverockandroll poetry, plays, video: prose:
Promethea    i feel therefore i write. “ Something happened to him which perhaps never happens to a man until he is out of his own world: …
Jeramy Allen Thompson
The Mitten    Writing supplements sanity. For me, some might believe it to be my "drug". Love until your bones run dry.
lina S
Let me enlighten you Indulge your senses Guide you through my map Put down the fences Soak you up with loads of me Then spin …
Neva Flores Varga Smith
53/F/Rochester NY    I have walked in the darkness of I can’t feel because I choose not to. Fell face down and bumped my head on every feeling …
Christine lawless
Freckles, music and a plethora of nutella.
Samantha Rose Schaefer
25/KY, United States    Like a Cheshire: I smile, and then I disappear; I'm kind of there, but sort of here.
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