Maine, USA
“So many people are shut up tight inside themselves like boxes, yet they would open up, unfolding quite wonderfully, if only you were interested in …
33/M/Witbank, South Africa
Life is poetic, it is just not always the rhyming scheme we prefer|| Please check out my book: |EP:
I am a poet, writer, photographer, procrastinator, prognosticator and philosopher! I don't write enough - the procrastinator - but occasionally The Muses return! My style …
I am Dennis. Musician. Teacher. Gamer. Trekker. Raver. Poet. [Note].: All published works are original material - If you've seen them elsewhere it's still mine.
M/south africa
I abide in South Africa- Writing is for me more than just words-its about creating a feeling, like of hope- All things are possible with …