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 Sep 2014 Sophia
 Sep 2014 Sophia
i would like to watch your heart beat
and your chest move up and down
as the breath that is partway mine
flows in and out of you
 Sep 2014 Sophia
 Sep 2014 Sophia
I want to feel, yet
I want to
I just want to go back
  to an easier time.
When life made sense
When people were there
When you didn't have to worry
  if they even cared.
If not for now, then what?
If not here, where would I be?
If I'd changed my mind in the beginning
  I know this wouldn't be me.
She brings me back down when
She holds my hand in hers
She usually keeps these feelings
  from getting so much worse.
Home isn't where the heart is and
Home won't set me free
Home won't stop my aching chest
  or **** this insanity.
fun with structure but also this is really how I feel
 Jun 2014 Sophia
Caroline Murray
my metabolism
cant keep up
with how fast
my mind races
at 3 am when
scales and razors
are all i
think of

and bleeding
never gives me
the answers
ive always
longed for

but cherry cough syrup
tastes so much better
when you've downed
half a bottle
 Jun 2014 Sophia
Caroline Murray
I am going to ******* say it a thousand **** times,
And then once more because
i hate you and
maybe once your gone
my migraines and
self destruction will
leave too.
 Jun 2014 Sophia
Caroline Murray
I ******* hate you so much
You made me open my veins
And now you've crawled inside
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