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The spider’s eye glittered
from the bottom corner of the desk
She was a huge mamma jamma
hiding behind a silken web

I shrieked and David came running into
the room

I find spiders scary, their hairy black legs
and small monstrous form is enough
to send a series of shudders up
my spine

Nevertheless “Charlotte” plays a vital role
in Nature’s global ecosystem
without Araneae our world would be
overrun with insects devouring
crops and spreading disease

In fact, grandmother spider from
Native American culture created the world
spinning her alchemical web,
embroidered with dew she hurled
the dreamcatcher into the
heavens transmuting it into stars

How cool is that?

David carefully captured the little goddess
releasing her to the night winds and starry

As we turned to go back inside I caught a glimpse
of a willowy silhouette, grandmother spider
grinning broadly
giving us the thumbs ups
Sunset embraces me
with flashing coral yellow
and scarlet arms
I tie open
the flap on my tent
flooding the interior
in warm sultry hues
soon stars and moons
rush in
dancing with
nocturnal shadows
and dreamtime spirits
songs of ancestors
well up from earth’s
mysterious womb
we pass the calumet pipe
and sing our visions
my feet are raw and bleeding
How many more lives
must I tread this mortal path?

The savanna sun blisters
my tender skin
and mirages as real
as this pain beckon for me
to take refuge in them

Still Ramakrishna
with a hoarse voice
I chant your divine name
follow Your lotus
beneath desert stars
past lonely, melancholy cactus
red sentinel canyons and
cow skulls staring
blankly into space
I am making myself beautiful for Hari
my sari is woven from rainbows
spun on the mystic loom of Heaven
the full moon has fallen headfirst
into the evening lakes of my eyes
there is only one love song that
blooms on the moist red petals of my lips
I have spread a golden net
bulging with gems of prema
and the dedicated fruits of my actions
How can you resist the tender pleas of a devotee
eternally in love with You
Some may think me unfriendly
and even downright reclusive
since I am given to
solitude and require
ample periods of quiet reflection

Please understand
this does not mean my love
for you is in any way diminished

From my lofty orbit there are
fewer distractions
less commotion
or confusion

Walls fade away
I can breathe in
magnitude of His Love
sense His Presence

In that wide open spacious
wilderness within
I can spread my wings
across the endless star drunk
gaze up unabashed
into the glorious face of God

and soar
Immersed in God ecstasy
and orange robes
the true bhakta’s thoughts
are always on God, for God
and of God
armed with pure love
the slings and arrows
of maya, good, bad and outrageous fortune
are averted
God and His beloved
whirl across the bhakti path
dancing with Rumi, Kabir,  St. Francis  Meera Bai
and all the beautiful bhaktas
for eternity
Woe is me
again I have fallen for Maya!
succumbed this lifetime to the sway of
her ***** hips
and full red lips
like a vampire she
***** the life
of Spirit
bewitches the aspirant
with impermanent bliss
lurks in sultry, silken shadows
a serpent ready to ambush
Hari! Hari!
deliver Your devotees
from her glamorous talons
and sirens’ song
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