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You held me
blue skies and dazzling outer space
my lungs, body, mind,
and spirit

this was no mere death
nor ordinary passing
but the birth of
something far greater
too vast to adequately describe

There is a new constellation
in the luminous heavens
it spans the entire prism
two starry lovers
wedded in an eternal
inseparable embrace
there's a fairy with a harp
a white moon spirit
in my garden

at twilight when
purple iris tides flood
the western horizon
and the evening star
hovers brightly over
her ***** head
she tiptoes past the
Lakshmi lotus fountain
tossing golden coins at our feet
and if in the mood
she swings in the jhoola with me

when the atmosphere thins
and we see through the walls
our imaginations have built
if you listen with a
fine-tuned ear you can
surely hear her
Celtic swan~song rippling...
carrying us across
gossamer wavelengths
to distant luminous shores
Your face burns a hole in the night
singeing my dreams, visions, bed-covers

Restless Spirit,
holding the moon as my lantern
I star-walk through a vortex
of planets, celestial and terrestrial realms
in search of You...
the Brighter half
of me
If You could grant me one wish
One burning boon
it would be to always
remember You
when my ashes
merge with the Ganges and
pages of this life
are cast into flames
of oblivion
my eyes will open again as
if in a dream
to the darkness of this world

do not hide Beloved
make haste
during the early hours of
earthly life
grant me the vision of
Your orange robe
smell of Your sadhu skin
blessed kiss
of Your lotus feet
Saving Grace
of knowing
Who I am
Pearls spill like stars from the sky,
my basket is ready,
across Your fragrant meadow I run to catch
them one by one
O Guruji
take my breath and shape it as
You will
what do I know?
the road ahead is murky
with mental mist
the loud cry of peacocks
and proud strut of
body consciousness
when I gaze into
Your diamond cut eyes
for one clear infinite laser second
I am no longer afraid
I am not alone
Love bugs smash themselves
against speeding cars in a wild
ecstatic dance
floating, oblivious
through the hot, humid
Florida atmosphere
locked in a passionate
ritual frenzy the sultry red
jewel on their lacy black bodies
glows like neon lamps in the night
"They are so annoying,” my daughter
comments, fanning away a hapless pair that
wandered into our car as we prepared to
drive off
well, I reflected they must
serve some purpose
every year thousands
of love bugs rain down
upon us resembling a
***** black locust plague
they are not destructive
neither do they sting, bite or
cause any really harm
They just want to make love
in the warm, sweet air
I smile to myself
we humans can
learn a lot from
tiny embodiments of
even if you can’t believe
in God, a higher consciousness
or immortality
can you at least open your
heart to the basic
unitive, umbilical connection we all share?
******* tears trickling
down your quivering rouge lips
the flavor is familiar
listen to my heart rumbling inside
your spacious chest
and the clap of thunder
as our warm breath fogs
a rain streaked window
we are so much alike...
I sprang ****** and naked
from my mother’s belly
just like you
and it breaks my heart
to see you cry,
suffer, or go hungry
There is so much
love inside of you
it just overflows
naturally, effortlessly
into me
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