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 Aug 2015 Laura
semi automatic dreamscape
picture it
boundless emptiness
like an ocean of thought
swimming from sharks made of wrought iron and slate
frightening and you haven't even gotten through
those towering gates
lower me down
to the sewers
where I rest in waste
swimming in a sea
Of blanketed unease
but don't call me a monster
im barely a beast
crawling out your drain
and into sweet dreams
looking for beauty to trade me peace
 Feb 2015 Laura
Hannah Lorrelle
It seems I am in love
with ideas, notions,
and places I have never been.

I am in love with the idea
of forever,
of waking up beside
the one I love
everyday, until we both
cease to be.

I am in love with the notion
that there is someone
perfect for everyone,
that someday I wont
be all alone.

I am in love with the idea
of complete happiness
of being satisfied with
exactly what life hands me.

I am in love with places
that I have never been
places that I may never
get to go.
I am in love with
skylines I may never see.

I am in love with the idea
of love itself.
The notion that one can
accept someone
exactly as they are
and run away with their heart
to places neither
have ever been.
 Dec 2013 Laura
Nick M
 Dec 2013 Laura
Nick M
Maybe this isolation isn't what I need, all this silence letting my thoughts run like a faucet
My thoughts always lead me to situations I could never imagine, they completely take control of me as if I was some toy robot and my mind is the control
Perhaps I've just lost my sanity, or maybe my mind just stole it from me like a thief
I can sit here all I want, my body nearly infusing itself into this warm bed of mine, and tell myself things can get better, that maybe I can actually do something with my life but I just have no motivation and sometimes it feels as if perhaps my mind stole that as well
But as if I know at this point, all I can do is just sit here and wait
and that's what I do
I guess all I need is some patience
 Dec 2013 Laura
People often ask me "Why are you such a good writer?" I reply with a simple statement; My heart has felt many things in which the human eyes can only dream of trying to see.
Most people don't know what it's like to hurt;
I mean to really hurt
To where your bones become fragile
And the veins that hold your blood
Become cold
To the skin that wraps around you;
A walking
You suddenly become grey

Then there you are;
All alone
Left with nothing but your thoughts

With memories from as far as
You can remember

What better thing to do
Then write down the innovative thoughts
That is stored inside ones mind
 Jul 2013 Laura
John F McCullagh
“Till death do us part.”
Is a comforting phrase
To all those who repent
their impetuous days.
Those whose “I do’s” were followed
By a question mark,
Or who subsequently experienced
a quick change of heart.
It’s a comfort to them,
on their terminal day,
that their sentence is over
and they can get away.
When the last breath is expelled
Then their marriage is through.
They are free then to love
Anybody but you
 Jul 2013 Laura
Two nights ago,
I discovered the definition
of summer.
Regardless of what
Merriam tells you,
it is not just "the warmer
half of the year."
In fact, summer lies
within the smallest details
of a perfect day
and the broadest spectrum
of all drunken nights.
It is the warm concrete
underneath your thighs
that burns at first but
"hey, you'll get used to it."
It is the cigarette carelessly
placed between your
cherry-red lips
and the way we sang as
loud as we could in
your driveway at
It is the restlessness
of being in one place for
too long mixed with the
comfort of somewhere you
know like the back of your hand.
It is our "couple minute long" talks
that turn into hours
and the epiphany I had when
I realized it's okay to be okay
but it's also okay to not be.
It is the moment I told you this
revelation of mine,
and how you smiled at me
like a 2-year-old and responded,
"this is why I love you."
 Jul 2013 Laura
 Jul 2013 Laura
As the sky began to fade to a lighter shade
the stars bid their farewell
and the ones that fell to the earth
took all my wishes with them
and 11:12 laminated my disappointment
you're still over there
and I'm still here
 Jul 2013 Laura
Snow White
 Jul 2013 Laura
Vainity is a terible thing,
It spreads through your body like posin.
Everyone jealous or the rest don't care,
All while from her tower the Queen stares.

Mirror mirror on the wall who is the fairest of them all,
Snow White

A plot of death ended with loves true kiss,
A wave goodbye to the seven men she'll always miss.
A new life with everything she could ever want or need,
Distrust setting in just like a ****.

A kingdom now goes to war,
A new queen who sits back wondering if this will go far.
A king on his deathbed sick with lies,
A Queen who's beauty is where it all ties.

Back to square one the story starts all over again,
As Snow White commits the next evil sin.
 Jul 2013 Laura
Barbara Swan
It is late, I should be asleep, but thoughts go swirling in my head
The day has been busy, work is done now, why can’t I relax?

Work done, not really! Never a time with nothing to do,
Relax is an unknown scenario, feet up, head back,  No Way!

Even if it could be, my clock would make me stand at attention
Guilty for the laziness running through my bones

Oh well, as long as there is a purpose for living, work will be there
So as I lie in my comfortable bed, let the busyness swirl, finally to sleep
Tomorrow is here
 Jul 2013 Laura
On silken wings and silken strings
the garden doth awake
and from their beds those sleepy heads
their petals gently shake
a snail or two say how are you
as bumblebees take wing
to nectar sweet with sticky feet
as skylarks start to sing
a ladybug sleeps yet so snug
beneath a quilted leaf
her dreams untold as wings unfold
as earthworms crawl beneath
the ants at work refuse to shirk
they have no time to play
and cabbage whites like stars at night
take flight and fly away
the field mouse and wooded louse
attract the watchful eye
of tawny owl and feathered fowl
that own the morning sky
a homeward cat puts pay to that
no bird is fool enough
to try to land where danger stands
All teeth and claws called Fluff
so morrow breaks and nature wakes
and soon enough will we
but until then this land of men
is theirs so naturally
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