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  Jun 2017 Sjr1000
K Balachandran
Each day dawning would
gift me new eyes of wonder,
right from my childhood
a  friend, from this lone and lonely tree,
I'd fervently hope for something different,
rushing  to the window,
I view that  elegance
as the first auspicious thing
to gaze at, as the custom suggests.

After the morning light creates a pool
above the verdant hills at the east,
yet again a regular ritual,
the tree is my magical yard stick
by which I measure myself,
a mysterious pact between us
existed, deep in mind, I had felt
only we know between us
even if the breeze says, that aloud often.

In her presence every thing becomes clear.

As I watch the tree, as usual
after the repetitions of long
years of rain, shine and mist in between,
what I saw that moment was different:
On every branch seeking light,
bristled flowery wonders
songbirds, absent till the day before
in droves sat all over the crown,
in unison singing her paeans sonorously,
purple rays of morning sun
adorned each leaf, in colorful embrace.

Wasn't it the moment I was yearning for?
I stood filled with it's effulgence,crown to root
the connection in an instance, becomes clear,
there is no secrets left unsaid between  us any more--
In a flash , a golden window opens in inner chamber
I feel free from, the bindings of all mundane desires
as one rows the boat, the miseries of Samsara,
the treacherous rapids, are left behind for ever.

Isn't it enlightenment, at the moment
seeking me unassumingly through my open windows?
Sjr1000 Jun 2017
The creative spirit
sleeping in the back
of the room
tossing and turning
eyes spinning in sleep
level four
but not saying a word
leaves you wondering
what's the point in

Creative spirit
taking a hiatus

No where to be found
maybe in Hawaii
looked under the couch
even checked the kitty litter

Creative spirit, taken a powder

Now I'm feeling
so lost
so all alone
what am I supposed to do

Creative spirit
give me a sign
smoke signals
Not even messaging

When does the somnambulisim
ever wear off
I told him he
had taken one too

The creative spirit, though,
still smoldering
where there's
smoke there's fire
where there is fire
there is passion's

I'm remembering what
Chuck Berry taught me
"If the joint is rocking
Don't bother knocking
Come right on in"

Creative spirit you
can't cancel
no excuses will
be taken
We have a date
at a quarter to ten.
When you smile with your heart

Your blood flush your cheek red

Do not allow any inhibitor

To inhibit your easy life flow bed

Better adaptation to the constant change

Which brings heaven and earth under our head

Pretty dear ! My Universe Beauty ! Never wonder

Where your cosmic eternal secret lies

If the life on earth is temporary dew drop

Let your rainbow fragrance dissolve in the sky

But you are here with divine abundance

To freely hold, embrace and fully open

To receive your heat beats in radiance

How much blessed you are my beloved

To discover each potential new day

To have living sensitive opportunity

To watch warm sunrise together

And to fall in love with you in moonlit night

Without any pride, prejudice , and illusion

Without any pain, insult , and confusion

Written by
~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
Sjr1000 Jun 2017
I find myself
finding myself,
and sometimes I find myself

We talk it all
over for a while

Sometimes resolution
Sometimes revolution

Alone again
Wondering which steps
to follow

It's tough being human
All frailties and all

The fact our days are numbered
kind of  says it all

I told myself
in a short story
at a young age

Not to forget the dream,
The main character
He forgot the dream
And, oh

Sometimes though
when the music
is right
feeling it inside
in a trance
higher and higher
some may even call it

The moment though
it always passes

Sometimes when the mood
is right
it comes on back

Sometimes gotta go
Sometimes gotta stay
Sometimes wounded
Sometimes healing is
on its way
Sometimes in wise mind
trying to figure on out
how to stay.

Sometimes we're
going to find ourselves
finding ourselves
and find ourselves
along the way.
  Jun 2017 Sjr1000
Butch Decatoria
Condoms, oil burners, shattered glass

The homeless homies homemade shizz

Now Chris can't sit still in class

Pounding the pavement with kisses to heaven

All hustlers sell

Dippin Dots

Wrapped in latex

Liquid to vapor overkills

The loss of will

From after parties after hours

Romancing the ******

On the corners

Quag **** hits schism

Asphalt littered with

Shattered flowers

Them chicks on the streets

Ladies of the night

Its matter of fact

Mr. Hightower / boulevard's class

For the hard ***

**** poor "G" learning how

To trample through his ghetto

As she masters each one

******* hand / jive and mashed

Chris and his gang

Up for sale (hot-**** **** jello *****)

For white hyperions and

Black mellow


Out / yellow bellied / thin

Such barefooted souls


Easiest to break

When already hollow...

(Guilt and shame is a gun

To the temple

And heart


Such souls all hollow)

Those Outs Within...
*written just before my move to the Philippines* --stayed tuned to this new islanders series, experiences in poetic form ...
  Jun 2017 Sjr1000
Pradip Chattopadhyay
The family is smiling on the dinner table.

This morn the hearse lifted the pall of hush
as white flowers rolled on wheels
lifting the spirit to heaven with the incense smoke
and the electric furnace like the magician
shrank the remaining kilos into neat pile of ashes
for the river to scatter to the sea of infinity
amid the silent prayer we're alive, long live the dead
the trudge back home where the count is one less
on the dinner table
mourning and celebrating.
Sjr1000 May 2017
It seems so plain to see
Sweeps us along
Leaves us behind
Every one of us,
You and me.

Our daily lives
The alarm clock at five a.m.
screaming our name again and again  
"Get up"

The infant
every dream we take,
"I need you mommydaddy too"

Monuments to what we choose
We know they come, and go.

Insurmountable problems
in the end
Time limited

We've been there
We know

Teenage angst, forever,
Childhood  puberty
Adulthood  old age

Time is god
it calls the shots
tells us
What is and What is not

Galaxies collide
all over the place
Big bangs bust
and must expand
Dark matter everywhere
Time it tells them
all their tales

Time is god
god is time
It seems so plain to see.
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