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  Jan 2017 Sjr1000
A protest song inspired by sjr1000

Frig & Frack dance a dance
To see who is astute
They run an oil rag up a pole
To see who will salute

Nobody seems to see it
They just watch TV
Corporate's just overjoyed!
They can dance for *FREE!

They just quash the media
Build gas-guzzling trucks
People purchase in their millions
So Frig & Frack make BUCKS!

Nobody seems to wonder
Why water tastes so funny
Why their kids have cancer
Why... Big Oil's makin' MONEY!

Yeah... nobody seems to care a fig
Most people aren't that hyper
Now Corporate can laugh and jig...

...and we all Pay the Piper!

(C) 1/16/2017
Please read sjr1000's poem
"Friggin' Fracking"
It's just scathing.
We need more protest & awareness of this!
The media ain't gonna tell folks...
That's what poets & songwriters are FOR!
  Jan 2017 Sjr1000

Gregory loved money
Compare him to a toad.
A solid golden palace
Was his high abode.

He had many servants
To wait upon his needs.
He paid them in pennies
Such was his great greed.

He accounted his vast wealth
All throughout the day
When it came time to bill you
You had better *pay

Greg had gold, but he grew old
Arthritic and halt
When he was laid, at last, in state,

They did so in a *vault.


Ella was quite beautiful
Compare her to a snake.
She sipped upon the finest wines
But her thirst was never slaked.

There was a little servant girl
Younger and more fair,
Ella hated this young lass
Put her in despair.

She showed a vile temperament
Acted like a cur.
Ella hated everyone
Who had more than her.

Her envy made her very ill,
And she finally passed.
She was buried with her mirror

And rots before her glass.


Arthur was an angry man,
Compare him to a lion.
He roared around his castle
And had a will of iron.

He was always virulent
In both word and pen,
Would beat his wife and servants
Time and time again.

He waged many futile wars
With kingdoms all around.
Many grieved, for he laid siege,
And burned them to the ground.

He captured the women,
And so he had a pride,
But he lived by iron sword,

So by the sword he died.


Lackadaisical Lucy
Compare her to a snail.
She scarce emerged from her soft bed,
Laziness prevailed.

She wouldn't lift a finger
To dust or do a dish,
She lived on an inheritance,
To sleep her only wish.

The housework just did not get done,
She wouldn't even cook.
She'd order out from Domino's
And had an unkempt look.

She finally died in her own bed,
Her sands of time were gone,
She exhaled her last breath

With an enormous yawn.


Gerald was a glutton.
Compare him to a pig.
He'd consume most anything,
And didn't care a fig!

When he ate a stack of pancakes,
Now, I tell no lie,
It was so tall, to see them all,
You'd have to view the sky!

Gerry was enormous,
As big as a barn.
He had so many folds & rolls
He was the Michelin man!

He just couldn't get enough!
The pancakes just a teaser!
And when they finally buried him

They did so in a freezer!


Louis was so lustful
We'll compare him to a goat.
A female weasel is a ****,
The male is a stoat.

He was a musician,
And, man, that boy would *rock!

He had an *******
Almost 'round the clock!

No problems getting women
They never gave him grief!
He had so many groupies
He was known as the Kalif!

But one of his liasons
Didn't go as planned
He lost his life due to the wife

Of a jealous man!


Percy was quite prideful,
Like a peacock rare.
He had the finest clothing,
Bright beyond compare!

He was given everything,
He had things in hand.
His tailors were acknowledged
As the finest in the land!

His enemies planed out a coup
When a good time arose.
They had Percy fitted
For the Emperor's new clothes.

The townspeople were furious!
Gave Percy the boot!
So he was buried in a ditch

In his birthday suit!

(C) 1/17/2017
Thanks for reading this long poem!
The early church compared people
guilty of one of these sins to animals.
These are included in the poems.

So far 41 people read this... not ONE like!
C'mon! Talk to me! What's wrong with
this? Should I take it down?
  Jan 2017 Sjr1000
K Balachandran
Your love
sets up mirrors
on four sides
on which I appear
as myriad,
all  prompted
by your countless
eager imaginations.

Like Krishna
at once I dance
with countless
manifestations of you
in my mind,
Oh! my Radha.

Your brimming passion,
in thousand tongues
sings about my love to you;
how can I be mute
not paying my tribute
with my mellifluous flute?
Krishna the immortal lover and the manifestation of absolute in human form reveals the ultimate truth through the allegorically portrayed Ras Leela or dance of passion.When the Gopis, the milk maids, his lovers numbering 16008, are there in the garden of Vrindavan, Lord Krishna dances with each one of them at once, a passionate lover to all.The message is loud and clear; every soul is in a passionate dance with the
absolute-in the celebration of life.Every individual soul (Gopi)is looking
for the do the dance ultimate...To Krishna each Gopi is the alter ego of Radha ,his true love...
Sjr1000 Jan 2017
There are no endings
as long as I have in
my mind.

I always start off so optimistic,
I'm disappointed every time

Starting off expecting nothing
pleasantly surprised

But the voices they keep talking
and the road is hard to find

We start off so high
looking down on all mankind
but as we decend
buildings get bigger and bigger
reality ascends

There are no endings
as long as I have in my mind

When change it comes
all will never be the same again

It's a rise and a fall
the time of us all

The light starts in the East
Darkness comes in the West

Change is on our finger tips
But gone with the wind

Anxiety sings in apprehensive images
Peace it sings in harmony
The heart it beats so slowly

In the midst forever
In the past forever too

There are no endings
as long as I have in my mind.
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