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Aug 2014 · 736
Själ Aug 2014

my glacier blues stared down into the darkest browns.

I said, "I don't want be brought back. Be it a sudden death, stroke, whatever, maybe a heart attack.  Let me go if its my time.  If its my turn I'll gladly go, hey, even in my prime."

the darker didn't understand,  or didn't want know.
I was saying goodbye if it was my time to go....

I am DNR.
Arguing on their point to want to live. They didn't get too far.

They made threats, bickered, but I just smiled and said, "Its ok baby. I'm a sensitive RockStar..." 

With a DNR
I'm recovering my work from a source that had stolen it,  used it as their own without giving me credit.
Aug 2014 · 536
This will be
Själ Aug 2014
Do I look like her
Does she look like me,  only younger

Does she satisfy your hunger
..... for abuse
Does she ignore you
and you find it
Exciting to be pushed into last place
By your muse

Does she ignore your feelings
But the touch of her skin leaves you reeling

Do you burn inside for more of what she
Doesn't give
Do you find yourself staring at her bad mothering skills and her ***** little kid.

Do you instantly know this shallow experience isn't made for length
Do you find yourself begging for the patience and the will, and the strength

The years will soon pass,  along with your youth
You'll shrivel up a talentless has been, blight and uncouth.

She'll soon bore of you not having the depth
She'll remember a man
Leaving you broken hearted and fully bereft
Aug 2014 · 613
My deepest truth is you
Själ Aug 2014
Not lost to you
honey thick plasma
I'll float in you,
embryonic fluid

Formed and devout
Midday sunlesss silhouette
Blessed by you

When I'm mislead,
I'm found in  you

The walls cave in.. I'm ok
Die with you...

— The End —