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Hues of violet
As the azure meets the reddened sun
Sparse deflated clouds
Floated quiet as into each other, the colours run

Lavender streaks
Trail far into the horizon
Tracking the sunset
As the hour struck seven

Purple gladioluses
Bowed to the evening sea breeze
As if mourning the departure
Of the day's warmth with silent pleas

The orb finally sank
Beyond my sight could reach
Disappeared from here
But rising over someone else's beach

Last dregs of light
Slowly swallowed, giving birth to indigo
This night would last long
Before the first rays of tomorrow...
When you think of adventure
What does it mean to you

People say love is an adventure
But usually feels like a job
Always required to do certain things

Why do relationships have set time schedules
Dinner out once a week
Guy's not out
Girl's night out
Movie night

What ever happen to spontaneous
Let's do this or I'm doing that or surprise the other
Without question

To have *** anywhere
at the drop of the hat

That's adventure
As I seek my destiny in life
To find another to enjoy

I have become confused
By a contract to be signed
and this ring of gold to bind it

Some people do it just to try it
Some people do it to feel complete
Some people do it for a tax write off
Some people do it just to have a baby
Some people do it to get out of their country


What really makes a couple
Keeps them loving day in and day out

With a soft cold breeze
blowing in the night

Not knowing whats wrong
or whats right

With feelings of want
and feelings of love

Who do you need
Who do you love

When you come undone
WHen I can no longer see the light
   In a lot of things
   To try care more often
    But being sick
  As well as crippled has made me
  Become a temporary different person
   All I want is for my old self
    WHen I'm in need for help
    Sad how you're not there for me
    I would love help from that 1 person
    You like
Time is passing by and I don't mind
waiting even if it's not just a while
if only i could find the
meaning of a life
without you
i wouldnt
have to

you would
make me fear and
make me shiver would
be so bitter that i would wait
id say more, than a thausand years
She was so beautiful and what a body
Something brought us together

The night of excitement
Before our first date

How we laughed while drinking
How she looked at me

Oh how good it felt
Maybe a match made in heaven

Finally a girl not like the others
Two good to be true

As the night was coming to the end
Passionately kissing she wanted to come in

She went to the restroom
And I could see her ******* in the mirror
What a body she had

Everyone know's what happen next
We woke and she kissed me bye
With a I'll call you later

She did call later that day
Her words, I already had a thought

A sweet first hello and straight to the point
Can you please pay my power bill

Without hesitation, of course I will
But always remember
I played you, you don't play me
*True story, except I was not excited about the date,
it's the same old song and dance,
she was very hot,
but hotties are a dime a dozen*
Why is it when you are lonely
Women are not attracted to you

Why is it when your seeing a girl
Other women want to see you

I ask this question to girls I was seeing, not dating
They all said the same thing, that's not true

As I ponder on these thoughts
And discussed with my close friends
I had come up with a plan

The plan we discussed, of course my friends each had a girlfriend
and they could not participate, a perfect plan it was.

How many girls could I string along with all of them knowing
about each other with no lying about my intension for a month
The winner pays for a party at the end of the month

Ray said 2, he was ***** whipped and controlled
David said 4, he said i'll give you the benefit of doubt
Me 7, one a day for the week, I had confidence
One rule they all had to be hot

I did win made it for a month and they all knew about each other
The funny part it made them try even harder to get me

We did happen was, i did have the party, a huge party
Invited all seven,
first a cat fight then they turned their claws on me

One cat stayed
I may have had a few things gone for me, self made by 30
Big house, cars, etc... Understand, when i was young, i was poor with nothing and most girls would not talk to me.

Sorry ladies, not try to be disrespectful
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