See, a child is a responsibility -
Before, it is a choice
She is not a puppet nor a doll
He develops words, she has a voice
He is the whisper of God, an angel adorned
She is a jar of air sent down from heaven
Meant to be released into -
The world once she is born
You can love him, you can teach her
You can journey with him through on
But you cannot - for the life of me - cannot
Treat her as your own -
Body, mind or soul
Truly, understand that your child -
Can grow to be different from you
We all bloom into different flowers
Yet, we can all learn how to grow -
Side by side in a meadow -
Under the same sky of blue
So before you take that responsibility
Before you make it a possible choice
Know, that a child like an adult
Is also gifted with a set of their own -
Body, mind and soul
Sincerely, Em