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A classy kind of car ride:
1950's radio station at a comfortable volume.
10 minutes later and we arrive.
Sun block on.
Sneakers tied.
Water bottles in hand.
Round and round the lake we go.
Just he and I.
The sun is yellow
The grass is green
The sky is blue
All the colors in their rightful place.
It's more like a walk filled walk
than a talk filled walk,
but that's the way we like it best.
No small talk here.
Just big talk for us:
the speed of light,
the start of humanity,
the purpose for our existence.
Otherwise, we just walk
oh and sometimes we jog too...
(His legs are long,
so sometimes I have to jog
in order to keep up.)
We have our own routine
our own system
our own pace.
Just he and I
Just he and I
This poem is dedicated to my grandpa, my walking buddy
Take a stroll with me-
   It's anything but dreary.
The songs of sweetness in the sky
    Are frequent and quite merry.

The Summer's kiss is abundant,
     The leaves whisper to the trees.
Strolling silently I listen-
     To the melodies around me.

I must admit, my only desire'd be-
For someone to stroll with,
      alongside by me.
summer love desires
The fountains mingle with the river
And the rivers with the ocean,
The winds of Heaven mix for ever
With a sweet emotion;
Nothing in the world is single,
All things by a law divine
In one spirit meet and mingle—
Why not I with thine?

See the mountains kiss high Heaven
And the waves clasp one another;
No sister-flower would be forgiven
If it disdained its brother;
And the sunlight clasps the earth,
And the moonbeams kiss the sea—
What are all these kissings worth
If thou kiss not me?
Yes, so many things have changed
did you think they'd stay as arranged?
Don't dare look back
look straight ahead,
calm your fears,
dry your tears.
I know love hurts and broke your heart
but keep your head,
and heart apart.
Crying won't help
the love you had ... atleast you had it
don't be sad.
Time will heal
perhaps a new life
will then reveal.
So, it's all worth it
what's to gain... when you love someone
who brings you pain??
Walk away and stand up tall
count your blessings... one and all
Move on and let life surprise you.
They all can see
They stare at us with eyes squinted
Prying mischievous eyes
Our every move noted
At the corner of my eye
I can see them exchange glances.
Whispers roam and coat my senses

Let them know
Let them see
This love is different
Why can't it be?
All we want is to be happy
To love who we want
Body and soul freely.

They don't understand
We don't have to make them understand
We just need to hope that maybe
Our happiness can be their happiness.
Barricades of questioning and disgust
Their opinion doesn't define us
Stand proud for you are strong
Defying the boundaries of love itself.
Are there even boundaries?
Judgmental *******.
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