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 Dec 2013 Shelby W
You severed my heart,
sliced it to strips and
fed me the pieces
stuffed them down my throat
tearing my vocal chords
leaving me gasping for air and
astoundingly speechless
drowning in water as thick as molasses
in the middle of the ocean of my own tears
as I travel nothing but downwards
weighed down by a solid, rusted anchor
already nearing the seabed
home to caverns and creatures
who are attracted to the sadness I radiate
leaving me to rot at the centre of oblivion
when I know I should be wrapped tightly in your arms.

That's how you make me feel.

And part of me hopes you feel the same gut-wrenching way, while the other (still foolishly in love) hopes you never have to encounter this great amount of affliction you explicitly deserve.

- g.d.
Merry Christmas, ******.
 Aug 2013 Shelby W
Lost Love
 Aug 2013 Shelby W
Let her nights be occupied with
dreams so sweet it could
leave a cavity.
Let her mornings be smothered
with warm coffee that
makes her insides happy.
Let her day be filled
with someone that holds her dear.
Let her days be filled with the one who she loves most.
Even if it isn't the person
who truly loves her the most.
 Aug 2013 Shelby W
Lay me down to rest
Stones beneath my head
Caring god above
Can my heart not too love

****** and bound to ramble on
Until my heart is hard as stone
The gravel road my company
Emptiness is found in thee
 Aug 2013 Shelby W
Doug Collins
a last dance
at last

the dark fills my eyes
as I walk away
into the night

I don’t glance back
into the stench
but instead

fill my lungs
with the night’s
****** air

my jumbled steps
and stumbled words
are relentless



another day
another drink

— The End —