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 Sep 2014 She
My poetry sucks
 Sep 2014 She
My poetry *****

I’m so tired of writing

My fingers are sore

My poetry *****

I’m becoming a bore

Sticking a verse

In front of your face

Oozing with love

All over the place

Creamsicle colors

Metaphors thick

Wasting your time

Making you sick

Finding a title

Spending the time

Just like this poem

Something to rhyme

Or it could be free-verse…

Drifting on metallic clouds in copper spoons

dreaming in patterns of silhouette shadows

and my foot falls asleep

Maybe a Senryu

Read at your own risk

Dumb crap being written here

***** bags needed

Perhaps a Haiku

Softly floats the bird

Atop morning glory skies

**** thing **** on me

Or a Tanka, a Sonnet

A Villanelle or an Assterring

The last one is nothing

I made up the **** thing

So you see I’m no poet

Least not anymore

For what you are seeing

Is what you abhor

And I’m not complaining

Not here on this screen

My pen is on empty

I’m ready to leave

I’m so tired of writing

My fingers are sore

My poetry *****

I’m becoming a bore
 Sep 2014 She
To the all the guys I have kissed:

My first,

I thought you were sweet
too bad it didn't last

My drunkness,

I don't know who initiated it
perhaps it is better that way

My first boyfriend,

I thought you meant it
but I was the one who felt it.

My mistake,

You were a rebound.
I was payback.

My foolishness,

You leaned in and I felt bad.
Guess guilt is a nasty emotion.

My first love,

You wrote a song I loved to sing,
I wish you never forgot the words.

My payback,

I am sorry I used you,
I cried when I got home.

My sorrow,

I wish you told me you had a girl friend,
so I can break your neck, they way you'd break her heart.
 Sep 2014 She
Christopher Withers
midnight hair, cascades
(is caught)
flush against alabaster skin,
blood red lips bloom with sudden ferocity
in their bed of purest white, so they stand
as stark as fire - caught within nights place.

azure pools, uncertain, questioning,
bleed their colour down ****** cheeks
carving lines of loss and love, and
catching mornings light:
flaming and sparking in each sob.

such sudden, sad, and awful beauty
catches at this now flat heart.

so that now, even across the many years
and paths and unforeseen changes that
life has laid before my tired feet,
this picture lingers still, perhaps
caught within some ebb of memory,
flotsam (seemingly forever) anchored
to my perception of irrevocable loss.

— The End —