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 May 2019 Kaiden A Ward
 May 2019 Kaiden A Ward
How to become a poet:
Let someone rip your soul apart.
And in the need of mending ,
You will replace it with words.
Justice is just is
never changing always broken
the powerful get rewarded the weak get mistreated
morality gets wounded and then healed by fake promises
we gave justice eyes
because it seems to only serve those with lighter pigmentation
hidden in webs of lies, truth is not to be mentioned
justice is just is because no one wants to rightfully serve it
 May 2019 Kaiden A Ward
Light pours out of you in waterfalls
You are dripping with it
Leaving puddles of brilliance in your wake
Most people are blinded by it
But I am drawn to the light
Like a moth to a flame
We love to sleep
But hate to sleep forever
Death is an everlasting reality
In which we pray doesn’t take over
we fear overdosing on sleep
Because we know not where we wake
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