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Ashleigh Kelco
I'm Ashleigh. I'm 22. I write from my life and my experiences. This is my mind.
Melbourne    The chronicles being born in the eye of the storm and surviving in the hands of hell.
Monique Olivier
23/F/South Africa    Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light. -Dylan Thomas 23 years old. Appreciate art, love and …
22/F/Cebu, PH    There is a purpose for broken hearts.
2 Corinthians 12:10 Jeremiah 29:11
Micheal Wolf
On the edge of reason, UK    You Can't Polish a Turd so don't waste time trying! Male White to avoid confusion! Brain fitted as standard on this model but it plays …
Maryland, USA   
Andy KittySmasher
Pittsburgh    Just waiting to call myself, my own
Katelyn G
I write lyrics and poems for the love of words. Writing is a big part of my life.
Nevada    22 Years young. I enjoy the simple things: reading, poetry, art, photography, coffee, traveling, & the Ocean "Anything can be solved by sweat, tears, and …
night child
Hello, Moon Child.
it gets dark and lonely here at times.
Jacquelyn Audrey Whiston
20/F/Ohio    I'm Jacquelyn. A writer addicted to sunrises and sad stories. Happy reading.
Dan C
the Net   
Down the Rabbit's Hole    I'm her. That girl you see everyday. the one who always says "Yeah,i'm okay." I'm a professional liar. I'm an expert at faking a smile. …
Sam Lauzon
Hi welcome to were I let my thoughts go wildly into the web.You may call me Sam and use they them pronouns please. I love …
Gwen Pimentel
the best way to get over someone is to turn them into literature // where my unsaid things go
I write to make people think, to move them, to stir emotions they didn't know they had or thought they lost. My writings have purpose …
Addie Santos
With the quiet sea.    My name is Addie. Besides taking photographs, I write. If there's anything you wish to tell me, feel free. It's always an honor to talk …
Montana Bigelow
i write poems to get everything off my chest and all my feelings out.
Washington    these poems are amateur at best. None the less I want to have these featured in my first published volume of poetry, whenever that will …
Artist, in literature and visual arts. Expression is imagination that drives the world.
Trey Logan
Georgia    Trey Logan. 22. Male. Single. Sept 11th. Otaku. Anime. Manga. Artist. Poet. Brony. Inflator. Friendly. Odd. Gamer.
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