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4.4k · Jun 2014
Euphoria, euphoria!
Shailesh Otari Jun 2014
Perched upon a tree tall
sings a bird – yellow, small,
listening to whose beautiful song
parched earth sings along
Euphoria, euphoria!

Melodies that the bird sings
Ebullience its music brings
Flowers bloom and winds flow
Spreading smiles on the go
Euphoria, euphoria!

Yet the bird cares not
If music is adored a lot
Singing for its own pleasure
Crooning alone is its nature
Euphoria, euphoria!

Flowers, wind, earth or tree
The bird wants no captivity
When oblivious to others around
The bird sings in perfect sound
Euphoria, euphoria!
1.6k · Jun 2014
Her Laughter
Shailesh Otari Jun 2014
As I hear her distant laugh
Resonate in my lonely mind
A dark thought creeps up, again
Distasteful, shameful, unkind.

I rejoice in her laughter
Sweetness of which would long remain
Yet – I sense with it some bitterness
That douses my love in pain.

The moment of laughter she enjoys most
Though blissful, eternal, and heavenly,
Comes only when she laughs aloud
To wash away my memory.
1.6k · Jun 2014
Shailesh Otari Jun 2014
In the stormy dark night
I guide ships with my light
And bring them to safe shore
Yet, I ask for no more
‘Cause I know on brighter days
All I have is loneliness.
1.5k · Jul 2014
Pain! My constant companion!
Shailesh Otari Jul 2014
Pain! My constant companion!
How closely you follow me,
Unlike the evasive Fun
That I rarely get to see!

Tear! My close buddy!
How you are always near,
When Smile jilts me
And gloomy nights appear!

Loneliness! My alter ego!
How you complete me,
Others will never know
Our bittersweet chemistry!
July 29th 2014
Shailesh Otari Apr 2015
He strove past a mammoth tree
Under which as a child
He weathered many a storms
Waiting for a moment mild.

Yet cared little he for times gone
Bidding not so much as a glance
To an old friend who seemed
Trifling before his new romance.

And seemed not to mind the tree
Neither surly nor grumpy
Just busy sheltering that night
A newly found puppy.
April 12th 2015
1.4k · Apr 2015
The Memory Crypt
Shailesh Otari Apr 2015
Deep down mind’s dark alley
Lies a room, almost a crypt,
With old memories stashed together
hazy, misty, nondescript

They were once fresh,
vivid and flagrant,
in times sunnier,
merry and vibrant

Until –

A day a friend lost,
A day a love broken
A day innocence died
Or a day trust stolen

Each time filled this room
With never-to-return memories
And I stay away from the crypt
To save myself the miseries
- Reflecting on the futility of some good, old memories
April 16th 2015
Shailesh Otari Jul 2014
THE WIND blew and touched the leaves
With his gentle seductive kiss
He promised a paradise abroad
More beautiful than this.

How irresistible was his caress
How captivating his charm
Soon leaves yearned to travel far
In their new lover’s arms.

In dreams like a newlywed bride
The leaves resolved to start anew
And readied soon to ride the wind
To old friends bidding adieu.

Quickened now the wind’s speed
Once leaves unhooked from tree
The romance showered ebullience
As leaves floated carefree.

But suddenly the wind swayed
Away from the promised land
Drifting close to a naïve daisy
Telling tales from a wonderland.

The leaves fell down and laid forlorn
Soiled, dusted, thrown away
Soon joined them a somber daisy
As the wind rocked the hay.
July 9th 2014
Inspired by Emily Dickinson’s ‘THE WIND begun to rock the grass’
1.3k · Jul 2014
Infinite Pulchritude
Shailesh Otari Jul 2014
Cold morning kiss
Of the landward winds;
How zephyr’s misty pout
Along a smile brings.

The long white line
Goes farther than I see
Shows the incessant flow
And tireless industry

Of the vast ocean
With timeless presence
Basked in mellifluous music
Of the waves’ cadence.

I fall for instantly
This infinite pulchritude
Which gently belittles
My existence’s platitude.
Reflections on a beach visit
1.2k · May 2014
Hallmark of Success
Shailesh Otari May 2014
The selfish soul of mine
Often sullen, wonders,
“What would I get
By toiling hard under
Scorching heat
For endless time
When the smell of success
May not be mine?”

The selfless soul replies
With a patient smile,
“Embarking on
Walking those miles,
One must forget,
Progress or regress;
The journey in itself
Is a hallmark of success.”
Shailesh Otari May 2014
How wistful looks the beautiful rose
Carefully trimmed for a royal pose;
In fate of lofty praise
The blessed soul wails for days.

Yet how peaceful seems the wild orchid
That blossomed in the land so arid;
While seeking a lone passerby’s
careless look it is destined.
1.0k · Jul 2014
Lovers’ Embrace
Shailesh Otari Jul 2014
Splendid was the thunderous night
Of stormy lightening serenade
With cold feet shivering in fright
Dismayed you, all afraid

Begged of me to walk closer
And make you feel at ease
Unaware innocently how
Passion in night frees.

We walked some distance, hand in hand
Drenched in blessed rain fall
Forgotten is the fear of storm
As love came on prowl.

As storm poured and doused the earth
Until late in the night
Kindled on dimly lit streets
Keen desire to unite.

Suddenly we halt, with eyes locked
Sensing a sweet fragrance,
Hearing our heavy breathing
Acceding to closing distance.

Never learnt how hands toured north
And reached our faces
In heavy rains what wet our lips
Were those passionate kisses.

Gradually the sweetness grew
Entangling us in embrace
Ironically a gloomy storm
bestowed us divine grace.
July 1st 2014
1.0k · Aug 2014
Here a Star and there a Star
Shailesh Otari Aug 2014
Here a star and there a star
They destined our rendezvous,
For ages we were drifted far
And now we meet anew.

We belong to the same land
Common are our memories,
Playing together hand-in-hand
How we ignored worldly worries!

With time, taking our own paths
Estranged we, more and more
Like two ships voyaging strange seas
Set off from a common shore.

Chasing clock ticks, we forgot
How long we had been away
Amassed feelings jump a lot
When we meet again today.

And it all pours down like rain,
When old stories are again told
Time moves not and still remains
As the children in us unfold.
Aug 5th 2014
Reflections on meeting an old friend
974 · Jun 2014
Fly high, Oh, Yellow bird,
Shailesh Otari Jun 2014
Fly high, Oh, Yellow bird,
Fly so high that you are among the few
Who go beyond lesser mortal’s vision
Far towards horizons new.

Climb heights that no one imagined
Spreading your wings with all the might
Reach new places that the world knows not
And touch the stars that glare at night.

See new world with your own eyes
Feel the joys that to others are foreign
Make new friends and start new trends
Let your charm on the world reign.

You may sometimes feel tired
You may at times stall
Your strength may cease too
When cold winds befall.

Yet, stop not, Oh, Yellow bird!
Hard metal is what makes your spirit
So sweat not the tall obstacles,
The sky is your limit.

One day you will make history
And be etched as a timeless being;
With time will emerge a spirited storm
That is yet in the brewing.

And though the wind beneath your wings
Did help you carry through,
The victory will be truly yours
For you are the one who flew.
Dedicated to Tanvi Jadwani, my mentee (
952 · Jun 2014
The Intangible Touch
Shailesh Otari Jun 2014
Life, a jigsaw puzzle,
of time and space
various sizes and various shapes
some pride, some disgrace
some fun, some woe
some friends, some foe
shuffling itself
fast so much
what remains is but
an intangible touch.

Today’s world
a dream otherwise
unmanifasted, non-existent
nothing solid, all void
and discreet
in space and time
no permanence, no continuance
no logic, seems magic
all moments, unintegrated
all places, not related
all on their own,
all alone.

But in memories
they accumulate
as a bulk,
mushy conglomerate
feel their touch,
not solid,
but inexplicable,
intangible and void.
7th June 2004
929 · Jul 2014
The Mountain Tunnel
Shailesh Otari Jul 2014
I walked as part of a caravan
That followed a well known road
Which circled around a tall mountain
Before the nearest village showed.

And I said – "Look, my friends,
I from here spot a crevice,
The mountain has a narrow tunnel
But for men it may suffice."

They laughed at me aloud and said
"Friend – Don’t talk insane,
If there sure was a tunnel,
Would we circle around in vain?"

But I insisted we explored
The dark jungles with a few men
So we could walk shorter
And may have some time to gain.

My words fell on deaf ears
And they left me all alone
They said if I wanted to know
I could go on my own.

I did then branch away
And walked through the thick wood
Soon I reached the mountain base
And my spirits were good

As I entered a small tunnel
And reached its middle at once
I saw ahead the neighboring town
At close walking distance.

Glad I was to see the tunnel
Was large enough for ten fellows
It could pass my men easily
And save their walking woes.

Said I to myself happily
"I knew there was another way!
It is now time to share the news
Without any delay!"

But suddenly it began to rain
And dark became the sky
The light at the tunnel’s end
Dimmed slowly before it died.

I saw the storm wash away
The woods and the trees
Soon flooded became the tunnel
and mountain walls squeezed.

I saw no light, I knew no better
Than to hope for a miracle
Until a fatal burst of wave
In not time had me gobbled.

I saw from above my caravan friends
Thought I was safe in my tunnel shade
Until they heard no more of me
And believed I got strayed.

They forget me soon after
And took the same known road
Every time the passed the tunnel
But to explore they never slowed.

It hurts me not that I met my fate
Alone and untimely a lot
But I am sad that the mountain tunnel
Is yet to cross another thought.
July 16th 2014
861 · Jul 2014
Ode to a Silent Friend
Shailesh Otari Jul 2014
For hours we often spoke
Weren’t those days sweetest
Nothing stopped me from reaching you
Oh, my friend, my dearest.

But little did I know then
That time would soon turn so sour
That our closeness would evaporate
And distances would grow far.

You slowly found less time to meet
So we chatted on phone instead
But in months it rang seldom too,
All my texts went unread.

Our dialogue stalled, gradually,
Our conversation faded away
No more philosophical discourses
Or casual how-was-your-day.

Well, I understand you got real busy
And I didn’t really have a complaint
So I kept trying to get in touch
As old habits I couldn’t restrain.

But your silence is often long,
So long that it seems perpetual
Helplessness overcomes me, at times,
How these times seem cruel!

But, so be it, says my heart today,
It has quite some time been,
Let me wait for my phone to ring
with your name on the screen.

There will be a surprise, I am hopeful,
A news will one day come, I am sure,
And until that moment arrives
I’ll reminisce times of yore.

I blame you not for the silence, Oh dear friend,
And angry I am not certainly
Just a little disappointed that
You have little time for me.
Shailesh Otari Aug 2016
My dreams still see her appear,
bringing ephemeral happy cheer,
my heart makes a wish sincere,
to be with her like yesteryear.


Yet again I shed a tear,
sensing she will never be near,
no longer though it is hate or fear,
just flows out my love, ever so pure.
Aug 13th 2016
851 · Jul 2014
Ode to a Winsome Bird
Shailesh Otari Jul 2014
Oh, thou, a winsome bird!
Who soars great heights in no time
Who voyages the blue vast
With but its wings’ mast
To bless the stars divine
That beam a smile when thy song is heard.

Oh, thou, beauteous spirit,
The conqueror of the sea and the sky!
Fly low and come near me
How closely I wish to see
Thy beauty that from up so high
Bedecks the Sun when lowly lit.

But wait! Oh, thou, divine creature!
Don’t yet climb down; it won’ t be wise
To spread your mellifluous voice
On human planet to rejoice;
For then who will cheer the widowed skies
And lonely stars of the gloomy nature?
July 25th 2014
Shailesh Otari Feb 2016
It stood there, tall for decades
Years how many, no one knows
Until one night, falls it down
As harsh wind that night blows.

Seeing it fall, we all weep
Through the night, lose our sleep
But day comes and forget we all
A lassie seeds a sapling small.
Feb 26th 2016
*** Reminiscing Ranita’s fallen Mango tree
Shailesh Otari Jul 2014
How resplendent looks thy lovely face
In these bright, fresh morning rays!
Paradise flowers do not bloom
With more magnificent grace.

Thy aura lights up the dark room
Of my heart’s nightly gloom
As a blink of those coy eyes
Fills my lonesome vacuum.

Surely it would now be unwise
To reject the blink’s disguise
As an invitation to embrace
And sink in sweet rejoice.
The poem tries to mimic the rhyming style of Robert Frost's 'Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening' ..
781 · Jul 2014
Oh, Behold, Lonesome Me
Shailesh Otari Jul 2014
Oh, behold, lonesome me,
Solitary smile of the twilight sun;
Have you wondered how it would be
To stand steadfast as you burn?

Never asks the star’s soul
To be loved by those it lights
Spending time on its own
Chasing away darkness it fights.

Oh, learn from it, lonesome me,
Never depend on others’ mercy
To lighten up your spirits gloomy
And confer you with blissful glee.
726 · Mar 2014
Just Being Human
Shailesh Otari Mar 2014
I don’t know why
But sometimes I just want to cry
When I am bored, with no one to talk to
When I am busy, working with sleeping hours few
Or when I am with my full house family
Or a thousand miles away, tired and lonely.

I just feel sad
Something makes my day go bad
What is it? I don’t quite know
But it makes me feel low,
I feel hollow and empty,
And wanting in plenty.

What is it that I miss?
That takes away my bliss?
What is it that I need?
Does something arouse my greed?
Is it money, love, or pleasure?
Fame, name, or leisure?

I don’t get the answer
Why I lose my laughter,
Why I miss my fun
Why my songs go unsung.
As hard as I try, I can never know the reason
So I finally resort to just being human.

Shailesh Otari
March 13th, 2013
693 · Feb 2014
River and Brook
Shailesh Otari Feb 2014
Reflections on own timeline
are neither easy nor fast
as one needs a special mirror
to look back in the past.

A river flowed
for a decade long
as it careened through
the jungle land.

For long it forgot
its own beautiful song
its own little joy
that it had carried along.

And it never looked back
for the past was gone
as it looked ahead
to the sea that beckoned.

And then it saw
a brook run by
a little young stream
singing high.

The brook knew not
to where it went
neither did it worry
through ascent or descent.

But the brook had speed
which made the river see
what the brook’s future
would one day to be.

The river knew the brook
would with time grow
and be its own river
with depth it would flow.

And then the river realized
that it was once the same brook
alive, singing, flowing carefree
unlike today’s look.

Always busy running
the river never knew why
all the joy evaporated
as time flew by.

So the river beholds the brook
as it passes away
and wishes before it grows ahead
the brook enjoys every day.

- Dedicated to Tanvi Jadwani, my mentee (
Dec 7th, 2013
9:49 PM
Shailesh Otari Mar 2014
Walk not my little dear
on the land so muddy
lest your clothes smear
by the soil smudgy.

You are not born
for the lowly task, like me,
your life is adorn,
with mirth and glee.

I feel so ashamed
of my sully hands ***** of mud,
how can I wish to touch your cheek
and cuddle it if I could.

But my little princess royale,
my sweetheart, you should know,
that the sapling I sow today
if yours when you grow,

The most precious rose
for my most precious dear
and I care little if remembered
as a mere gardener.
662 · Jul 2014
Midnight Rendezvous
Shailesh Otari Jul 2014
Gushing in comes she
Offering herself to the shore
Racing up the last mile
Smiling wide to meet her lover.

Listen – the song she sings,
Melodies of her burbling flow
Shedding inhibitions of tranquility
How blissfully tonight she glows.

And eager for the rendezvous
Is her lover with high tide
See tonight his tender heart
That mighty waves fail to hide.
July 16th 2014
614 · May 2014
Shailesh Otari May 2014
Feared by unenlightened mind
death is seen as an act unkind,
in ignorance lies the truth
of death’s beautiful design.

What is called the end of life
Is merely a severing knife
Dis-joining one’s worldly crawl
From a blissful abode divine.

Death is truly opening of door
To release a bird caged before
Freeing its soul to fly away
Into the permanence of time.
May 29, 2014
613 · Jun 2014
What Makes You Happy?
Shailesh Otari Jun 2014
What makes you happy? I asked little kids,
Their parents or sweet candies?
In a flash the kids reply,
Oh, surely, the candies give them joy.

What makes you happy? I asked teenage girls,
Their friends or a dress with curls?
In a flash the ladies reply,
Oh, surely, the dress gives them joy.

What makes you happy? I asked a young sonny,
His health or big money?
In a flash comes the fellow’s reply,
Oh, surely, money gives him joy.

What makes you happy? I asked married couples,
Romance or children’s chuckle?
In a flash the couples reply,
Oh, surely, children’s chuckle gives them joy.

What makes you happy? I asked old people,
Candies, dresses, money, or children’s chuckles?
In a flash the wise respond,
Oh, surely, of these things they were fond,

with candies gone and dresses worn,
Parents passed and friends lost
Money blown and children grown
Health weak and romance bleak
Life has taken a sudden turn;
Happiness means not being alone.
June 15th 2014
609 · May 2014
Every Day a Yellow Bird
Shailesh Otari May 2014
Every day a yellow bird perched under my nose,
Yet I failed to notice presence of a friend close.
So smoothly in dullness how daily lives spiral
How mundane and commonplace; how banal.
609 · Aug 2014
Glory of divine Grace
Shailesh Otari Aug 2014
Glory of divine Grace
Fades away in thousand ways
Humbled Euphoria remains dazed
Before thy joyous beaming face.
580 · Jun 2014
Shailesh Otari Jun 2014
I linger at the gate
She is coming late
I can only speculate
How long to tolerate
This painful wait
Woven in my fate.

Suddenly I elate
My heartbeats vibrate
As my eyes locate
Her eyes violet
My woes abate
As lovers’ conflate.
579 · Jun 2014
Shailesh Otari Jun 2014
I imagine things that do not exist
And to those that do, I am blind
As a spew of caustic apprehension
Pervades through my mind.

I am possessed with a fear of losing
A thing much near and dear,
Or having lost it already
Or, more fiercely, not having had it ever.

Losing it would affect me
And make sour my present,
But not having had it threatens me more
Stripping off my very essence.

Did I hallucinate then
If I indeed lived in a delusion
And thought of holding the thing
So firmly in my possession?

Or am I being paranoid now
In making mountain of a molehill
When I still possess the thing with me
Unblemished, unbruised, and whole?
June 19th 2014
534 · May 2014
A Thought about Happiness
Shailesh Otari May 2014
With arms wide open
I ready to greet happiness
My upright, door opening approach
Pours through smile on my face.

Often happiness came barging in;
Perceivable, albeit tiny,
I would label and preserve it
In the archives of memory.

But unexpectedly this time
Rightly manufactured jar with wrong destination
Comes unannounced,
Laughing at my much-prepared standing ovation.

I saw how happiness needed
An environment - natural and timeless,
A welcome that is warm,
Spontaneous and limitless.

You have to let it grow inside you, you know,
And with greed it will chase
You; filling your heart and giving itself out,
defying narrow containment of archive.

Gaseous state of happiness
Is the truth most absolute
Happiness is easy to obtain
Yet always ready to elude.
Inspired by Tanvi Jadwani's blog post (
521 · Jun 2014
Groping the Elusive
Shailesh Otari Jun 2014
Cycle of life moves ahead
clouds of thoughts fog my head
weary feet reach their goal
yet dryness permeates my soul
reflecting on the path behind
dark alleys haunt my mind.

Wildest dream meant longest miles
I started with the widest smiles,
game was I, walked it all
reached here without a fall
but now I feel everything gone
sullen emptiness fills bygone.

I see no mistake
I see no wrong step
where then did I fault
why did my joy halt
and so horridly I sense
this emptiness immense?

Why did I dream such?
Why did I toil so much?
What did I get, I wonder,
in hollow reasons I wander
only to find that although I've won,
I was following the horizon.

The child in me dies
the wise in me cries
as I glance my quixotic chase
I realize my empty race
I squandered my time, lost my dough
But worse are my spirits; were never so low.
Apr 22nd 2008
498 · Apr 2014
Abyss of Disgrace
Shailesh Otari Apr 2014
Somewhere in the wild woods
Once grew a tree tall and wide,
It stood above the smaller trees
And mounds that lay aside.

The branches offered to others
Shade that was cool and calm
They cared for those they sheltered
From the wildness of a storm.

When the branches learnt that the tree was known
For the care that they provide
Swollen was their self esteem
Mighty became their pride.

The branches then neglected the trunk,
The leaves and the root,
As they thought that they were the only
Reason for the tree’s repute.

As the branches ignored
Their own roots over time
Gradually they waned away
And lost the shade sublime.

Little did the branches know,
The importance of a stable base
Losing which one falls always
In the abyss of disgrace.
493 · Jun 2014
I can't explain
Shailesh Otari Jun 2014
I can't explain what it feels like
to be alone without you;
it feels like a void
a huge gap in time
a long dark tunnel
no light until the end
and I can’t walk that far alone
without you being here with me,
because I just can’t
and I don’t know why.

I wish the time
that we were together
is back for a while
the time that was the best
for two of us to feel,
to love and smile.

And I wait patiently today
for the time to come
when we will be together
and our hands will meet
never to part
never to miss the other
and in our hearts we fill
our love so sweet.
Nov 21st 2007
489 · Jun 2014
Not this Moment
Shailesh Otari Jun 2014
Never in my dreams
was a thought so dreadful
so lonely, so aloof
neither in future one will

A feeling like this
the one in my mind
fierce and fearsome
dislike of a kind

A surge of pain
in my heart again
so yearning of the good past
as my present seems lost

My nightmare is this moment
this hour and this day
if I ever am to live again
it’s not with this moment,
not this moment...
15th July 2007
444 · Feb 2014
Jungle of Rooms
Shailesh Otari Feb 2014
There is a jungle of rooms
in which we live,
breathe, eat, sleep,
see, observe, and feel.

Some rooms are clean
and many are *****,
some are filled,
while others are empty.

In some you find people,
warm and friendly,
In others you are alone,
Bored and lonely.

In a few, you make friends
have fun and make merry,
in others you toil
drudge and weary.

And to connect two rooms
there is a door,
through which you pass
from one place to another.

When you leave a room
you can’t but help,
taking memories you gathered
and your older self.

But you cannot go back to a room
once you leave, it is for good,
yet you take some people along
as long as they are in the mood.

This is how you spend your time
every so often opening a new door,
changing rooms and moving around
gathering experiences in store.

The jungle is called life
both start and end are yours,
all you have is your own journey,
and freedom to choose the doors.
Shailesh Otari
Feb 26th 2014, 11:17 AM
Shailesh Otari May 2014
Of what use to the King is all his money
When, to play, he has no daughter?
With what else can a Pauper bother
When his daughter yearns for honey?
408 · Jun 2014
A Little Flower
Shailesh Otari Jun 2014
As I walk through a rose garden
and see a little flower,
I imagine how deeply
its aroma would shower
to fill the space
with its richness.

I wait for a while
to feel its beauty
but time goes by
and a sense of duty
makes me move on
with quickness.

It was a great feeling
but now it is past,
and I miss the moment
that went so fast
that I couldn't enjoy it
at its fullest.
March 3rd, 2008

— The End —