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seth mcbrayer Dec 2014
it seems like all of my closest friends have turned away from their beliefs and changed right before my eyes and theyre oblivious to it and see no difference in how they act and it terrifies me because what if i lose their friendship and get left alone again, alone to go back to my hurting, painful loneliness that kills me. god. i ******* hate change.

late night thoughts
seth mcbrayer Dec 2014
im really not worth much
like a penny in a parking lot
nobody really uses me or sees me
but i have some worth
and who knows, maybe ill be used
and i may be worth a lot to someone
but personally, i dont feel worth anything
im not worth much.

seth mcbrayer Dec 2014
its 3 days from christmas, and i start thinking about those who dont get anything except another meal taken away because their parents would rather spend the money to get high or the kids who get nothing but a black eye or another burn from a cigarette or the ones who get nothing except another line across their wrist and just more tears and they spend the "most wonderful time of year" in their room, hurting in some way


— The End —