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Ken Pepiton Oct 2019
As a system
I am one in all, as a matter of

not effected affection

kiss-off. Smack, the meat-mind needs a hug,
the smack
is to the fore brain, the way

a stuck energy flow was corrected in the olden days,
with a whack to the element
fecting the knot where no knot ought be, let's see

what if we see first why the flow did not slow, but

stopped. Started, stopped shush whoooeee eeeooohw

tune to the sig- not the noise,
focus hoc es

ad a tensioner here, stretch it to

touch, Art Intuition in action, ting ding music

on a thread stretched to wiggle as a wave

in a word.
What game do you wish we could play?
Let's pretend.
let's make
beliefs we can act as if we know,
life is good, we live in it.
There's plenty

more than before the war that peace won

here we are, the sons, wombed and un, off-spring of those who fathered us, each
an aspect, a spec of usness,
right-usness, save, samesame except, set that thought aside,
pass it by, save
used for good, for no other reason, ala
ars gratia artis,

for goodness sakes alive. That's it. Like
eureka, in the realm past the realm of delight. But, who would believe us
if we say we played a role in the game that

realized for goodness sake was a measure any child can re
cognize right. Soothes the soul, ol' time Sisyphus riff,

waft over the cross-road,
function junction

be real or be other

wander on, blue honey, wander on

Green Dragon in my coffee gone to lick you life's sweetest
meme seem somesame goodnessakesiself

jah knowhat I mean mean mean sharp con cise

edgey re
ality, blue con sprinkles of rust ona sea of green

life through a single sensory source comes in colors,
that ain't all the light there is to see,

ask yo' smart-tv what it sees in Ultra-superfly HD res,
you can't see.
see. it says Ultra-superfly High De-fine-itive re

to get the idea into the kids, there is more to life than what

sapient sapient pre-augmentedus had words for
or means to imagine with,

--- the gift given a knapper, there is the clue
--- reason comes in flakes, as stories spark on points of light distraction
bouncing as if chance has a role.
An ongone trip on an ***** Summer Day. Hope the flavor flows true, not a wish, a fact. Sweet persuasion prevents war.
Ken Pepiton Jun 2022
Dammed good facts,
today is a surely measurable day.
Set in the common course of human events
from the bottom,
where the world at this altitude,
is wintering, while
from the top we feel the sun, straight on
as Mohave at solstice,

such as I, as we, seeing we live in order
to live
in order to help

eh, hey, hear us near us say, we know

weyekin, ye ken, visionary wisdom wedom

poet singer sayer pre-sent, and representing
living in timespace at time's own pace, passing

Dark cold winter, time for inwalled-usness use,
we become the whole room,
sometimes, all eyes on I, the one, in the middle
- there
- being the connection, anhamartia-tic,
here and there, a web conforms to koinonical
image entonations, owls of common sorts,
and squeeking black lizards, settle in the shade,
to night we go,

onward, to mark the time, watching all the old
knowing proven,
as the sun rises and sets, facts
as measures confirm, solid-ifity convey, say
so it is, con-fide-used knowing, faith,
as we say.

We are the people who know this mystery,
we live in life, as bits of all that ever was,
by now, all that is weighted

significant from first landmarks set in times past.

some, not my we, some see life as a struggle, see
from a salmon's POV, the sense of efforting
is joy,- efforting rejoicing +
this is right, this is how I form the people,
offsprung from war wage slaves,
who **** us,
to hide the stars at night.

Humans in the future shall love water flowing
and starry story tellings
un seen in cities since the great white way
attracted the sharks into the tank.
Remove not the old landmarks,
find the way where good is, and walk therein, to when
you get there you know it for all it was.
Ken Pepiton Oct 2024
Come, discern, focus,
conceive the two degree wide,
two said sounds wide, two words wide
agon, we call the mindspace, now, in time

agged into efforting conception, we hold each
a seed within ourselves, and we have been lead
to believe we learn in real time, while we digest

suggestions from the environs, while we why away
another reason war has used to make hate, articles
of faith, he who does not hate is father and his mother,

brother, did you take the oath,
the one at a four square baptism, didja?

So, you are pretty sure there is a hell to shun,
and one unrepented will to ill treat a living liar,
such as all men just happened to be, because,

and you know its true, because
the bible says Paul read in on a…

Ode to Zeus, factcheck me, I'm good.
no liar shall enter truths spirit will
to make up minds used to making peace
in terms of loving push and pull adverarial
wonderous chaotic beautiful rushes,
or thunderous clouds of sunset joy,
during latter rains, each year.

There it was on the way into the Agon,
where mottos enforce mental engagement,
- a royal society motto,
- take no man at his word, science proves
- true the admonition.

citizens must be readers ready to read the omens,
and the letters all spelled out in Delphic chance,
to those initiates in service as translators.

As your scribe, dear patron saint, what
would your holy other than usness say to us,

as we inquire in spirit form, mere thoughts,
from words another feeds us as we think?

It is the symbol of the curious, the wise serpent,
most honed first guess, right, answers sworn
do tell, as ever before becomes thinkable,

we can imagine humans building Machu Pichu,

crow-lee squacks, waddayathankftat.
an ion on a quest, I guessed. Trusting a wild idea

— The End —