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Flesh, blood and bone nothing more nothing less
not a name, body pain or past
an organism void of idealisms
with blood rushing through of rivers vein
H2o is the flow of body rain
hearts turn to stone, programed drones
perched above in egoic thrones
break the trend and begin to mend
so all the lost men can transend
join the concousness, the state of aware
purely awakened
twisted vision upside down
occular nerves spin it around
weird to say the least
it kinda makes ya wonder
where the hell are my feets
I seem stuck to ground like some strange beast
a burdon a body an awkward cavity.
Gidgette Mar 2016
There is an entire world
Of which most are unaware
You can't touch, taste, smell, hear, or see it
But know it is there
There are invisible chains
That link us all together
It has been here since the beginning
And it will be here until forever
From womb to tomb
We are bound to others
Soul mates, found
In kinship, or lovers
We birth our future
With every kindness and every crime
Our lives are not our own
Though we deny this, all the time
Death is but a doorway
A new beginning, not an end
Through many different lifetimes
Our human souls transend
To give us the opportunity
To fix things broken, needing a mend
So if death Has taken from you
A lover, kin, or friend
Just remember a new door opened
Because death, is not the end
Latina1813  Feb 2018
Latina1813 Feb 2018
Coffee blotched wool woven seats
Impassive solidarity on your ***
Dank rapidness
Screeching scream let loose as we transend
Through bleak blackness
Thoughts stream
"Wisdom teeth dont make you any brighter"
"But Starbucks coffee makes my stomach..."
...turn left
Stale air in my every crevasse
The doors to the train open
Crowded shuffles between aged avacado quiescent places
Those weary may rest on, float on
Shallow jolted perfume
As cucumber melon intoxication erupts
On undetermined destinations
Aspiring poets gaze
Out into the open world of
Twinkling city stars
On curved paths
On dipped forks in the road
"All passengers must exit"
Crowded shuffles between aged avacado quiescent places
Those weary return home
Jack R Fehlmann  Feb 2021
Jack R Fehlmann Feb 2021
I am not here
This is not me
I am more than what
This innocent
only temporary
I need not usher in
All will come clear
As I transend
Not before then
Kelly McManus  Aug 2021
Kelly McManus Aug 2021
Whenever their dream
becomes your reality
imagine your free

           Kelly McManus
Delton Peele Aug 2023
.. ....
Comprehend and then.....
Become the chameleon....
Blend ....
Bend ..  .
Mend .. meditation.....
See the light.....
When a poet dies
people mostly
just feeĺ sad

When a poet dies
very few people
shed tears from
their eyes

They just lock away
the memory
of how the poet
made them feel
deep within the pith
of their heart

When a poet dies
few can stand to read
their words

The death a rapier
to their emotional
insights and all
their bywords

Rather they transend
the limits of their
boundries and we let
them rest in peace

— The End —