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Bob B Oct 2018
At the Saudi Arabian Consulate,
In Istanbul, Turkey, I hear
Something dreadful happened, although
Details are as yet unclear.

Saudi born Jamal Khashoggi,
Journalist for the Washington Post,
Entered the consulate knowing that
It might not be a welcoming host.

An Apple Watch might seem useless.
Khashoggi's Watch, nevertheless,
Recorded his brutal beating and ******,
According to the Turkish press.

But was it an Apple Watch, or had
Turkish authorities bugged the room?
Whatever the case, people are certain
That that’s where Khashoggi met his doom.

We know he entered the building whole.
We're waiting to hear more news releases,
For many fear that the journalist,
Exited the building in pieces.

When asked if he'd condemn the Saudis
If they had committed the ghastly deed,
Trump at first appeared reluctant
To criticize them or intercede.

The Saudis pay billions of dollars
For weapons, he said, to the USA.
And what's-his-name wasn't even
An American citizen anyway.

Later, Trump admitted that
We need a thorough investigation.
But sanctions involving money? No,
That would severely hurt our nation.

Meanwhile, the Saudis **** innocent
Yemenis with the weapons they buy,
And rectitude falls by the wayside
As bank accounts multiply.

-by Bob B (10-13-18)
L B Oct 2019
“...But Turkey is part of the story of Trump’s treachery. Erdogan, like Putin, Kim, and Zelensky, has learned that in the United States-- as in other authoritarian countries-- only one man really matters.”

I wrote this after the brutal ****** of Jamal Khashoggi. I highly suspect the timing and the players of this backroom agreement:

The timing of Khashoggi's disappearance and the release of the Evangelical pastor, Brunson are not coincidental. The players were all there and the timing in place.
Here's what I think happened:
Turkey plays middleman, gets rid of bad press and high-pressure detainee, American Pastor Brunson. Saudi Arabia gets rid of its problematic critic, the newspaperman, Jamal Khoshoggi. The United States gets Pastor Brunson back plus the huge photo-op with Trump on his knees right before the election, claiming to his evangelical base, “See what I did for you? Does that buy your votes?” Everybody gets what they want, except Jamal Khoshoggi, who is tortured, killed, and dismembered in the Saudi embassy in Turkey.
Too diabolic and smooth for Trump alone. I think Russia and high level, intelligence brokered this deal. The agreement for it came between Saudis, Trump, and Turkey's Erdogan. Russians standing just out of sight on this – waiting.
Gotta wonder what our economy is based on? More-so, the morality of our government. We should be outraged and deeply ashamed!
Feel terrible for his fiance--not knowing-- not even able to bury him.
Support the free press everywhere!

...Latest: Trump's response:

But Trump also reiterated his earlier concerns that any punishment of Saudis shouldn't impact trade with Saudi Arabia, signaling that cutting off U.S. military sales to the kingdom may not be an option.

"I don't want to hurt jobs," he said...."

Fast forward--

Now we learn a little more about what Turkey wanted from the deal.  
Open season on the Kurds, anyone?

Trump's letter to Erdogan all but threatening him to cooperate with cease-fire in Syria allowing Putin into the territory he wanted.  Not sure who actually framed Trump's words as he is a a blabbering *******.  Jared perhaps?  

The letter does Not promise reward for cooperation-- but in carefully couched words-- threatens Erdogan that he could end up like Khashoggi.  As Michael Cohen testified, “Trump never says anything directly.  Sorta like a mafia don-- everything is in code”
I know it's not poetry, and it will be removed shortly  Poets traditionally have always had a voice and a love for justice  and peace, so I post it briefly.  Any other thoughts on this?
james nordlund Oct 2019
On this anniversary of his light being snuffed,
like lady liberty's torch was scorched, bell cracked,
knell snatched decades ago, whilst his heart worx can
never be, support continuing activism for Khashoggi,
freedoms of press, speech, crticism of the oligarchy.  

His meticulous and terrorist assassination
will be an article of RumputiN/vlad-the-impaler's
impeachment, as our king-kong sized terrible-two
gave permission to Saudi's MBS to do it, in advance,
they went to Jared's for the messengering, outrageous.  

This war on freedoms, criticism of global oligarchy,
is just the tip of the global united **** of assassin's
class war against the lower-middle-class to poor,
and just part of the war machine, oiled by the blood of
non: us citizens, rich, caucasians, supposed Christians.

It's carbon bootprint is the largest, worst,
"...we(e),..." must end 'endless war'.  Yet, it's
just half of the bi-headed actual religion of most
in the united **** of assassins, the false god, mollock,
extreme violence, especially against kids, and war.

We once knew the seeds shouldn't be ground up.  The other half,
mammon, false-god of extreme wealth, greed, avarice.  Those two,
As one, are worshipped, studied behind masks of Hinduism,
Atheism, Christianity, Buddhism, etc., neither are separated
from the State as our Constitution dictates, ergo they rule.

Think people, 400 years of supposed science, a millisecond
evolutionarily, has brought humanity to it's extinction,
destroying what it took the Cosmos 18 billion years of evolution
to create, an insect damaging so much grain, an instant destroying
so much grace, please, human race be not the Earth's still birth.

Any scientist who doesn't do a full public mea culpa before posting,
with each post, to youth, communicating anything to youth on
the climate emergency is just a corporate structure convolutionary
and disciple of the religion of scientism, no more than a marketeer.
Cults aren't religions, anti-science that destroys all isn't science.

Yet you, leaving no footprints, that followed none, illimitable potential,
indivisible as life, walking in nature's balance, giving back to it's
abundance, can know "the root of all oppression lies in (supposed) science",
Gandhi, that you, leaving no footprints, no trace, that will echo on in all ways,
always, can be alival instead of survival, yet will you save life, the Earth?
Each one can reach one, teach one to turn 360 degrees around, back to the evolution and the future humanity will only have if we do; will you?   :)   reality
Ryan O'Leary  Oct 2018
Ryan O'Leary Oct 2018
Lest we forget, something
other than a poem should
be titled a Khashoggi, to
maintain Jamal's memory,
especially if one considers
why nobody ever fails to
recall Mikhail Kalashnikov.
Jamel Khashoggi RIP Istanbul
2nd October 2018 S.A. Consulate.
Bob B  Oct 2018
Just Deny It!
Bob B Oct 2018
Despite multiple accusations
Of ****** impropriety,
Trump still demonstrates
A false display of piety.
He knows his loyal fans out there
Would never, ever truly deceive him.
He denies whatever he wants
And they will all believe him.

Justice Brett Kavanaugh
Aspires for both fame and glory.
Somehow he got people to
Give credence to his manicured story.
Following Trump's slick advice,
He thought, "Hey, why not try it?
Whatever they accuse me of,
I will out-and-out deny it."

Putin said he hadn't meddled
In our twenty sixteen elections.
Although we know that Internet trolls
Were following his cunning directions.
Putin merely had to say,
"Mr. Trump, I did not do it."
That is all that Trump needed
To say to the world, "You see: I knew it."

Trump asked the Saudi king
If he had had a journalist killed
In Istanbul. That is where
Jamal Khashoggi's blood had been spilled.
The king and prince denied it. Trump,
Satisfied, said, "You see:
The king said they didn't do it.
His denial's enough for me."

Just deny whatever you've done.
That's the message we are getting.
Having to pay consequences
Can stifle your plans and be upsetting.
Just deny it, and you will have
All of your fans believing your tale.
Turn them all against the victim
To save your *** and stay out of jail.

-by Bob B (10-16-18)
james nordlund Oct 2019
Anniversary of his light snuffed by impeached

**** okaying Saudi's MBS doing it, with Jared's

messengering.  Let not his voice, like lady liberty's

torch was scorched, bell cracked, knell snatched decades ago,

be silenced, it evokes freedom, critics oligarchy, forever.
Exactly, the carbon bootprint is the largest and worst, "...we(e),..." must stop it.  Think, 400 years of supposed science, a millisecond evolutionarily, has brought humanity to it's extinction, destroying what it took the Cosmos 18 billion years of evolution to create, an insect damaging so much grain, an instant destroying so much grace, human race be not the Earth's still birth.  Leaving no footprints, that followed none, you, illimitable potential, indivisible as life, walking in nature's balance, giving back to it's abundance, can know 'the root of all oppression lies in science", Gandhi, that you, leaving no footprints, no trace, that will echo on in all ways, always, can be alival instead of survival; will you?  Any scientist who doesn't do a full public mea culpa before posting, with each post to youth, communicating anything to 'youth' on the climate emergency is just a corporate structure's convolutionary and disciple of the religion of scientism; no more than a marketeer   :)   reality
Ryan O'Leary Oct 2018
For Jamel Khashoggi
   The Eye of Allah.

                 (  *

Crescent moon asterisk
    at Saudi Consulate
       (convex retina)
Ryan O'Leary Oct 2018
Give us a reason to
make you an adjective.

A sign or a symbol
for us unimaginative!

You must not be forgotten
or their gain, be ill gotten,

Bin Salman is cruel
and his system is rotten.

So I hereby decree
for the whole world to see,

All writers take heed
let Khashoggi enlighten.
Why not christen a lighthouse
after him. Anybody out there
willing to help me on this?
Bob B  Oct 2018
A Likely Story!
Bob B Oct 2018
After two full weeks of denial
And obfuscation, the Saudis have shed
Their previous stories, admitting that now
Jamal Khashoggi indeed is dead.

The last minutes of the journalist's life
Had to be excruciating.
He entered the Saudi consulate
Where fifteen or so men were waiting.

The Saudis say a fight broke out--
A fistfight during attempted "rendition."
It's more likely the fifteen thugs
Were there in Istanbul on a mission.

It's hard to hear the Saudis' account
And NOT notice a major flaw:
A guy would take on fifteen others,
One of whom had a saw?

If the death was an accident,
Where's the body? Out with the story!
The Turks say that evidence
Shows an outcome rather gory.

Denying any involvement in
Jamal Khashoggi's gruesome demise,
Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman
Hopes the world believes their lies.

That's a "big first step," says Trump,
Sitting with some of our weapons makers.
Sanctions can't in any shape
Or form be weapons deal breakers.

Speaking about a congressman
Who had assaulted a journalist--Why?
Just because!--at a rally, Trump
Said THAT'S his kind of guy.

"The Trump Effect" is what it's called,
Encouraging other leaders to dare
To threaten the lives of journalists
And stifle free speech everywhere.

-by Bob B (10-20-18)
Ryan O'Leary  Oct 2018
Ryan O'Leary Oct 2018
Money listens, that is why
coins have heads in profile.


For Jamal Khashoggi
R.I.P. Istanbul 2nd Oct 2018.
Ryan O'Leary  Oct 2018
Ryan O'Leary Oct 2018
I am going to boycott
Saudi Arabia, so, don't
expect me to be on time
for work, the donkey is
lame and I have a river
to cross because the road
is being used for storing
abandoned trucks, cars,
caravans and school buses.
Ryan O'Leary Oct 2018
Trick or treat an easy feat
Khashoggi, by Al Saud.

Lured inside the den of death
by their deceptive fraud.

But with our nibs we will inject
what Jamel never did neglect,

We’ll force Bin Salman to reflect
upon this writer's laud.
Poets Writers Journalist of the world UNITE.
Ryan O'Leary  Oct 2018
Ryan O'Leary Oct 2018
It is a decapitated Cappuccino
which is 100% Arabica known
as an M.B.S. Moka Bin Sabre.

Pass on the term
" Moka Bin Sabre "

Coined for Muhammad Bin Salman.

Let us not forget Jamal Khashoggi.

— The End —