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RCraig David Apr 2013
Mom, at the behest of those you feel you failed to impress, let me digress.
You have accomplished more than you realize.  
You have seen the world around with your own two eyes.  
You got a Masters at the #1 Journalism Writing College in the US.  
And did so against the behest of doubters you once sought to impress.  
You survived  bouts with cancer and wrote a book about it.  
You did not waste a lifetime idolizing something worthless or unfit.  
I don’t know anyone else that has read as many pages of literary depth.  
I don’t know anyone else with which secrets are better kept.
I don’t know anyone else who can translate middle English  or drudge through the quantum physics, met the Dali Lama and mastered Ken Wilber.  
Who can cook an epic meal yet without a sprinkle of selfish?
Or effortlessly design, hand tie and smith 1000 jewelry pieces of stone and silver?  
You have contributed to and held influenced in every city and town you ever loved and lived within  
You’re paid fortunate to love someone who loves you both here and above.  
You were gifted with an old soul.  
You smile and liars fold.
You are positively inspired and influenced by the people, places and art you have witnessed.  
Their purpose, intent and why they exist.  
You raised a son who feels he won from all you’ve done but in return you asked none.

This next stage in your life will be your time to shine.  
It is your time to power back up.  
Things are about line up again.  
Before you attempt to quantify the sum of your contributions and accomplishments, look closely at the measure of the parts.
What are you gauging your accomplished-o-meter against.  
Before you answer, consider this:   This is a capitalist society.
The worth of stocks, bonds, even the paper money, all only have value because someone in power says they do so.  
Innovation is only funded based on potential profitability,
not encouraged to enrich mankind‘s forward go.  
Creating for the greater good is tougher than ever.  
It’s maddening to know hundreds of Americans win millions of lottery dollars every week, then we never hear about them again.
Or pull a slot machine level.  
They never surface a year later, having changed their community or town for the better.
I know money makes things more comfortable.
Yeah capitalism rewards margin first, I too am disgruntled.
Your season is coming again.  
Your reason to be and the how, why and when.  
You should see it out here in the Gen-X trenches.  
We are holding together the Gen-Y instant gratify on one end while maintaining morals of the World War II grinches.
There are so many media outlets now, spewing raw, unedited, shallow ideas meant only to capture my time and money.
Your noble intent, the quality of what you are trying to achieve and contribute, it has a place.  
Your cost you spent, the things you piled up, now in a storage space.  
It’s worth continues to increase.  
I want to help you during this next stage and make the last one cease.
I don’t want you to tape your hope up in a box in a storage unit for another 5 years.  
Your newest book will be revered, buy the Time to debunk Shakespeare
and prove it was Devere.
Alan Maguire  Feb 2013
Alan Maguire Feb 2013
Are my words turds ?
basically, do they stink ?
but sometimes I convince myself
and actually think

Think that they are grand,
great and gigantic
and even more awesome,
than that ocean called the Atlantic

But maybe, they're just steaming piles
of disgusting dog ****
floating in bowls of ***** dog soup

Eaten by gargoyles, goblins and grinches
and ludicrous birds known as blue berry finches

So, if you finish my book
then well ****** done

You truly are heroic
and should be crowned
Emperor of the fifth Golden Sun

You should receive ten million dollars
and the keys to un-discovered cities
be loved by mythical beasts
and fluffy white kitties

I hope you shall live for one million years
and be taught the language
used by prehistoric grizzly bears

You should be allowed to time travel
with that famous movie car
because you Sir or Madam
are truly a star
Tim Benjamin  Nov 2014
Adam & Eve
Tim Benjamin Nov 2014
God made me the way I am
And sometimes I wonder
Why God
Why would you make a man to walk this world alone with a heart the same size as the grinches...
At the end of the movie
I realize that I am only 25 and some might think that is not a long time to be without love
To them I say spend the next 25 years of your life blind
Because in 25 years I have never been able to see what beauty really is
Spend the next 25 years of your life deaf
Because in 25 years I have never been able to hear her voice
Spend the next 25 years of your life ... holding your breath
Because since the day she was born I've had a pain in my side where God stole one of my ribs
He stole one of my ribs in hopes that when I came across her
I would recognize the missing piece of me in her smile
And on that day I would be able to tell her
That I will love her as if we are the only two people on earth
Because I'm her Adam
And she is my Eve
Tommy Jackson Feb 2016
Warm and gregarious are the politicking politician's.
They give hand outs, they take back. 100 dollar plates,
1,000 dollar ties, 50,000 dollar rides, all seem innocent
Behind smiles and whitened teeth grinches. All want to
Win a race, based off of other young men's livelihood's,
Sticking poor in poorer places, down south we call that
HOOD! Small business hard working peasants are losing
Stores to affluent men, who get ****** under tables for
Favors, present day-galore. The fast food workers get an
Extra dime to spare their time, while trump, Clinton rehatch
Nixon, and communism's back in prime. Bernie Sanders about
To die, Ted Cruz speaks of God, while playing pokie-pokie
With the fallen ones mirage. Mansions get bigger, pockets
Decrease, no more Mary Magdalenes to be forgiven, beggars
Only beg for hard cash, not their food to eat. Life's become*
Moneyrichesjewels_you steal from me. I'll **** for you . don't worry uncle Sam's tax fund will keep you happy for tommorrow, don't worry, we'll get more money, from the wars and the next one we will borrow
Seema  Sep 2017
Seema Sep 2017
My breath was fading
As I lay on the ground
There came no aiding
No one was around

I've been running the entire night
Fighting the darknesses chase
Stumbling to get to the light
Insanity pondering my brains to craze

Low tone of church bells
Ring from afar east
Dragging myself to the near well
But down I saw the same beast

Hovering and groaning
Clashing its humongous teeth
Roaring and frowning
Hunger thrusting for meat

It has found me but it's weird
Crouching from behind
As I have felt and feared
Yet, it's blinded by its mind

And so as I gained my conscious
I realised it was already light
Still a bit scared and anxious
Coz there were little grinches in bright

Tho known as to be the meanest of a kind
I was in the grinchland seeking their advice
The creatures of darkness cannot find
Coz this place is magical, and
       they'll just see multiple of themselves in surprise...

Fictional write.
brandon nagley Jan 2017
As the welkins turneth grey, and the night becometh day, man fall's back to Noah's time; where sin in men

Where chain's became one's grave, whence giant's roamed the earth, making babies with lustful ladies;
Making the world their settled

As the fallen one's layed their seed, to stop ourn saviors means, as humanity calleth them God's;
In reality sickly beasts.

Men reproduced their deities, out of clay, hand-dug gold; bowing to breathless idol's, just as Christian's
Sold their soul's.

Making creatures from the pit,
Their daily water and their spit,
Knowing not the god, who
Made them in his image.

Clean clothed new world order

Bleating out for their king, O' the truth thou seekest, though the truth's unseen.

Because tis yeshua thou hath rejected, ear's made shut,
Worldly infected.

Technology and pleasures
Hath replaced the almighty
God, Jehovah, Elohim, yahweh;

Jesus his son.

©Brandon nagley
©lonesome poets poetry
©prophetic poetry.
Welkin:sky or heaven.
Becometh: becomes.
Whence: from which, or from where.
( I use it as from where).
Calleth: calls.
Means: method.( what christ had to do on the cross, he was sent down from god the father as gods son in flesh form taking on human flesh fully man/ fully god as him and his father our creator God Yahweh, Jehovah god are( one) just as father son and the holy ghost are one.) The fallen angels real goal of sleeping with women thus creating giant's as our bible speaks on many times, their main goal was to taint the bloodline that led to christs earthy parents to stop Christ from being born, though the original angels fallen angels who did that are now down in hell awaiting judgement in chain's as our bible spoke.As the fallen ones failed at stopping christs birth yet when they slept with woman of earth well put their seed into women of earth it tainted all earth DNA accept for Noah and his family.
Sickly: unpleasant especially in smell and look.
Grinches:unfriendly,, unkind person.
Bleating: of a sheep, goat, or calf) make a characteristic wavering cry.
Tis:it is
Yeshua hamashiach ( means jesus the messiah in hebrew tongue. Just as yeshua means jesus in hebrew tongue.)

Pray anyone who hasnt accepted yeshua jesus as lord and savior you will today because times truly running out to do so. Going to leave links below if you want to make jesus your lord and savior and to escape coming judgement soon to pass upon this earth.

Ps: read underneath links to if going to read them
Thanks Brandon..
Starlight Jun 2019
a whisker of tinsel
the smoked pine of Christmas
old uncle Noel is knocking on our door
so we
high jump
out the window
we are the grinches of our own celebration
burn the tree to ashen cinders
douse the smoulders in old egg nog
shout obscenery over the joyous celebration
family removal day
boxing day, ever a day early

— The End —