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Semerian Perez Aug 2012
The ground
Rumbles and cracks
As the army
Of heaven
And the army
Of hell gather
To prepare for the final war.

I stood alone
Watching and waiting
For the outcome
As swords and wings clashed
I saw many fall
But never hit the ground

Falling to my knees
I couldnt watch anymore
A voice said
I looked up
And saw something
I couldnt understand
It was a sword
The blade face down
Stuck in the ground.

I reached for it
But it burned
My hand
Gripping the hilt
Bitting back the udge to scream
I pulled it.

Holding the sword
I looked around
A black beam of energy
Tore through my chest
As I fell to my knee
I turned fast
"Now it ends!"
I scream.

Raising the sword high
I slam it into the shadow
At my feet

I hear an inhuman scream
As I back up
The shadow appears
To take form

Looking closer
It is me but darker
Laying in a pool
Of black blood.

Turning my face upward
I scream
So loud the angels and demons
Stop and look at me.

A little girl appears
Out of the shadows
Running to me she embraces me
"Thank you."
As her energy engulfs me
Before she disappears.
The demons
Back away in fear
For now I stood with the angels
The sword of my destiny
In my hands
Clad in white armor
For the final
Inner Apocolypse.
sycokitten  Nov 2011
sycokitten Nov 2011
rising action is building fast
the little details are flying past
all blurring
and defining
the new paths to take
for the stories we make
chatoic confusion
we slip into delusion
time has no meaning
info replaced dreaming
the rules are so tight
that internlay we fight
our secrets we defend
just want this game to end
bets passed round
cards laid down

no one can win
and the game begins again
Emma  Aug 2018
A shadow like me
Emma Aug 2018
A shadow like me
Its leaves are blacker than black
Against the grey sky

A cloud of billowing ash
In the aftermath

Of Vesuvius
Rain falls on cold embers
In this film noir

As my hair turns black
And clumps, black as rotten stumps
Black as mottled roots
Clung to a pale corpse

Droplets play in golden light
Then a lightning strike
The gravel sound
Angels passing on the ground

Wandering lost as moths
From light to light
My eyelids hang heavy
Ready to close me out

Phoenix in the night
Burning her broken heart
I'm standing on the walls, staring at the crossroads.
I've got a good feeling about the path I'm taking.
I'm blindfolded, but can sense my way around with means other than sight.
I've got blood that's aching to flow.
I'm cautious with my trust.
I've felt the golden grace of silent space, and I know that's my home.
I'm floating until I can shed this silly body that’s weighing me down.
I've touched the dreamer's dream and have lived it over and over time and time again.
I'm a tree with branches for others to sit on.
I've learned about the essence of true love - the unconditional care for another soul.
I'm certain that everything will unfold as it's meant to.
I've experienced too many miracles to think otherwise.
I'm exercising my right to be a human.
I've seen too many people be prosecuted for their existence.
I'm coming to terms with my immortality.
I've lost my ego and have played tug-o-war with it for lifetimes.
I'm beginning to regain what I once believed was a sacred space.
I've spent too much time dwindling down my days idly.
I'm taking off and eating the road and the New Jerusalem.
I've flown the coop west and met the holy men.
I'm considering staying put to keep monks in style.
I've climbed red rocks and felt higher than height.
I'm guessing when the apocolypse will come.
I've read Revelations.
I'm thinking it’s all in my head.
I've seen too many other me's to think that I'm dead.
I'm gonna shed my fear and fly with the birds to Heaven.
I've already grown my wings out.
I'm gonna sing with the rhythm of the wind.
I've seen her come and I've seen her go.
I'm content with her transparency in my life.
I've been the same for others.
I'm just reflecting myself back to me.
I've seen the mirror.
I'm afraid that the mirror is descriptionless -some call it "God", others "Buddha", and others "cheese".
I've written too many words that mean nothing.
I'm the embodiment of nothing.
I've scoured the nothingness for anything and thought I found something, but it was really nothing.
I'm part of the whole.
I've met the pieces and they're just like me.
I'm writing my novel word by word.
I've ran the race of tempests, and found no sanctuary.
I'm the founder of my own legacy.
I've founded my own foundation.
I'm consciousness embodied in temporary physical form.
I've painted my body.
I'm painting my mind.
I've painted a canvas.
I'm the canvas of my world.
I've decided to untie the knots of curiosity.
I'm pending on whether I should throw them away when I'm finished or not.
I've hurled passed the gas clouds at extreme speed, clarity, and tranquility.
I'm alive.
I've been born a human.
I'm blessed as could be.
I am you, and you are me.
That makes three.
Lexie  Nov 2014
poetry apocolypse
Lexie Nov 2014
go ahead and read, and then go ahead and write
put down your words, before you forget them tonight
don't keep them in your head, let them bleed into paper
write them down, and breathe them life from their maker
let the poets curse do it's work, and let it take rage
and the words let loose, boom across each fragile page
keep your words in fear ,of the hungry flames
don't let them know your lovers endless names
plural singularities and gentle rebukes
you dare not share them lest they learn refute
bind them, a slave, to a dreamer's soul
find them split and make them whole
learn their true names and wield the power
to read the poems, until the last dark hour
Francie Lynch  Jan 2016
Francie Lynch Jan 2016
My sleep is crowded
With recurring nightmares
Of failing Grade 12 French;
Standing naked and exposed;
Seeing the one you love
Love someone else;
The anxiety of an empty back pocket;
Swerving cars,
Crap falling from planes;
The inevitable chase and stumbling
Just ahead of the apocolypse.
The morning daymare news
Is definitely more frightening,
The end times more certain.

— The End —