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Nor Cal / Arizona    I write my life down in poetry : IG @sonder.rpoetry Dalisay (Available on Amazon)
never wanted love, just a fancy car.
William A Poppen
87/M/Tennessee    William Poppen is retired and spends most of his time writing poems, taking photos, and walking daily.
England    I only know I am xxx
Ryan Cripps
30/M/NY    I'm Ryan, I'm 30 years old, and I rhyme words. All writing material on this page is the sole intellectual property of © 2014-2023 Ryan ...
Giuseppi Martino Buonaiuto
Florida; Italy    Giuseppi Buonaiuto is a former commissioned officer and veteran; employed later by one of the more obscure government clandestine services. He holds numerous graduate degrees ...
Lappel du vide
everywhere    i am the fire within.
The Ripper
B'tween pen & paper    I am not a great writer, you just like to read bad poetry -
Apporva Arya
21/F/India    We live for once,if we do it right.Once is enough. Graduate,coder, mathematician,poet, daydreamer.
Kevin Michael Kappler
Illinois    Just a Man and his pen.
Skye Applebome
Stokesdale, North Carolin    Prometheus was punished by the gods for giving the gift of knowledge to man. He was sent to the bowels of the earth and pecked ...
Pepper Dove
28/F    Song lyrics and poems from my soul
Katelyn Knapp
Philadelphia, PA    Only a fool speaks softly in a time of war.
Frances Apparitions Blackheart
Horse ✞ Canyon ✞ U✞ah    ©/❤/. ✯ ☥ ‡ ✝✝✝/. ♬. /⚡☁
whiskey dipped flower
Somewhere between a beautiful mind and an unraveling tragedy
Poppy Johnson
Young and Wild
Fairly Aggressive Hippie
20/F/New York    I really like words
The Flipped Word
United States    One day, my right hand met a pen. They married, had many children and numerous quarrels since. Years later, they are still irrevocably in love. ...

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